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Iranian Chill Thread

Fool bark harder
It’s got nothing to do with you or your Gaza or any other nonsense then shut up just shut your mouth
It wasn’t a Palestinian who did it, it was Arab-Israeli so shut your mouth

Like Israel uses Arab speaking Iranians to carry out their operation this is vice versa


Arab-Israeli's killed an Israeli politician in recent Lod clashes and they are now claiming it as a special Iranian hit. God bless Iranians. :lol:
Iran and its regional Allies are the only ones in the entire Muslim world to actually help Palestinians against their Zionist occupiers( Not talking about financial support so don't come at me with "Qatar") and this "Palestinian" clown has his panties in a knot over it! what a pathetic A-rab supremist this guy is!
Iran and its regional Allies are the only ones in the entire Muslim world to actually help Palestinians against their Zionist occupiers( Not talking about financial support so don't come at me with "Qatar") and this "Palestinian" clown has his panties in a knot over it! what a pathetic A-rab supremist this guy is!

Iranian logic = Anyone who don't allow us to take credit for Holy Hamas Jerusalem uprising and courageous intervention is 'Arab supremacist'. Even though the guy himself was hated by Arabs on this forum. And even though the guy making smear routinely expresses racist views of others.

Very simple, my issue is I won't allow anyone to take credit for Holy Hamas's actions and resilience. No matter who it is. As for your people and your section, could care less. Your people came to ME section to do promotion for IR by attempting to steal credit of Holy Hamas's effort. Don't try it again.
Iranian logic = Anyone who don't allow us to take credit for Holy Hamas Jerusalem uprising and courageous intervention is 'Arab supremacist'. Even though the guy himself was hated by Arabs on this forum. And even though the guy making smear routinely expresses racist views of others.

Very simple, my issue is I won't allow anyone to take credit for Holy Hamas's actions and resilience. No matter who it is. As for your people and your section, could care less. Your people came to ME section to do promotion for IR by attempting to steal credit of Holy Hamas's effort. Don't try it again.
No one here is claiming credit for what Hamas has done on the ground. We are proud of being the ONLY country On the Face of the Earth that has directly armed Hamas and have given them the technical assistance to become self sufficient in Rocket production. this is contradictory to the claim that Iran is a sectarian country because Palestinians are not Shia yet no Sunni country has bothered to lift a finger to help arm the Palestinians directly! Don't even try to bring up Egypt or Qatar. Neither of them dare to go against their U.S overlords to try to give your Hamas one iota of the military support that Iran has put at the disposal of Hamas.
Forums are also inherently a magnet for “lifeless losers” who have ample time.

Do not spend your precious time on random unknown members for no good reason.
Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 related deaths are down in Iran. Let's hope the vaccine drive can prevent a 5th wave. I'm hearing that the Indian variant has been detected in Iran.

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Has anyone else seen this ? I'm guessing it's just an industrial accident or is there more to it ? Was it really a cosmetics factory or perhaps something more ?

Then there's the Israeli space scientist who died recently of his injuries after rioters set fire to his hotel.

With Iran there's the oil facility that recently caught fire and the Kharg resupply ship which sank recently.

As far as the Kharg is concerned, all the crew were evacuated. I'm guessing that if there are any suspicions of foul play, that Iran would not hesitate to sent divers to investigate further.

They could also try to retrieve camera footage or interrogate people who had access to the engine room, where the fire started.

The question is are these all industrial accidents, coincidences, global warming ? sabotage ? Most likely a combination of both ?

To ro khoda oon threadha ghadimi darbore daneshmandan hasteyi iran ro bala nayar. aberoo rizi hastesh. aslan bikhialesh sho dadash. makhsusan oon haroomloghme terrorist dobare baaz peydash shode.


baradar. nazaret ro mikhastam. mibinim ke dar ataash suzi ha akhir barkhi az khabargozari ha va khabarnegaraan say va talash daran ke kheyli bozorgtar az ooni ke hast jelve bedan. be nazaret in yek no khianat nist? nabayad ina peygiri ghazaayi beshan? shayad baazi az ina ham manzure badi nadashte bashan vali faghat baraye khodnamayi va khabar ro gonde kardan in kaar ro mikonan. in be zarare mamlekate. be ghole omid dana in entekhabaat gharbi yek tote az tarafe gharb hast. azaadi khabarnegaari ham yek tote hast va ma bayad jolo in ro begirim. nemigam kore shomali beshim vali baazi az khatte ghermezha rayat nemishavad.. makhsusan agar dar bore amniate melli bashad.
@Falcon29 is no Palestinian, remember the guy named @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan? That's him. He's been false flagging as him and her for years. He knows he's not a Palestinian. He is a lonely and delusional Iran hater that's all

You sure about that. :laugh:

Say it with confidence my friend. I don't sense any confidence from your likes. Say it like you really believe what you just said about me.
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