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Iranian Chill Thread

Guys look at this, this link1s.com is a link shortener site they make their money of advertising revenue, And look at this ad that they showed when they detected my IP is from the country of Iran, I also once saw a similar pop-up ad in an English news site when i wasn't using vpn. These motherfvckers are recruiting intelligence assets in Iran using pop-up ads.
Industrial accidents are extremely common, especially in the middle east with soaring temperatures in the summer, global warming etc. Realistically most industrial accidents throughout the world go unreported. They're just so common that it's nearly impossible for people without insider info to determine whether it's sabotage or a genuine accident.

When sabotage is the cause, Israeli, CIA or Saudi money is usually the root cause. However contrary to popular belief, it's often times not an Israeli or Saudi agent who conducts the sabotage but rather militant opposition groups like mko or separatist groups like Pjak. They already have agents or sleeper cells inside the country and the money just encourages them to spring into action and hit specific targets.

The only way to counter them is through aggressive counter intelligence and by increasing security. To prevent such attacks, Iranian agents have to imagine themselves in the mindset of the enemy and sometimes to prevent attacks pre-emptive action must be taken.The issue is that Iran is such a large country that it's impossible to prevent everything or foil every plot. However vital sites, like nuclear facilities, there should be contingency plans in place.

Realistically people only notice when the enemy succeeds in their various attempts but one has to keep in mind that the end goal of these foreign governments is to completely destroy and shut down the country, overthrow the government, balkanize the country. In that regard, the hostile governments and entities have failed to achieve their end goals.

People don't realize this but the US governments end goal was to bring Iran's oil exports to zero. Right now Iran is exporting pretty much just as much oil as before the sanctions. Another goal was to destroy Iran's economy, bring the nation to a halt, cause civil upheaval. They wanted to turn Iran into another Syria or Libya but this year Iran's economy is growing.

It's rather remarkable that even with some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed in human history, that Iran's economy is still growing. However nobody is going to give anybody credit for that. People will always overlook the positives and over inflate the negatives, but the truth is that most nations would not have been able to overcome these type of sanctions and this level of pressure as successfully as Iran has.

Massive Fire has broken out in Tehran refinery

This is getting ridiculous, we need a hard retaliation as soon as possible...

2 pilots
1 ship
1 rafinery
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September is when Iran's Covid-19 vaccination efforts will go into full swing. By then everyone in Iran will have access to either Iranian made or foreign made vaccines. This is according to Iran's National Coronavirus Task Force.

By June 1st, 3.7 million Iranians had received atleast one jab. By now that's approximately 5% of the population. This also means that in the last 9 days Iran has given out 1 million doses. At this rate, if distribution were to stay static, that means that by September, another 10 million Iranians will have received 1 jab.

However realistically with production and distribution of vaccines steadily increasing in Iran, that number will be much higher by September. Still Iran's vaccination efforts are far behind leading nations like the USA, UK and many EU nations, but overall it's better than most countries in the world.

Just to put this in perspective, 10 million people or less than 9% of the population have received one dose in Japan. In Brazil, 22% or 46 million have received 1 dose. Australia, 3.9 million or 15.9% of the population have received 1 jab. The UN has set an overall goal for 10% of the world population to receive 1 dose by the end of the year.

Heres footage from security cameras of the moment the fire started at the shahid tondguyan refinery.
NO sabotage,just an old tank likely suffering from an undetected fatigue crack,that finally gave way and opened up leading to the collapse of the tank,luckily the fire fighters were on the ball and got the fire under control,or it could`ve been a hell of a lot worse.
Now I'm hearing that Saudis are refusing entry to Hajj pilgrims from Pakistan who have received Chinese vaccines. This despite the fact that they have received WHO approval.

Some US Universities are also forcing people who have received Chinese vaccine to be re-vaccinated with western made vaccines. What is this vaccine discrimination ?

wow, China have vaccinated 744 million people in China so far. Incredible. Meanwhile India is stuck at 200 million. China is giving out 10 million doses a day. By the end of June China will have given out vaccine to 1.1 BILLION people.

Meanwhile Taiwan and Japan are far behind. Taiwan has only given out 600,000 vaccines to date and Japan 11 million doses or less than 10% of its population.

Sadly the Russian vaccine, has not even received WHO approval. This is due to western pressure. Independent scientific journals have already evaluated Sputnik-5 and have stated that it's efficacy rate is above 90%

Now I'm hearing that Saudis are refusing entry to Hajj pilgrims from Pakistan who have received Chinese vaccines. This despite the fact that they have received WHO approval.

Some US Universities are also forcing people who have received Chinese vaccine to be re-vaccinated with western made vaccines. What is this vaccine discrimination ?

wow, China have vaccinated 744 million people in China so far. Incredible. Meanwhile India is stuck at 200 million. China is giving out 10 million doses a day. By the end of June China will have given out vaccine to 1.1 BILLION people.

Meanwhile Taiwan and Japan are far behind. Taiwan has only given out 600,000 vaccines to date and Japan 11 million doses or less than 10% of its population.

Sadly the Russian vaccine, has not even received WHO approval. This is due to western pressure. Independent scientific journals have already evaluated Sputnik-5 and have stated that it's efficacy rate is above 90%

This is mostly about efficacy against variances. Even those who are getting mRNA vaccines, may have to take follow up shots (3rd, 4th. ...)
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Israeli scientist ( Ex head Israel’s space agency) Avi Har-Even dies of injuries

soon the member falcon29 will come and claim it was GaZa Hamas blablabla big mouths

Lol, are you delusional? He was died to old age and actions of Israeli Arabs. Are you trying to tell us Iranians rioting in Israel? It's all because events in Jerusalem. Stop making yourself look like delusional person.

You are very delusional, Israeli Arabs do something and you even try taking credit for their doings. Stay out of Palestinian conflict and get lost. Your regime is just barking cowards and so is your people. Not tough people at all unlike others in region.
Lol, are you delusional? He was died to old age and actions of Israeli Arabs. Are you trying to tell us Iranians rioting in Israel? It's all because events in Jerusalem. Stop making yourself look like delusional person.

You are very delusional, Israeli Arabs do something and you even try taking credit for their doings. Stay out of Palestinian conflict and get lost. Your regime is just barking cowards and so is your people. Not tough people at all unlike others in region.

Iranians who are resisting world's only superpower + EU + Israel + Arab monarchs for 40+ years are ' Not tough people at all unlike others in region'..... you seem to be an ungrateful Palestinian or pretending to be one, you support the Arab countries( they are tough because they sold their imaan along with your land) that sold Palestine to Israel. How more ridiculous one can get.
barking cowards and so is your people. Not tough people at all unlike others in region.
Fool bark harder
It’s got nothing to do with you or your Gaza or any other nonsense then shut up just shut your mouth
It wasn’t a Palestinian who did it, it was Arab-Israeli so shut your mouth

Like Israel uses Arab speaking Iranians to carry out their operation this is vice versa
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