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Iranian Chill Thread

Shield against NATO cannot be upheld by a NATO member state (Turkey). To even suggest this is intellectual blasphemy of the highest order.

Do you think Turkey would let you get invaded? No way.. Even if it is NATO member.. There is no stargetic value for them. It just destablises the region
@Mohamed Bin Tughlaq ..since you are an Arab I assume you do not know much about Iran so here is a few points to help you when you address Iranian related Issues:

1- Azerbaijan is sensitive issue in Iran..why. because all of Azerbaijan was Iranian for thousands of years (it was part of creation of Persia from the get go and was not some foreign land being conquered) until Imperial Russia took over part of the land and hence we have Iranian and ex-Iranian Azerbaijan.

2- Azaris are Iranian people (Aryan people) just like majority of population in Iran they are also Shia muslims that happen to speak some dialect of Turkish language. For historical purposes All Azari's are Iranian people and Part of historical Persia (I am myself half Azari from father side).

3- Armenians are a very well respected minority in Iran..They have been excellent Christian minority for hundreds years in Iran (Armenia was a conquered land in old Persia).. We Iranians do not look at them as enemy and personally I lived my younger days in an area of Tehran which was more Armenians and they are wonderful people.

So please if you are well meaning stay away from Iran sensitives issues you are not familiar with..I do not go to the Arab forum pretending I know all the details regarding the Arab issues .
Insulted Other Member/Nationality - Infraction Issued
Guys ignore the daeshi abu_sufiani Palestinian teenager.

The tazis are the most unthinkable people. They martyred Ahlubayt after martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality - Infraction Issued
Just be frank, tell us what you're going to do to Americans once "the big war of malhama" starts. You prefer not to?
He is gonna contribute by giving his tax money to the US and then that money needs to cover Zionist expenses to buy more weapons which in return will kill more palestinians.
Soft-Warning - You are a much better member. We don't expect these kind of posts from members like you.
Literally two days ago you guys wanted to send Hezbollah, PMU, Iranian service members, and .... to die in this conflict, So let's use all of what happened here as a learning opportunity and stop jumping on all bandwagons 24/7, lets stop acting like a drama queen all the time.
I did not know the resistance depended on the behaviour of some lowlife loser on a forum. Really dude !?
Just be frank, tell us what you're going to do to Americans once "the big war of malhama" starts. You prefer not to?
He is gonna contribute by giving his tax money to the US and then that money needs to cover Zionist expenses to buy more weapons which in return will kill more palestinians.
The Abdul Wahhabis are having fun in brothels while they're bombing Yemenis and strengthing stragic ties with i$rael and the their terrorist fans on this forum insult Iran.
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Man you are such a troll.. amazing :D
How is your trading going?
He was actually raised in iran and speaks farsi..I know he is hard core saddam..but some how I kind of like him...cracks me up when he calls us majoose...he is harmless..he is just too much Iraqi nationalist which is his right but being raised in iran has made him anti iran..
He was actually raised in iran and speaks farsi..I know he is hard core saddam..but some how I kind of like him...cracks me up when he calls us majoose...he is harmless..he is just too much Iraqi nationalist which is his right but being raised in iran has made him anti iran..
Bah bah dadashe shotor :D farsi ham ke baladi :D @camelguy

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