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Iranian Chill Thread

This "Feminine Homosexual" is worth a hundred of people like you!

off topic:

This guy has to be a homosexual. I mean not that there is anything wrong with that (not sure what religion of Islam says about that), but his entire body language is feminine.

Too many guys in Iran are like him now (body language wise feminine).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen this worrying trend. The men of today are nothing like the men of the jange moghadas
off topic:

This guy has to be a homosexual. I mean not that there is anything wrong with that (not sure what religion of Islam says about that), but his entire body language is feminine.

Too many guys in Iran are like him now (body language wise feminine).

His behaviors and humor are greatly diminishing his good political views and points.
I'm sure many people would be interested on many of his takes, but can't tolerate his silly, somewhat gay style.

The more famous he becomes the more annoying he gets.

I really want to punch his big nose when he repeats his "Khake Tile" comment, utter nonsense who no one understands... He needs to reform himself, he more and more looses touch with reality.

Too bad, he is on the right side overall...

No such issues with Raefipour for example...
His behaviors and humor are greatly diminishing his good political views and points.
I'm sure many people would be interested on many of his takes, but can't tolerate his silly, somewhat gay style.

The more famous he becomes the more annoying he gets.

I really want to punch his big nose when he repeats his "Khake Tile" comment, utter nonsense who no one understands... He needs to reform himself, he more and more looses touch with reality.

Too bad, he is on the right side overall...

No such issues with Raefipour for example...

Right now there is no one out in the public arena that is defending Iran and pushing back against the enemy media campaign as aggressively and effectively as Omid Dana and its a real shame that some people can't see that instead of his "feminine" mannerisms. The guy is a successful husband and father. What about that is "feminine" to you guys?
Right now there is no one out in the public arena that is defending Iran and pushing back against the enemy media campaign as aggressively and effectively as Omid Dana and its a real shame that some people can't see that instead of his "feminine" mannerisms. The guy is a successful husband and father. What about that is "feminine" to you guys?
Omid Dana , well isn't he the UFU dude ?
he is a misguided kid that only make baseless claims , well I consider his credibility in line with some guys like Raefipoor or Ravazadeh
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@Bahram Esfandiari

No worries I'm seeing that.
I'm just doing delzusi.

Raefipour is also a populist, but everyone can watch him. Some more serious patriots however will get annoyed by Omids nonsense comments in between, those gay traits are just a minor problem.

He has the right view on things, so that's why I'm doing delzusi here for him.
Two years ago I sometimes watched his material, but these days his behavior is often too much for me.
@Bahram Esfandiari

No worries I'm seeing that.
I'm just doing delzusi.

Raefipour is also a populist, but everyone can watch him. Some more serious patriots however will get annoyed by Omids nonsense comments in between, those gay traits are just a minor problem.

He has the right view on things, so that's why I'm doing delzusi here for him.
Two years ago I sometimes watched his material, but these days his behavior is often too much for me.
delsuzi Not delzusi
I am not bothered by Omid Dana's style at all. That's just the way he is. And I can't care less about it as long as he makes sense.

The problem is that he rarely makes sense anymore and he's becoming too conservative which completely ruins the main reason that he became popular: his independent, neutral analyses. His analyses have become too one-sided. There are plenty of well-educated smart Iranians that can produce better videos than him. It's such a shame that Iranians abroad are so afraid of speaking their minds because of the opposition groups that he is the only voice that defends Iran outside of Iran.
whats the use , unless we manage to produce our chips our companies cant fill the space and we had to let other countries step in instead instead of using our companies to fill the void
China can replace the Korean companies for now. This kind of tit-for-tat moves are absolutely necessary for business.
China can replace the Korean companies for now. This kind of tit-for-tat moves are absolutely necessary for business.
they can replace but that won't bring any benefit for us . that is bring employment for chinese workers instead of koreans . i rather the jobs goes to Iranian workers
they can replace but that won't bring any benefit for us . that is bring employment for chinese workers instead of koreans . i rather the jobs goes to Iranian workers
It's not about benefit for Iran at this point. It's about punishment for the Koreans. Iran is an important market. We are the world's 18th most populous country and we're an upper-middle income country. Banning LG and Samsung will have an impact on these two companies, even if not much.

I would rather see the money go to the Chinese than the Koreans, until we could produce microprocessors on our own. Meanwhile even now we are capable of designing and producing home appliances on our own, minus the microprocessors. So, it will boost our local economy and prevent our foreign exchange reserves to go to the pocket of people who abandoned business with us for a retard like Trump.

And we can always allow them to return later. When it comes to home appliances, the client has more leverage than the producer. But banning them for a few years is an excellent decision.
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