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Iranian Chill Thread

This Program made me to look around and here is what is the talk of the town in the Russian sites. Iran should pay close attention:

There appears to be a coordinated action between Ukraine and Turkey (both allies under nato direction) to start two simultaneous wars :

Ukraine will light up the Donbas conflict (already moved forces to the area) and bring the war to Crimea. (russian armour is on its way to Crimea..large convoys video already out)

Turkey and Baku republic will invade the southern part of Armenia to connect Turkey to Baku republic (they apparently have made a historical claim on the land and made a flag for it too!!)..Nato using Armina president Pachiniyan for his last act to sabotage/neutralize Armenia defences. Syria will be made hot again to further make Russia/Iran busy .

Iran moving troops to Armenia border makes sense as per this report. The start of operation is conditional to the drying of the land in few weeks...We may see some action soon.:undecided:

Neither of these things will happen.

Turkey is in process of mending relations with Egypt and Israel. It has been isolated by the Arabs, Jews, and can’t afford to tick off the Russians or Persians.

Turkey has no long term strategy besides trying to reach Ottoman Empire like status. That’s not a strategy that’s a dream. None of Turkish proxies (Turkmenistan, Azeribajian, Sunni militias) can wage extrajudicial warfare like Iran and its proxies.

If Turkey tries to capture that strip of land, Iran will move peacekeeper force in. Turkey knows this. Iranian intelligence can also supply Kurds in restive provinces of Turkey to inflict slow methodical pain like how Iran helped the Taliban in Afghanistan last few years.

Again, just not worth it for Turkey and Iran to butt heads. While historically they are rivals. They have shared interests and economic interests that overlap.
Iranian intelligence can also supply Kurds in restive provinces of Turkey to inflict slow methodical pain like how Iran helped the Taliban in Afghanistan last few years.

Dude you wanking so hard. In my last visit to this Iran forum, I saw also another imaginary things about discussing to launch missiles from Yemen to Turkey. I don't know what is the source of such a vast imagination. And you have a lot of prejudices about Turkey and an unnecessary anger. Turkey and Iran, two ancient states struggling for the interests in the region. There are points where they can understand each other and disagree. However, there is nothing more stupid than seeing ownself as the absolute ruler of the region. Come, visit to Turkey. We are not a kind of a country which Iranians would hate. On the contrary, the Turkish people are eager to do what is necessary in their neighborhood to solve many of the problems faced by the Iranian people.
Now that we see weekly reports coming in from Israel of current and ex officials within its security institutions about how Iran is scoring all kinds of technological breakthroughs and now is a military power to reckon with, ex-Mossad chief Efraim Halevy says that Israel should try to talk to Iran:

This is not a coincidence guys. Seems like Israel, now that it has grudgingly been forced to accept Iran as a regional power, is reaching out to it.
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Dude you wanking so hard. In my last visit to this Iran forum, I saw also another imaginary things about discussing to launch missiles from Yemen to Turkey. I don't know what is the source of such a vast imagination. And you have a lot of prejudices about Turkey and an unnecessary anger. Turkey and Iran, two ancient states struggling for the interests in the region. There are points where they can understand each other and disagree. However, there is nothing more stupid than seeing ownself as the absolute ruler of the region. Come, visit to Turkey. We are not a kind of a country which Iranians would hate. On the contrary, the Turkish people are eager to do what is necessary in their neighborhood to solve many of the problems faced by the Iranian people.

First of all I travel to Turkey and lived in Turkey, my family can speak turkish. So your analysis is worth less than the dirt underneath my feet.

It is clear that Turkey has created its own problems in the region (pissing off the Arabs and blasting the Jews) yet their policy is inconsistent with no long term outlook. Now they are trying to reestablish relations with Israel and Egypt. That isn’t the by product of a sound long term strategy.

And I have gone on record saying Turkey and Iran don’t have true problems and are merely engaged in normal competition. What you quoted is merely options I listed if Turkey and Iran relations were to detoriate. (Unlikely)
Now that we see weekly reports coming in from Israel of current and ex officials within its security institutions about how Iran is scoring all kinds of technological breakthroughs and now is a military power to reckon with, ex-Mossad chief Efraim Halevy says that Israel should try to talk to Iran:

This is not a coincidence guys. Seems like Israel, now that it has grudgingly been forced to accept Iran as a regional power, is reaching out to it.
They are at the 5th stage of grief:

2- anger
3- bargaining
Took them 42 years to accept that the Shah is gone and a new iran is borne. Lol ...slow learners
They are at the 5th stage of grief:

2- anger
3- bargaining
Took them 42 years to accept that the Shah is gone and a new iran is borne. Lol ...slow learners

What do you do when you threw everything at your enemy within the realms of possibility but the latter just absorbed all of your punches, and even managed to increase its own punching power in the process? Indeed, you grudgingly accept the new reality.

So what will Israel do now that it has found out that Iran can't be cracked?

They are likely going to bolster their strategic deterrence. Reports that it is expanding its nuclear facility at Dimona (biggest construction in decades) and some other events all point out to this. This change in strategy also likely means a more defensive posture by it.

Anyway. The old days of Israel cherishing illusions about defeating Iran are long over.
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What do you do when you threw everything at your enemy within the realms of possibility but the latter just absorbed all of your punches, and even managed to increase its own punching power in the process? Indeed, you grudgingly accept the new reality.

So what will Israel do now that it has found out that Iran can't be cracked?

They are likely going to bolster their strategic deterrence. Reports that it is expanding its nuclear facility at Dimona (biggest construction in decades) and some other events all point out to this. This change in strategy also likely means a more defensive posture by it.

Anyway. The old days of Israel cherishing illusions about defeating Iran are long over.

As the the other Israeli article put it, there is no destroying Iran and there is no destroying Israel there is merely “competition” to have leverage over the other one and establish deterrence.

Baring a color revolution in Iran, Iran isn’t going anywhere. And with israel under US/NATO protection....Israel isn’t going anywhere. There is merely competition.

Both Have to accept the other will continue to exist and compete. Basically Pakistan v India type situation.

But the days of outsiders threatening Iran with war are over. The only thing that can destroy Iran today is itself.
خوب پس یعنی هنوز راه اندازی نشده دیگه. ساخت یه راکتور هسته‌ای جدید دست کم 4 تا 5 سال زمان می‌بره، اما بعید می‌دونم با توجه به شرایط بین المللی و پیشینه ما در کند بودن زودتر از 10 سال بشه. بعد تازه باید لوله کشی کرد و اون آب رو به روستاها و زمین‌های کشاورزی رسوند که حتی اگه موازی هم پیش برن همون 10 سال خوش بینانه‌اش هست

یاور جان، تونستن روی کاغذ با تونستن در عمل جدا از هم هستن. روی کاغذ ارتش افغانستان حتی یک هفته هم نمی‌تونه جلوی نیروی نظامی ایران مقاومت کنه. اما چون ایران هیچ متحدی نداره هیچ وقت نمی‌تونیم درست پاسخی به این جوجه‌های تازه سر از تخم در آورده بدیم

اما از حقوق خودمون که می‌تونیم دفاع کنیم؟ مرز با افغانستان رو دیوار بکشیم، مهاجرین افغان غیرقانونی که بیش از 3 میلیون شدن رو از ایران اخراج کنیم، اجازه ورود/خروج کالا به/از افغانستان از مرز خودمون رو ندیم و کمک‌هایی که به افغانستان می‌کنیم رو قطع کنیم

بعد هم تو مرزهای دیگه افغانستان آشوب ایجاد کنیم، نیروهای محلی رو تقویت کنیم و علیه دولت مرکزی مسلح کنیم

اینها دیگه حداقل کارهایی هست که می‌شه کرد. من می‌دونم ایران از قدرت منطقه‌ای بودن فقط ادعاش رو داره و نمی‌شه ایران رو با ترکیه مقایسه کرد، اما وقتی کشوری انقدر از خودش ترس نشون بده که حتی ضعیف‌ترین کشور منطقه ازش باج گیری کنه باید فاتحه اون کشور رو خوند. امروز افغانستان هست، فردا ترکمنستان و بعد آذربایجان و بقیه

برای توجیه ارزش این کار هم یه نگاهی به وضعیت مردم سیستان و بلوچستان بنداز که همه زندگیشون رو به خاطر یه مشک نمک نشناس از دست دادن. خیلی‌هاشون حتی برنج خالی که شده کیلویی 30 هزار تومن هم نمی‌تونن بخورن. زندگی خودت رو در نظر بگیر، فکر کن همه سرمایه و دارایی‌هات رو از دست بدی و هیچی برای کار کردن نداشته باشی. این داستان اون کشاورزها و دامپرورهای بدبخت سیستانی هست که به خاطر خشکسالی همه سرمایه کار و زندگی خودشون رو از دست دادن و هیچ کسی هم به دادشون نمی‌رسه

وظیفه حکومت پاسداری از منافع ملی و دارایی مردم هست. اگه این کار رو در مورد افغانستان نمی‌تونند بکنند، پس این همه ادعا و سر و صدا جلوی آمریکا برای چی هست؟ سیستان پاشنه آشیل امنیتی ایران هست که بخش زیادی از ناامنی اون جا به خاطر بیکاری و فقر هست. آیا امنیت ملی ارزش پاسخگویی به افغانستان رو نداره؟

ارمنستان باز هم جنگ بعدی رو می‌بازه و باز هم ایران نقش هویج رو خواهد داشت

ویرایش: خوب پس بنابر این پارپوینت افغانستان داره 4 متر مکعب بر ثانیه بیشتر از سهمیه ما بهمون آب می‌ده؟ اگه اینطوری باشه که مشکلی نداریم باهاشون پس​
Not exactly. Don't forget it's for normal year for more than 10 year there was a draught in middle east.
Yes it was less severe in Afghanistan but because of that we didn't even get that 22 cubic meter per second.
اولین فروند از سوخو 30 های خریداری شده از روسیه امروز در همدان فرود آمد.در مراسمی با حضور مقامات رسمی دولت روسیه قرار است این جنگنده در تهران رونمایی شود.

The first of the Sukhoi 30s purchased from Russia landed in Hamedan today. The fighter is scheduled to be unveiled in Tehran at a ceremony attended by Russian government officials.



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اولین فروند از سوخو 30 های خریداری شده از روسیه امروز در همدان فرود آمد.در مراسمی با حضور مقامات رسمی دولت روسیه قرار است این جنگنده در تهران رونمایی شود.

The first of the Sukhoi 30s purchased from Russia landed in Hamedan today. The fighter is scheduled to be unveiled in Tehran at a ceremony attended by Russian government officials.

Where did you find this buddy?
Saw these photos of a show staged for kids in a very poor area in the outskirts of Tehran....Kids and crowd look somewhat "orientals"..who are they.....Afghan Hazara!!..Tajick !!...must be an immigrant community ..great to see them being cared for by Iran .. does anyone inside Iran know??

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