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Iranian Chill Thread

no need to do anything

the idiot is waiting for negotiation, we should just ignore him,

our desalination Oman Sea water ( Phase-3 ) has aleady finished so his got nothing to bargin with
کی تموم شده؟ ویدئویی که گذاشتی گفت تازه شروع شده که؟ بعد تازه مناطق شهری رو فوقش بشه سریع آبرسانی کرد، مناطق روستایی که تمام کشاورزی و درآمد مردم اون منطقه بیشتر در مناطق روستایی هست رو چی؟

واقعاً خجالت آور هست که جمهوری اسلامی حتی توانایی پاسخ دادن به افغانستان رو هم نداره. کاشکی دست کم در اندازه مرسی تو جریان مصر و اتیوپی غیرت به خرج می دادن. یه سال افغانستان رو کامل تحریم کنند، افغانی ها رو بندازن بیرون، راه های ارتباطی با افغانستان رو ببندن و مرزهای افغانستان رو ناامن کنند و از افغانستان فقط برای قاچاق دلار و پولشویی استفاده کنند حساب کار دست اون اشرف غنی با اون صدای مسخره اش میاد. وقتی قیمت بنزین تو افغانستان 5 برابر شد می فهمن​
کی تموم شده؟​
the Phase-3 aleady finished

Phase 4 is the one which is under contraction

the phase 4 more important because nuclear reactors we need for Desalination,
since 2015-2016 there is been negotiation with China over construction Two reactors in Makran Sea

no busher, i am look Salehi the Atomic cheif to posted Desalination reactor ( اب شیرین کن )
ساخت ۲راکتور هسته‌ای در ساحل مکران

Busher reactor already doing Desalination for Bushehr province and the second and third reactor by 2023 will all do Desalination

بهره‌برداری از مرحله نخست آب شیرین کن نیروگاه اتمی بوشهر

در مراسم بتن‌ریزی واحد ۲ نیروگاه اتمی مطرح شد؛
صالحی: تا سال ۱۴۰۶، سه هزار مگاوات برق هسته‌ای خواهیم داشت


واقعاً خجالت آور هست که جمهوری اسلامی حتی توانایی پاسخ دادن به افغانستان رو هم نداره.​

you wrong we can give Ghani very hard security and economic slap.
but the question is Afghanistan worth it ?
remember you talking Islamic Republic here not Erdogan Turkey or bully in neighborhood, Islamic Republic is not reactionary
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There needs to be an extra tax on everything that goes to Afghnestan.... especially on petrolium products....even if Iran doubles its petrol pices...they still have no choice but to buy from Iran...... it will be a good lesson on not being so ungrateful
well first Afghanistan needs to be sued on breech of contract. hirmand water have been divided previously
Iran have an allocation of 22 cubic meter per second in a normal water year

the Phase-3 aleady finished

Phase 4 is the one which is under contraction

the phase 4 more important because nuclear reactors we need for Desalination,
since 2015-2016 there is been negotiation with China over construction Two reactors in Makran Sea

you wrong we can give Ghani very hard security and economic slap.
but the question is Afghanistan worth it ?
remember you talking Islamic Republic here not Erdogan Turkey or bully in neighborhood, Islamic Republic is not reactionary
خوب پس یعنی هنوز راه اندازی نشده دیگه. ساخت یه راکتور هسته‌ای جدید دست کم 4 تا 5 سال زمان می‌بره، اما بعید می‌دونم با توجه به شرایط بین المللی و پیشینه ما در کند بودن زودتر از 10 سال بشه. بعد تازه باید لوله کشی کرد و اون آب رو به روستاها و زمین‌های کشاورزی رسوند که حتی اگه موازی هم پیش برن همون 10 سال خوش بینانه‌اش هست

یاور جان، تونستن روی کاغذ با تونستن در عمل جدا از هم هستن. روی کاغذ ارتش افغانستان حتی یک هفته هم نمی‌تونه جلوی نیروی نظامی ایران مقاومت کنه. اما چون ایران هیچ متحدی نداره هیچ وقت نمی‌تونیم درست پاسخی به این جوجه‌های تازه سر از تخم در آورده بدیم

اما از حقوق خودمون که می‌تونیم دفاع کنیم؟ مرز با افغانستان رو دیوار بکشیم، مهاجرین افغان غیرقانونی که بیش از 3 میلیون شدن رو از ایران اخراج کنیم، اجازه ورود/خروج کالا به/از افغانستان از مرز خودمون رو ندیم و کمک‌هایی که به افغانستان می‌کنیم رو قطع کنیم

بعد هم تو مرزهای دیگه افغانستان آشوب ایجاد کنیم، نیروهای محلی رو تقویت کنیم و علیه دولت مرکزی مسلح کنیم

اینها دیگه حداقل کارهایی هست که می‌شه کرد. من می‌دونم ایران از قدرت منطقه‌ای بودن فقط ادعاش رو داره و نمی‌شه ایران رو با ترکیه مقایسه کرد، اما وقتی کشوری انقدر از خودش ترس نشون بده که حتی ضعیف‌ترین کشور منطقه ازش باج گیری کنه باید فاتحه اون کشور رو خوند. امروز افغانستان هست، فردا ترکمنستان و بعد آذربایجان و بقیه

برای توجیه ارزش این کار هم یه نگاهی به وضعیت مردم سیستان و بلوچستان بنداز که همه زندگیشون رو به خاطر یه مشک نمک نشناس از دست دادن. خیلی‌هاشون حتی برنج خالی که شده کیلویی 30 هزار تومن هم نمی‌تونن بخورن. زندگی خودت رو در نظر بگیر، فکر کن همه سرمایه و دارایی‌هات رو از دست بدی و هیچی برای کار کردن نداشته باشی. این داستان اون کشاورزها و دامپرورهای بدبخت سیستانی هست که به خاطر خشکسالی همه سرمایه کار و زندگی خودشون رو از دست دادن و هیچ کسی هم به دادشون نمی‌رسه

وظیفه حکومت پاسداری از منافع ملی و دارایی مردم هست. اگه این کار رو در مورد افغانستان نمی‌تونند بکنند، پس این همه ادعا و سر و صدا جلوی آمریکا برای چی هست؟ سیستان پاشنه آشیل امنیتی ایران هست که بخش زیادی از ناامنی اون جا به خاطر بیکاری و فقر هست. آیا امنیت ملی ارزش پاسخگویی به افغانستان رو نداره؟​

Looks like the roaches are at it again!

ارمنستان باز هم جنگ بعدی رو می‌بازه و باز هم ایران نقش هویج رو خواهد داشت​
well first Afghanistan needs to be sued on breech of contract. hirmand water have been divided previously
Iran have an allocation of 22 cubic meter per second in a normal water year

ویرایش: خوب پس بنابر این پارپوینت افغانستان داره 4 متر مکعب بر ثانیه بیشتر از سهمیه ما بهمون آب می‌ده؟ اگه اینطوری باشه که مشکلی نداریم باهاشون پس​
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For some of those naive indiciduals who criticize my stance that Qatar is an growing ally of Iran and future partner, should read the above to see why Qatar can never break away from Iran and why their relationship is poised to grow especially with recent China-Iran pact (especially with the cancerous Saud regime in power)

For some of those naive indiciduals who criticize my stance that Qatar is an growing ally of Iran and future partner, should read the above to see why Qatar can never break away from Iran and why their relationship is poised to grow especially with recent China-Iran pact (especially with the cancerous Saud regime in power)
What a hypocrite lol You claimed "Qatar is in Iran's pocket". Now you're saying that Qatar is a "growing ally" of Iran and a "future" partner. Apparently even you have realized what a baseless thing you had said earlier that now you're changing it and trying to give it some validity by citing an article from a website that focuses on the energy market. lol Qatar is closer to Turkey than it is or will ever be (in the foreseeable future) to Iran. Period.
ارمنستان باز هم جنگ بعدی رو می‌بازه و باز هم ایران نقش هویج رو خواهد داشت
Baa inhameh nofooz "pan" faheshegaan, dast IRan kheili mahdood khaahad bood... Dafeh ghabl, aadam kho haa daashtan raah zani mikardand va laastik khodro sooraakh mikardand, va dighar kesaafat kaari haa.

For some of those naive indiciduals who criticize my stance that Qatar is an growing ally of Iran and future partner, should read the above to see why Qatar can never break away from Iran and why their relationship is poised to grow especially with recent China-Iran pact (especially with the cancerous Saud regime in power)
The news about IPP is very good news...if/when it starts will be a game changer for Iran gas exports...might even bring India back to the picture. ...
What a hypocrite lol You claimed "Qatar is in Iran's pocket". Now you're saying that Qatar is a "growing ally" of Iran and a "future" partner. Apparently even you have realized what a baseless thing you had said earlier that now you're changing it and trying to give it some validity by citing an article from a website that focuses on the energy market. lol Qatar is closer to Turkey than it is or will ever be (in the foreseeable future) to Iran. Period.

Qatar is in Iran’s pocket/circle vs the Saudi pocket. And growing Ally and future partner means economic interests and increased trade yes. Are you dense? Probably since mommy and daddy pay your education and your desperate to get Canadian citizenship so you can get somewhere in life.

The natural gas energy market is Qatar’s life blood if you bother using your brain cells. If you read the article you would know that Iran has been rapidly developing its side of the Gas field in PG at the expense of Qatar. Iran holds significant leverage over Qatar here if Qatar ever were to try to inflict damage to Iran. Qatar’s life blood is that field.

Anyway back to my point Iran has yet to have a “partner and ally” that Qatar can be. All of Iran’s current allies (Valenzuela, Iraq, HZ, Syria, Houthi’s) are cash strapped and barely functioning in their respective governments. Qatar doesn’t need handouts from iran and represents a developed country that is standing on its own feet with substantial reso and not embroiled in civil conflict (Iraq and Lebanon) or economic conflict (Venezuela) or war (Syria, Houthis)

And if Turkey had such a dominant hold on Qatar then why is Turkey beginning negotiations with a Egypt and distancing itself from the Muslim Brotherhood? trying to normalize relations with Israel again? Qatar is a firm Muslim brotherhood supporting country.

It’s because Erdogans policy of “zero problems with neighbors” has had Turkey piss off every country in the Middle East. Now they are trying to reconcile with Anti Muslim Brotherhood Egypt and get in bed with Zionists because their economy is suffering and they are isolated.

But of course all this is over your head. You see Turkey everywhere. Maybe your girlfriend was stolen by a Turkish man or something.
The news about IPP is very good news...if/when it starts will be a game changer for Iran gas exports...might even bring India back to the picture. ...

Yes, the world is moving to clean energy and natural gas will play a large part. Iran 2nd in the world in natural gas reserves....do the math...notice how Western media only talks about Iran’s oil and never about its natural gas....there is a reason for this. Iran holds significant sway over Qatar because of the shared gas field.
Some interesting remarks by the former chief of IDF's military intelligence regarding Iran today.

Why Iran is keeping its agreement with China a secret:

''20% of China’s energy is imported from Iran. There are secret annexes to the China-Iran deal which are already happening, but the deal has not been publicly finalized so as not to anger the Saudis.”

Claims that Bavar-373 (and/or its upgrade version) will be put operational in Syria:

''However, he discussed Iran’s new strategic deal with Syria which he said will eventually bring to them an Iranian version of the S-300 or S-400 antiaircraft missile system.

At that point, Israel may no longer have the same operational freedom in Syria that it currently has.”

Why Israel can't keep attacking Iran and that Iranian satellites will soon be able to observe Israeli moves:

“Still, Ze’evi-Farkash said using force by itself is not a long-term solution. “We cannot repeatedly attack them [like with Iraq’s and Syria’s nuclear programs]. They are too smart, have too many precision-guided missiles, and will soon have satellites to watch us just like we watch them.”

Also claims that Iran has institutionalized its nuclear knowledge:

“Moreover, he said that the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program and knowledge are spread out widely and defused among its dozens of universities.”

Looks like the roaches are at it again!

This Program made me to look around and here is what is the talk of the town in the Russian sites. Iran should pay close attention:

There appears to be a coordinated action between Ukraine and Turkey (both allies under nato direction) to start two simultaneous wars :

Ukraine will light up the Donbas conflict (already moved forces to the area) and bring the war to Crimea. (russian armour is on its way to Crimea..large convoys video already out)

Turkey and Baku republic will invade the southern part of Armenia to connect Turkey to Baku republic (they apparently have made a historical claim on the land and made a flag for it too!!)..Nato using Armina president Pachiniyan for his last act to sabotage/neutralize Armenia defences. Syria will be made hot again to further make Russia/Iran busy .

Iran moving troops to Armenia border makes sense as per this report. The start of operation is conditional to the drying of the land in few weeks...We may see some action soon.:undecided:
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