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Iranian Chill Thread

Were the vessels totally sunk and the cargo lost or were they being poked with holes but still managed to get to port and deliver cargo?

There was definitely some material damage to the ship itself, but reports have stated that the ship is still sailing on to its destination.
ANother dellusional lie. US cant turn Taiwan into CHina's Vietnam because of geography!! for US to turn Taiwan into a vietnam for China, US will have to spend so much resources that US just doesnt have.

FINALLY! Americans wont die in large #s for Taiwan- if u are ready to bet money PM me.
I do remember reading an article where the US was advising Taiwan to deal with China in the exact same ways that IRGCN have and continue to deal with USN. All of the tactics that were developed and made famous by IRGC and the term asymmetric warfare was used many times; only thing that was not mentioned was the name of the inventor IRGC. In a roundabout way, the Pentagon was advising Taiwan that the only chance they would have against China is if they fight like IRGC! lol I also doubt US would get into a war over Taiwan either, but they would probably pour resources into taiwan to make it into heavy grinder for China, especially if they utilize the other tactics.
There was definitely some material damage to the ship itself, but reports have stated that the ship is still sailing on to its destination.
But in the billions of dollars worth of damage to the ships? Does that include some of the cargo? Short of all the vessels totally sinking, how could it reach that magnitude?
Were the vessels totally sunk and the cargo lost or were they being poked with holes but still managed to get to port and deliver cargo?

For “billions” in damages to be rendered the ships would have been attacked and confiscated. But reports don’t get into too much detail. A hole in even 20-30 tankers wouldn’t cost billions in damages. And striking an oil tanker is too risky if you miss in open sea and leak oil into the ocean/sea.

Also it starts to make sense why Europe went out of nowhere and captured an Iranian oil tanker 2 years ago which led to Iran capturing a British ship.

It seems this was happening covertly by Israel and when Europe and US tried to get involved in this shadow war, Iran determined enough is enough.

Because it was quite strange that “all of a sudden” an Iranian oil tanker to Syria gets captured at request of British authorities. At the time we didn’t know there was a shadow war going on in this arena between Iran and Israel.
I do remember reading an article where the US was advising Taiwan to deal with China in the exact same ways that IRGCN have and continue to deal with USN. All of the tactics that were developed and made famous by IRGC and the term asymmetric warfare was used many times; only thing that was not mentioned was the name of the inventor IRGC. In a roundabout way, the Pentagon was advising Taiwan that the only chance they would have against China is if they fight like IRGC! lol I also doubt US would get into a war over Taiwan either, but they would probably pour resources into taiwan to make it into heavy grinder for China, especially if they utilize the other tactics.

But in the billions of dollars worth of damage to the ships? Does that include some of the cargo? Short of all the vessels totally sinking, how could it reach that magnitude?

Taking Taiwan is not easy. US has been arming it to the teeth to raise the cost of capture.

And I believe Taiwan is one of the few countries in the world to have an underground airbase and it is capable of holding 200 fighters.

I have advocated for smaller versions of this base in Iran for Iran’s future interceptor fleet aka “underground mountain Air Force cities”.

Anyone that thinks China can just bomb Taiwan to victory must then also accept then US could bomb Iran to victory. Clearly neither case is true. Bombing can only get you so far (ask Israel how much it has stopped Iran in Syria)

So China would need to do a land assault on Taiwan and establish multiple beachheads.

I don’t care if your China, US, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union....taking a big island that is fortified against land invasion is a costly and intensive effort.

Add all of this to the geopolticial fall out that would commence (it would make Russia taking back Crimea look like child’s play) and I can’t see China committing this act any time soon. Possibly if a world war were to break out then China would move to secure Taiwan. But President Xi does not strike me as military adventurist.
For “billions” in damages to be rendered the ships would have been attacked and confiscated. But reports don’t get into too much detail. A hole in even 20-30 tankers wouldn’t cost billions in damages. And striking an oil tanker is too risky if you miss in open sea and leak oil into the ocean/sea.

Also it starts to make sense why Europe went out of nowhere and captured an Iranian oil tanker 2 years ago which led to Iran capturing a British ship.

It seems this was happening covertly by Israel and when Europe and US tried to get involved in this shadow war, Iran determined enough is enough.

Because it was quite strange that “all of a sudden” an Iranian oil tanker to Syria gets captured at request of British authorities. At the time we didn’t know there was a shadow war going on in this arena between Iran and Israel.

That shadow war between Iran and Israel regarding attacks on shipping vessels starting late 2019 was an extension of the larger maximum pressure campaign of the United States. In fact, it was Iran that increased the ante in the summer of that year when it targetted oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and months later conducted an attack on Saudi oil facilities as a counter-pressure. It's likely that Israel subsequently repaid Iran in kind at the behest of the Americans and Saudis, while at the same time trying to strike a blow against Iranian interests in the Levant.

This shadow war also explains why Russian naval ships eventually started to escort Iranian tankers on their way to Syria from 2020 onwards.

Israel moved brazenly at that time because it operated on the approval of the Trump administration and under the protection of the American security umbrella. Iran was simply overstretched as it was being pressured from all sides: protests within Iran itself that not coincidentally happened at the same time as Israel initiated its maritime attacks on Iranian oil tankers; Iraqi protests that started in late 2019 as well which were being hyped up by anti-Iran propaganda and included attacks on Iranian factories and diplomatic buildings; Soleimani's assassination that seriously threatened the security framework that Iran had set up in Iraq; etc.

It's clear the US/Israeli/Saudi alliance (the UAE quickly withdrew from this axes when Iran threatened to strike its two largest cities in the summer of 2019) went all-in during the last year of Trump's first term and likely banked on Iran's complete implosion. The fact that Iran has managed to survive the maximum pressure era is nothing more than a miracle. It is a matter of counterfactual history to ask ourselves if Iran would have eventually survived four more years of Trump, but it stands to reason that it would've been extremely difficult.

But the Trump administration has now been put in the dustbin of history. The maximum pressure campaign failed to achieve what it intended to do: the downfall of the Islamic Republic. The anti-Iran ideologists that where placed in the higher ranks of US' security institutions on the recommendation of influential Jewish donors like Sheldon Adelson, like Pompeo, Bolton, Haspell, Cohen-Watnick, D' Andrea, have all been gone. The Biden administration now, while not cherishing any love for the Iranian government, will prioritize its great power competition with China. This is a set-back that is increasingly kicking in with the likes of Israel and Saudi.

But Iran hasn't forgotten, let alone forgiven, the actions that threatened the foundation of the Iranian Republic.

What we are seeing currently in the Middle East, and will see for the coming months/years, is an effective Iranian counter-offensive on numerous terrains: widening of its nuclear program (happening at the moment; advancing its missile program (happening at the moment); stepping up attacks on Israeli ships in a wide area (Persian Gulf + Indian Ocean); initiating a relentless bombing campaign on Saudi infrastructure (happening at the moment); etc.

The fact that the maximum pressure campaign has not only failed big time, but has also emboldened Iran up to the point that Israel is now facing a strategic setback of epic proportions, is a reality that has effectively kicked in among the upper echelon of the IDF and Mossad. Just look at how all these (former) high-ranked figures within the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet have suddenly come out to scream murder and blame Netanyahu for the impending doom:

That's why, my dear compatriot, we shouldn't sell ourselves short and fall into negativity. This decennium will be one of Iranian triumph; a feature which the Iranian nation is going to achieve through nothing more than sheer resilience and ingenuity.
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List of news websites that use the phrase “Iran backed Houthi militia/insurgents “ consistently:

- Fox, cnn, nbc, cbs, wsj, Bloomberg, and a lot more

#رسانه دستوری
I do remember reading an article where the US was advising Taiwan to deal with China in the exact same ways that IRGCN have and continue to deal with USN. All of the tactics that were developed and made famous by IRGC and the term asymmetric warfare was used many times; only thing that was not mentioned was the name of the inventor IRGC. In a roundabout way, the Pentagon was advising Taiwan that the only chance they would have against China is if they fight like IRGC! lol I also doubt US would get into a war over Taiwan either, but they would probably pour resources into taiwan to make it into heavy grinder for China, especially if they utilize the other tactics.

But in the billions of dollars worth of damage to the ships? Does that include some of the cargo? Short of all the vessels totally sinking, how could it reach that magnitude?
THe game changing question obviously in this China Taiwain issue is this - Does China have the military logistical capability and tenacity to make a move and have a succesful plan? HELL YES. China can surround and quarantine Taiwan....please remember PLA has huge resources at hand, both in equipment and manpower, surrounding, invading Taiwain will just be like a one of us goign for a week long vacation - itll be a bit expensive, but it wont break your bank. China can fund a Taiwan war, and hian is probably willing to pay a few trillions of $ to get Taiwan back.. All odds are on China's favor and time and current context all disadvantage US and Taiwan. US wont fight and die for Taiwan, i already know that. if Japan tries to save Taiwan, China will break Japan up. AT this current moment, i believe it is naive and unwise to think the PLA isnt capable of large missions at the moment..CHinese have succeeded to date in all fields, so why not the military one in Taiwan??

Yall think Taiwan's morale wil lbe high during a war defending against a much larger, richer, determined, outnumbered, out teched, out geographed, out committed China?? SOME OF YOu are going to get big surprises soon. Screenshot this. Already US hasnt been able to save Philipines from 200 PLAN militia boats that have cornered a Philippino Island...currently ongoing atm.
hi dear friends,here i attached a link of an iranian famous economist which is interesting to me.it's related to the houthies.......i reccomend all of you to read it
Our dear friends in Arabia Felix (Yemen) didn't stand still last night.

Petroleum products distribution station hit in Saudi province of Jizan:

Claims that Iraqi militias have started to amass near Saudi's border with 1.400 missiles:

There is not a single interception footage for these attacks. Jizan refinery is hit based on Saudi civilian footage. No interception footage.

I am saying this for the next time that someone claims:
The KSA ADs are 99% effective.
There is not a single interception footage for these attacks. Jizan refinery is hit based on Saudi civilian footage. No interception footage.

I am saying this for the next time that someone claims:
The KSA ADs are 99% effective.

American ADS are highly effective against Scud derivative missiles that has a history of going back to 1990 gulf war.

A scud the missile body stays intact during travel thus showing up on radar much easier, slower re entry speed which means that interceptor has plenty of penalty energy to match missiles trajectory and in most cases Saudi Arabia is firing 2 interceptors.

As for the drone attacks, I have said time and time again it is very difficult picking these up. Even Russians have had trouble with simple off the shelf quad copters in Syria.

Quds force is gaining valuable data on American batteries such as patriot and THAAD to fine tune Iranian missiles and drones.
American ADS are highly effective against Scud derivative missiles that has a history of going back to 1990 gulf war.

A scud the missile body stays intact during travel thus showing up on radar much easier, slower re entry speed which means that interceptor has plenty of penalty energy to match missiles trajectory and in most cases Saudi Arabia is firing 2 interceptors.

As for the drone attacks, I have said time and time again it is very difficult picking these up. Even Russians have had trouble with simple off the shelf quad copters in Syria.

Quds force is gaining valuable data on American batteries such as patriot and THAAD to fine tune Iranian missiles and drones.

Eight ballistic missiles too.
No interception footage.

Era of anti-scud defense was 1990s.
Eight ballistic missiles too.
No interception footage.

Era of anti-scud defense was 1990s.

You do realize a lot of interception footage is posted by civilian population? Syria doesn’t post all their interception footage either and many is civilians recording.

It depends on the missile, its re entry speed, it’s anti interception measures, at the end of the day it comes down to how much x energy the warhead can spend while still re aligning with the Target versus how much x energy the interceptor can spend while still having enough energy to get the kinetic kill. It’s really that simple.

You aren’t going to be able to hide the damage a 250-500kg warhead does. Satellites will pick it up. So if a missile successfully hits an oil facility it’s not something that can be hidden.
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