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Iranian Chill Thread

Trump rhetoric in six months:

“I neutralized ISIS under my administration but they regrew under “sleepy Joe” administration again and are killing people everyday. Once again “sleepy Joe” has shown his soft incompetence in never ending ME wars.”

“I managed to make a deal with Taliban that “sleepy creepy Joe” could not maintain. Taliban is killing out troops again. We are pulling out like a loser. We were winning Afghanistan war under my administration.”
naah, pretty sure he'll be in prison by then.
Iran is pushing the US westwards:

That’s why Iran military commanders stressed in the last few weeks that presence in the Red Sea is highly strategic to Iran.

It seems they knew about US plans for a while and Makran is one of the answers.
Makran-2 is under construction too, as well as 3 other Makran type ships planned to be constructed or developed in a fast pace as Ayatollah Khamenei ordered.
What lol come on? you seem to be proud that indonesia is a puppet of US imperialists. Joke is on you.
duhh, we did it based on laws, unlike Iran.

why would even they cover the ship names???, what are you guys up to???

@Indos bro, this was Indeed an unfriendly gesture from Indonesia, especially when you see we are engaged with Zionists hence trying to break American blockade.

Every country has dark hours in its history, the hours that hepls you recognize friends from enemies. Indonesia is on the list of our enemies since now. Although its not what I like to say but its what your government did. I see Korean voice coming out of Indonesian mouth. You gone low man, a Korean lacky at the moment. Unfortunate to say the least but i hope you are prepared for its consequences. A little game of tankers has just began
ohh yes, there are many Iranian tankers sailing in Indonesian straits, you want Hormuz style action???, we'll give you Malacca strait options. wink 😆
Alot of people may be blinded to this fact but a massive war could break out in the middle-east. The Iranian militias are initiating provocations that could lead to massive war that alot people may not understand or see coming.

Riyadh drone attempt was a major escalation and people took notice. This would ignite the Middle east and that place it is like gas if you ignite it once the whole place burns. The Saudis may have not wanted war initially but they would have no choice but to exit the cursed Yemeni UN brokered ceasefire and exit all UN workers dropping leafets to Sanaa and other areas to begin bombing it indiscriminatingly and then proceed to invade Iraq together with NATO arab (UAE, Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait, Tunisa and Sudan) They could mobilize the manpower needed to even invade further into Iranian territories.

In my honest opinion due to the provocations the situation is reaching almost a point of no return. It could draw Pakistan into this as well since they have defense ties with the gulf countries. All of this could come true wallahi it just needs couple of miscalculation and the whole place ignites completely with war and once that door is opened it will not close and once it ends another external big war could follow.

Normally in this age and time everyone sits on the sidelines and watches but once something big ignites it draws everyone in and could result in something far bigger then anyone is anticipating.

The guaraante of this happening is if Iran fails to rein in it's rogue foreign blacklisted elements they could escalate things beyond what they initially desired and opening the pandora box which unfortunately won't close until someone is invaded completely and dethroned.

Specifically in this age and time as it could engulf the whole world from a single miscalculation.

This General truly explains it perfectly and I time-stamped for you
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@Indos bro, this was Indeed an unfriendly gesture from Indonesia, especially when you see we are engaged with Zionists hence trying to break American blockade.

Every country has dark hours in its history, the hours that hepls you recognize friends from enemies. Indonesia is on the list of our enemies since now. Although its not what I like to say but its what your government did. I see Korean voice coming out of Indonesian mouth. You gone low man, a Korean lacky at the moment. Unfortunate to say the least but i hope you are prepared for its consequences. A little game of tankers has just began

I still believe it is merely due to illegal oil transfer, nothing serious for Iranian vessel, but that Panama vessel will get punishment with its attempt to dumb the oil into our sea after getting caught.

It is only law enforcement activity. We also did the same with US ally, Taiwan, in the same day.

Riyadh drone attempt was a major escalation and people took notice. This would ignite the Middle east and that place it is like gas if you ignite it once the whole place burns. The Saudis may have not wanted war initially but they would have no choice but to exit the cursed Yemeni UN brokered ceasefire and exit all UN workers dropping leafets to Sanaa and other areas to begin bombing it indiscriminatingly and then proceed to invade Iraq together with NATO arab (UAE, Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait, Tunisa and Sudan) They could mobilize the manpower needed to even invade further into Iranian territories.

They don't have the political will, competence or ability. All these Arab armies couldn't even eradicate the Houthis from their heartland; let alone try to make a push towards Iran's borders. The Gulf will be flattened long before any so-called Arab-NATO power could muster

By the way, another day and another ballistic missile flying over Riyadh today.
They don't have the political will, competence or ability. All these Arab armies couldn't even eradicate the Houthis from their heartland; let alone try to make a push towards Iran's borders. The Gulf will be flattened long before any so-called Arab-NATO power could muster

By the way, another day and another ballistic missile flying over Riyadh today.

It is not so much about abilities. They have the weaponry, economy and the manpower to sustain even a long campaign that could continue for 20-50 years but I don't even think it will take that much maybe 4-6 years. Yemen is a civil war and with UN ceasefire brokered there is still mercy in their hearts for the people of yemen but that is until their patience is over.

Militarily they can runover Iran. It will hold for some years but such wars are meant for grinding because the modern warfare is based on such realities. It's not like I will abolish you with one missile? The reality is just not like that but reality modern warfare will go on for years and meatgrinders by definition.
It is not so much about abilities. They have the weaponry, economically and the manpower to sustain even a long campaign that could continue for 20 years but I don't even think it will take that much. Yemen is a civil war and with UN ceasefire brokered there is still mercy in their hearts for the people of yemen but that is until their patience is over.

Militarily they can runover Iran. It will hold for some years but such wars are meant for grinding and will get grinding because the modern warfare is based on such realities

They can't do a damn thing and they know it.
These people have fought over 100.000 wars in the past in the last 1400s years no nation has done that before. Just because an old senile man said it doesn't make it a fact war. Once they announce and go in they are formidable. Only Egypt alone could be a huge pill to digest forget but added the rest. It is a tall mountain in reality

I'm not going to entertain your delusional fantasies over here. The Arabs are in no position to undertake any large-scale operation without destroying themselves in the process.
I'm not going to entertain your delusional fantasies over here. The Arabs are in no position to undertake any large-scale operation without destroying themselves in the process.

We can agree to disagree..

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