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Iranian Chill Thread

Why aren't akhoonds being monitored by the authorities? There needs to some sort of oversight as there is very real potential for infiltration into the religion from outside and create more messes like that cult they created a hundred years ago and whose adherents are typically associated with treason.

It's not as if clerics enjoyed an exemption from being monitored. Don't believe that. In the Islamic Republic there's even a Special Court for the Clergy. Also don't forget the demotion of grand ayatollah Shariatmadari at the beginning of the Revolution, a rather unique event in the history of Shia Islam.

The notion that just because you are a cleric or just because you externally appear religious, security agencies will blindly and stupidly let you access sensitive positions or areas without any verification is a fallacy.

When it comes to deviant cults manufactured from within the religion, authorities are vigilant as well. There's no chance of anything like the emergence of Babism or Bahaism happening today without authorities intervening.

Now as concerns this particular focus by liberals and supporters of the Rohani administration on Imam Hassan (as) in recent years, it's an eminently political ploy by which these people attempt to provide a religious justification for their soft stance towards the west and for their submissiveness to pressures.

These liberals must be stopped. Not only do I hope they'll be defeated at the upcoming presidential election, but also that their defeat will usher in their definitive sidelining from major decision making positons.

On a sidenote, those who claim all problems are stemming from people who sport a beard, while citing as an example their speculation that bearded infiltrators facilitated the martyrdoms of sardar Soleimani and Dr. Fakhrizadeh, are quick to forget that those great martyrs themselves used to have beards and were very religious people. Spies will always adapt to the environment they operate in, this much should be obvious to everyone... If the norm among government officials and civil servants was to be clean shaved (like prior to the Revolution), then guess how spies amongst them would look? Right, they'd be clean shaven too.
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Agree and with the beards the main point isn't' opposition to them but rather that a beard and aqeeq ring and tasbih and certain behaviour should make people even more skeptical because our culture is certainly mature and experienced enough through the wisdom of ages to be careful with people who really fit a certain role or character too perfectly.
Also, clergy in the country need to be made to incorporate a bit more nationalism and all "pan" movements and preaching for them, even subtly, should be very quickly and harshly dealt with.

This is a very enjoyable interview, still listening to it as I share the link.
Agree and with the beards the main point isn't' opposition to them but rather that a beard and aqeeq ring and tasbih and certain behaviour should make people even more skeptical because our culture is certainly mature and experienced enough through the wisdom of ages to be careful with people who really fit a certain role or character too perfectly.
Also, clergy in the country need to be made to incorporate a bit more nationalism and all "pan" movements and preaching for them, even subtly, should be very quickly and harshly dealt with.

This is a very enjoyable interview, still listening to it as I share the link.

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Do you think Russia and China want Iran to come out of the "sancions-isolation"? I think probably China does (as energy importer and being a confident economical power seeing Iran as export market), but Russia can't be trusted because they have some interests which differs or even collides with Iranian interests. Russia also hoped trump to win. That's why I'm not that sure if they will even want to sell fighter jets to Iran. And we need it urgently ASAP else we can't retaliate against the enemy or defend ourself fully without a strong airforce. The airdefence gap which we had is indeed alsmost closed, however our airforce is very very weak and we can't be a firm power without a strong airforce.

Iranian and Chinese interests are more connected. I even must say Iran should look as much as possible towards Chine for anything it wants to buy or import, even passenger planes. White westerners and jews will possibly put bombs inside planes if they sell it to Iran. Then they will check who steps inside the plane and they will let it explode above ocean if there is any important scientists among the passengers.
Rouhani administration is pro west. China approach to Iran, but I don't think Rouhani really interested. He prefer EU.
It's all going to come down to a number of variables. I believe that Russia will sell Iran fighter jets but only if the deal is profitable enough on their end.

For example if Iran asks to purchase 20-40 fighter jets, then Russia can easily be swayed by the US and Zionists. However if Iran asks to purchase 100+ fighter jets, tanks, helicopter parts, perhaps technology transfers for Armata, SU-57, long term cooperation, then that's a different story.

Russia's economy isn't exactly booming and if we're talking about a deal worth tens of billions, perhaps over 100 billion, I do not see Russia refusing Iran.

China is also another option, however when it comes to passenger planes, China has a long way to go before they have a viable platform that Iran and other countries can depend on.

For the near future I see Iran buying Boeing and Airbus planes. Like I said, those companies are not doing well right now, so certainly Iran can squeeze an excellent bargain out of them.

In the future, Iran can perhaps cooperate with countries like Russia, China to build its own passenger planes, but in the near future, realistically, Iran's best option is Boeing and Airbus.

As for the Americans planting bombs in the passenger planes they sell to Iran, I'm sorry but I see that as being a little far fetched. Any plane / product that Iran purchases from the west will be thoroughly inspected, so I don't think it will be an issue.

As for fighter jets, yes China's j-10/J-11 are both decent options, however Russia is still ahead of the game when it comes to jet engines. I've heard that the Chinese have actually surpassed the Russians in other fields like avionics / radar, but as the saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding" China's stealth jets are powered by Russian jet engines.

You know an interesting option would be for Iran to purchase various parts from Russia, China and build its own hybrid SU-27 copy. For example, get the blueprints for the J-11 from China, built the airframe in Iran, then buy the jet engines from Russia and the avionics, radar from China and cobble them together.

However realistically i don't see either Russia or China cooperating with Iran in such a manner. Russia will surely set a precondition that Iran must buy complete fighter jets from them in order to make any kind of deal.

If a deal with Russia does go through, most likely it will include an initial batch of fighter jets being built in Russia, delivered to Iran, while simultaneously Russia helps Iran setup assembly lines inside the country to produce a portion of the jets in Iran.

Anyways, only time will tell what the future holds. Let's wait and see.

Another Houthi victory in Yemen: Video by Ansar Allah which shows assaults by the Houthis on several positions of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia in the region of Najran.

The Saudis have effectively been expelled from the northern tip of Yemen near Najran.

This is so humiliating for the Saudis. The 4th largest military budget on earth, higher than Russia. They have an excellent airforce, the best weapons money can buy, Abrams tanks, LAV armored vehicles, modern artillery, satellite intelligence, UAVs, etc but they're absolutely useless on the field.

I swear, without air superiority, the Houthis would easily sweep through Saudi territory and take Mecca, Medina and Riyadh within weeks. Even without air superiority, if the Houthis just had enough missiles, air defense systems and drones, they could do it.

The Saudis have essentially lost this war. The entire world knows it. It's just that MBS cannot and will not accept defeat. However I'm not sure which is worse ? Just admitting defeat or being humiliated over and over and over again and again and again. Unbelievable.

Honestly after the war in Yemen is over, Iran should consider sending a few hundred Houthi fighters to Syria. I'm pretty sure they would liberate Idlib without a few days. LOL

Another operation near Jizan

Facts check:
China fighter jet were powered by Russian engine before, not any more. New fighter jets have been using domestic engine for quite some years.
Your info is outdated.
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China still imports turbofan engines from Russia and has some ways to go before it's jet engines can match what Russia produces.

"To be sure, China still imports turbofan engines from Russia as it struggles to perfect domestic alternatives such as the WS-10B and eventually the powerful WS-15"

"However, the appropriation strategy remains constrained by bottleneck technologies due to lack of testing data and industrial ecology. This problem is starkly illustrated by China’s ongoing difficulty in producing a high-quality indigenous jet engine... The problem of technology mismatch, at its root, is that the thief lacks trade secrets and human capital associated with the manufacturing and assembly of a system"

"While China appear to have had little problem with aerodynamic and avionics development, reliable, world-class jet engines have thus far eluded them."

Rouhani administration is pro west. China approach to Iran, but I don't think Rouhani really interested. He prefer EU.

Facts check:
China fighter jet were powered by Russian engine before, not any more. New fighter jets have been using domestic engine for quite some years.
Your info is outdated.
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China still imports turbofan engines from Russia and has a long way to go before it's jet engines can match what Russia produces.

Come on. No wonder so many Iranians in west brainwashed.
Don't use notorious national interest website, or forbes as reference.
National interest is so low, it's hardly can be called propaganda. National interest == VOA.

China has been using WS-10 for many years. 100% made in China. No imported parts at all.
WS-15 is on the way, on par with CFM56-7.

Your info is not only outdated, but lack of knowledge.

Don't talk about technology which you have no clue.
"It’s not clear why though it likely has to do with China’s inability to make jet engines... Although China has made great strides in manufacturing aircraft, it has struggled with designing high-performance afterburning turbofan engines, especially subfields such as metallurgy."

"It’s not clear why though it likely has to do with China’s inability to make jet engines... Although China has made great strides in manufacturing aircraft, it has struggled with designing high-performance afterburning turbofan engines, especially subfields such as metallurgy."

Enough BS.
WS-10 is everywhere you can easily find in China fighter jet.
If you choose to believe rumor instead of facts, no wonder Iranian in west like you brainwashed so easily.
that's not fighter jet engine at all. not after burner engine.
let me put it this way.
China is a developing country, invaded, humiliated for 100 damn years.
China back on her feet, struggle to survive, and prosper.
New China was sanctioned, embargoed, surrounded by rivals, enemies since 1949.

We have some shortcomings, sure. US has shortcomings as well, not a single country can do everything in real world.

China can produce WS-18 for Y-20 large military transport aircraft. Which means we can do C-919 engine as well.

The thing is, C-919 is not military jet, it's civil one. You have to get airworthiness certificate from EU and US, such as FAA. Otherwise it's hard to sell C-919 overseas.

Also WS-18 is not as mature as western CFM-56, it totally ok for military, but not as good as Leap engine, such as fuel efficiency, reliability, maintenance and so on.

But it's safe to say, China is the only country out of western world, which can produce almost everything all by herself.

China military assets all made in China. Including engines, electronic systems, navigation systems, avionics system.

We don't rely on any western countries on military. We were/are embargoed for damn 70 years, and we managed to do all by ourselves.
When it comes to producing fighter jets and specifically jet engines, there are only a handful of nations that are competitive in that field. China has come a long way in the last 2 decades, there's no doubt about that. However at the end of the day the WS-10 is still a copy and the best jet engines that China produces simply do not stack up against the best that western nations or even Russia currently produce. China still has some ways to go. That's nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary, you should be proud of how far China has come in such a short period of time.

that's not fighter jet engine at all. not after burner engine.
let me put it this way.
China is a developing country, invaded, humiliated for 100 damn years.
China back on her feet, struggle to survive, and prosper.
New China was sanctioned, embargoed, surrounded by rivals, enemies since 1949.

We have some shortcomings, sure. US has shortcomings as well, not a single country can do everything in real world.

China can produce WS-18 for Y-20 large military transport aircraft. Which means we can do C-919 engine as well.

The thing is, C-919 is not military jet, it's civil one. You have to get airworthiness certificate from EU and US, such as FAA. Otherwise it's hard to sell C-919 overseas.

Also WS-18 is not as mature as western CFM-56, it totally ok for military, but not as good as Leap engine, such as fuel efficiency, reliability, maintenance and so on.

But it's safe to say, China is the only country out of western world, which can produce almost everything all by herself.

China military assets all made in China. Including engines, electronic systems, navigation systems, avionics system.

We don't rely on any western countries on military. We were/are embargoed for damn 70 years, and we managed to do all by ourselves.

Its rather funny that for an article that has in its title: "Here's How Joe Biden Could Revive It[the jcpoa]",it seems to be almost completely lacking in any ideas on how this could actually be done.Predictably its just simply more of the same tired old western platitudes and pie-in-the-sky bullsh!t,ie long on fake optimism and short on vital critical details,especially on the detail of the sort of real guarantees that the west would have to provide to ensure that yet another right wing us regime could not effectively sabotage the deal few years down the line.
I suspect that they`re hoping that rouhanis desperation to try and savage something of his reputation from this debacle will lead to him happily returning to the original deal sans any need for western guarantees or compensation for its past bad faith dealings.
I think it shows that either some western and iranian politicians were[are] still so desperate for a deal that they simply didnt care about any of the really important details,or that the west simply played some very gullible iranian politicians in the hope of buying time so that something else would come along ie regime change,which would ensure that the west would either not have to make any real concessions or to have to live up to the ones that they had previously made.
When it comes to producing fighter jets and specifically jet engines, there are only a handful of nations that are competitive in that field. China has come a long way in the last 2 decades, there's no doubt about that. However at the end of the day the WS-10 is still a copy and the best jet engines that China produces simply do not stack up against the best that western nations or even Russia currently produce. China still has some ways to go. That's nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary, you should be proud of how far China has come in such a short period of time.
Thanks. I am not blindly patriotic. I am just saying the facts.

US has better engines than China for sure.

British Rolls-Royce has civil engine which is on par with GE in some category, but not in the category in CFM-56.

France Safran has military engines with dry thrust 50.04 kN and 75 kN (17,000 lbf) with afterburner. not i CFM-56 category neigher.

Russia has engines like Klimov RD-93MA with try thrust 50.4 kN and 85.6 kN with afterburner. Also Saturn AL-31FL with dry thrust 74.5 kN, and 122.58 kN (27,560 lbf) with afterburner on par with CFM-56.

Russian engines covers a large range of thrust, including the engines for smaller fighter jet, JF-17, su-30, civil jet, and large military transport jet.

By and large Russia is military independent, so Russians have to develop their own engines all by themselves. While France, British doesn't.

China is exactly the same as Russia. We have to and managed to develop our own engines, all of them. From smaller thrust, to very large thrust.

Engine cost a lot of time, as well as money, experience. China is late comer, sure. But catching up very quickly.

I would say, China and US will be the most advanced engine producer in next decade. Because we invest a hell a lot money and engineers.

China investment covers all range of thrust as well as new technologies, such as
Adaptive Versatile Engine

But regarding ws-10, it's good enough and better than AL-31FL. WS-15 is on par with CFM-56 7.

WS-15 will take anther several years, but so far everything on track.
Thanks. I am not blindly patriotic. I am just saying the facts.

US has better engines than China for sure.

British Rolls-Royce has civil engine which is on par with GE in some category, but not in the category in CFM-56.

France Safran has military engines with dry thrust 50.04 kN and 75 kN (17,000 lbf) with afterburner. not i CFM-56 category neigher.

Russia has engines like Klimov RD-93MA with try thrust 50.4 kN and 85.6 kN with afterburner. Also Saturn AL-31FL with dry thrust 74.5 kN, and 122.58 kN (27,560 lbf) with afterburner on par with CFM-56.

Russian engines covers a large range of thrust, including the engines for smaller fighter jet, JF-17, su-30, civil jet, and large military transport jet.

By and large Russia is military independent, so Russians have to develop their own engines all by themselves. While France, British doesn't.

China is exactly the same as Russia. We have to and managed to develop our own engines, all of them. From smaller thrust, to very large thrust.

Engine cost a lot of time, as well as money, experience. China is late comer, sure. But catching up very quickly.

I would say, China and US will be the most advanced engine producer in next decade. Because we invest a hell a lot money and engineers.

China investment covers all range of thrust as well as new technologies, such as
Adaptive Versatile Engine

But regarding ws-10, it's good enough and better than AL-31FL. WS-15 is on par with CFM-56 7.

WS-15 will take anther several years, but so far everything on track.
those are Iranians live in west.
I knew quite a lot of people live in Iran. I knew Iran very well. There are Iranians patriotic, there are Iranians pro west. Same as Chinese.
It's fine.
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