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Iranian Chill Thread

@The Eagle Sir, may I ask why my thread titled "QueerZ: Being LGBT and Zoroastrian" was deleted? I did discriminate against Zoroastrians for supposedly being "more" prone than anyone else to LGBT propaganda. In fact, in a detailed follow on post, I actually discussed at length how the global oligarchy's agenda is taking aim at every single community, nation, religion etc.

Also, if my thread is outright deleted, why not also delete (instead of merely locking it) the following topic by "Shapur Zol Aktaf", which contrary to mine was clearly provocative against a particular religious community (Muslims), since the o.p. altered the title of the proposed video to falsely suggest Islamic law authorizes homosexualism : http://defence.pk/pdf/threads/junai...or-sexual-expression-of-lgbtq-muslims.676301/

Thanks for your time.
Shapur got banned for that. You didn't get banned for it. So, I think you have no reason to complain about how things went.

As for Zoroastrians, please do not come here and insult Iranians. Zoroastrians are Iranian people and we do not appreciate it.
Shapur got banned for that. You didn't get banned for it. So, I think you have no reason to complain about how things went.

As for Zoroastrians, please do not come here and insult Iranians. Zoroastrians are Iranian people and we do not appreciate it.
Just ignore him bro. He suddenly came and started talking nonsense about Iranians.
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Just ignore him bro. He suddenly came and started talking nonsense about Iranians.
Another wannabe suicide bomber.
He seems to defend Iranians on other threads, but he apparently defends only the Islamic regime of Iran, not Iran.
He seems to defend Iranians on other threads, but he apparently defends only the Islamic regime of Iran, not Iran.
His loyalty is not to all Iranians. But to a select few.

At first i thought he was pretty OK but he went nuts.
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Shapur got banned for that. You didn't get banned for it. So, I think you have no reason to complain about how things went.

I'm genuinely interested in discovering the rationale presiding over the decision to leave his provocative thread against Islam stay while the one I created was deleted, despite the fact that my aim was to discuss the oligarchy's attack against every community - Zoroastrians being just one example particularly relevant to Iranians, hence susceptible of having them pay greater attention to the overall problematic. Not complaining, only genuinely enquiring for information.

The reason I ask is above all because my follow on comment in reply to user adonis, did include a synthetic yet comprehensive exposure of the global oligarchy's project in the realm of society and culture. That post, which I was particularly happy with, got lost in the process, which is quite a pity.

As for Zoroastrians, please do not come here and insult Iranians. Zoroastrians are Iranian people and we do not appreciate it.

Didn't insult anyone. Had you read my comprehensive follow on comment alluded to above, you'd understand what the aim of the topic was.

Besides, it was "Shapur Zol Aktaf" who started this with his brazen double standards and disingenious attempts to portray Muslim and Islamic oriented Iranians as somehow apologetic towards "Jews". He adopts an extremely harsh tone against the Islamic Republic for failing to prevent the martyrdom of hajj Qassem and the act of sabotage at Natanz - as if resistance against bloodthirsty enemies as powerful and malicious as the zio-American axis comes for free and can be achieved without casualties, and as if hajj Qassem was not a practicing Muslim himself. At the same time, he minimizes the threat posed by Netanyahu to Iran's very existence and claims the zionist entity is practically invincible.

If you cannot see the blatant, shameless contradiction nor the hazardous nature of this type of ranting, in which another user (namely "Cthulu") is actively engaged as well, then I'd warmly invite you to carefully and honestly think about it. I'm confident that you are intelligent enough to realize how dangerous a generalization of this stance is for Iran's survival.

He seems to defend Iranians on other threads, but he apparently defends only the Islamic regime of Iran, not Iran.

I'm again confident once more that you are intelligent enough to discern the fact that the fate of Iran, her civilization, her people and the fate of the Islamic Republic (there's no "regime" in Iran, please don't reproduce the propagandistic terminology and code-words in use by western and zionist-controlled media) happen to be inextricably glued together, whether one likes it or not.

So defending the IR in present circumstances equals defending Iran, because the regime change agenda of the zio-American block aims not only at toppling the IR but also at destroying the country and its territorial integrity for good (much like the same cabal managed to destroy Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Libya etc).

This is something Iranians would gain in considering, just as they would gain to understand that nonstop bickering and lashing out at the IR or its leadership (more than they actually lash out at Iran's main enemies, and by that I mean not second-rate puppet regimes and useful idiots of Tel Aviv and Washington, but Tel Aviv and Washington themselves) are not going to be of any help to Iran, on the contrary this kind of mindset will only serve Iran's existential enemies, those whose goal is not just to "regime change" but to wipe Iran off the civilizational and geographical maps.

To me, such attitudes tend to show that the propaganda of Iran's enemies, whether spread by BBC/VOA/Manoto/Saudi International or by "social media" and the internet, has been successful insofar as it influences even some of the more patriotic but secularist Iranians aware of the fact that the west and Isra"el" are hostile to their people and nation, considering that these same media and their creeping, nefarious influence have managed to set the standards by turning IR-bashing into a norm among said segments of Iranian public opinion.

His loyalty is not to all Iranians. But to a select few.

Because when you guys deride IRGC officers, proceed to ill-wishing your Leader or take aim at Muslim Iranians like "Shapur Zol Aktaf" does (while trying to hijack the memory of Qassem Soleimani or Iran's nuclear scientists, all pious Muslims actually, to further his agenda) you are being "loyal to all Iranians"? Are you sure?

He is a suicide bomber. Pretty sure of this.

Insult + libel, reported.
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I'm genuinely interested in learning about the logic which presided over the decision to leave his provocative thread against Islam stay while the one I opened to discuss the oligarchy's attack on every community - Zoroastrians being just one example particularly relevant to Iranians, hence susceptible of having them pay greater attention to this general problematic, was deleted. Not complaining, only asking.

The reason I ask is above all because my follow on comment in reply to user adonis did include a synthetic yet comprehensive exposure of the global oligarchy's project in the realm of society and culture. That post, which I was particularly happy with, got lost in the process, which is quite a pity.

Didn't insult anyone. Had you read my comprehensive follow on comment alluded to above, you'd understand what the aim of the topic was.

Besides, it was "Shapur Zol Aktaf" who started this with his brazen double standards and not particularly sound attempts at portraying Muslim and Islamic oriented Iranians as somehow apologetic towards "Jews", adopting an extremely harsh tone against the Islamic Republic for failing to prevent the martyrdom of hajj Qassem and the act of sabotage at Natanz (as if resistance against foes as powerful and malicious as the zio-American axis comes for free and can be achieved without any casualties, and as if hajj Qassem was not a practicing Muslim himself), while at the same time minimizing the threat posed by Netanyahu to Iran's very existence and claiming the zionist regime is practically invincible.

If you cannot see the blatant, shameless contradiction in this nor the hazardous nature of this type of ranting, in which another user (namely "Cthulu") is engaging as well, then I'd warmly invite you to carefully and honestly think about it. I'm confident that you are intelligent enough to realize.

I'm again confident once more that you are intelligent enough to discern the fact that the fate of Iran, her civilization, her people and that of the Islamic Republic (there's no "regime" in Iran, please don't reproduce the propagandistic terminology and code-words in use by western and zionist-controlled media) are inextricably glued together, whether one likes it or not.

So defending the IR in present circumstances, where the regime change agenda of the zio-American block aims not only at toppling the IR but also at destroying Iran and its territorial integrity for good (much like the same cabal managed to destroy Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Libya etc) equals defending Iran.

This is something Iranians would gain in considering, just as they would gain to understand that nonstop bickering and lashing out at the IR or its leadership (more than they actually lash out at Iran's main enemies, and by that I mean not second-rate puppet regimes and useful idiots of Tel Aviv and Washington, but Tel Aviv and Washington themselves) are not going to be of any help to Iran, on the contrary this kind of mindset will only serve Iran's existential enemies, those whose goal is not just to "regime change" but to wipe Iran off the civilizational and geographical maps.

To me, such attitudes tend to show that the propaganda of Iran's enemies, whether spread by BBC/VOA/Manoto/Saudi International or by "social media" and the internet, has been successful insofar as it influences even some of the more patriotic but secularist Iranians aware of the fact that the west and Isra"el" are hostile to their people and nation, because these same media and their creeping influence have managed to set the standards by turning IR-bashing into a norm among said segments of Iranian public opinion.

Because when you guys deride IRGC officers, proceed to ill-wishing your Leader or take aim at Muslim Iranians like "Shapur Zol Aktaf" does (while trying to hijack the memory of Qassem Soleimani or Iran's nuclear scientists, all pious Muslims actually, to further his agenda) you are being "loyal to all Iranians"? Are you sure?

Insult + libel, reported.
You are insane, dude. No leader is above the normal people. We Iranians have the right to criticize ourselves, among ourselves. And it's none of business of Pakistani mixed people like you. Keep your paws away from our affairs.

Soleimani was a hero. Ofcourse he was. So what? Wth are you on about ? Perhaps you are mistaking us proud Iranian members here with some Zionists you argue with 24 hours.

Take your medicines dude.

@QWECXZ in yaroo badbakht bimaare ravaniye.
You are insane, dude. No leader is above the normal people. We Iranians have the right to criticize ourselves, among ourselves. And it's none of business of **** mixed people like you. Keep your paws away from our affairs.

Take your medicines dude.

@QWECXZ in yaroo badbakht bimaare ravaniye.

What a weak rebuttal. You fail to adress the actual points I made and are countering with cheap insults. Not going to lower myself to your level, don't worry. Reporting your insults will be enough.

Soleimani was a hero. Ofcourse he was. So what? Wth are you on about ? Perhaps you are mistaking us proud Iranian members here with some Zionists you argue with 24 hours.

If you can't comprehend what I wrote, read again before commenting. Not going to repeat myself, as my post was perfectly clear to anyone with the required comprehension skills.
@Raghfarm007 @Cthulhu @QWECXZ @925boy @Mithridates and others. Dears your engaging with that Turkish fascist troll Captain_Azeri was a grave mistake. He is the same MMM-E troll from Turkish origins actually a refugee in Germany filled with inferiority complex. The blame is on Myself for inviting the troll to our section. I apoligize in advance and Ask you not allow Turkish fascist trolls to exhaust you and waste your time.

Ironically no Azeri was in this thread. You engaged with a Turd from Turkey
LMAO and i apologize. i knew he was a troll, but where he messed up was he started showing his irrational, manipulative, personality early on- especially on the thread about Turkey's activities in Libya....i already profiled him from there and didnt fall for his bait(but this was after some Turks there were ganging up on me). Dont worry, i'll do a better job ignoring ALL trolls...they are present and come in different forms, reasons, contexts, basis, understanding, comments, etc.
What a weak rebuttal. You fail to adress the actual points I made and are countering with cheap insults. Not going to lower myself to your level, don't worry. Reporting your insults will be enough.

If you can't comprehend what I wrote, read again before commenting. Not going to repeat myself, as my post was perfectly clear to anyone with the required comprehension skills.
You seem to have comprehension problems. All the nonsense you wrote is not even 1 minutes worth reading. A general look is enough to reveal that you have alot of comprehension problems.

Like i said, you are mistaking us proud and patriotic Iranians with the zionist members you are arguing 24 hours. Any more nonsense from you and you will land on my ignore list. Be grateful that i am even taking my time to respond to your nonsense.
You seem to have comprehension problems. All the nonsense you wrote is not even 1 minutes worth reading. A general look is enough to reveal that you have alot of comprehension problems.

If you did not read what I wrote, kindly stop commenting on it and claiming I'm the one who doesn't understand what is being talked about.

Like i said, you are mistaking us proud and patriotic Iranians with the zionist members you are arguing 24 hours.

On the contrary, if you had only 1% of your zionist enemies' sense of responsability and discipline, you'd be in a far better position. Take this as friendly advice, not as an attempt to put you down.

But thankfully, the bulk of those in charge in Iran, and I mean the IRGC, the Leadership and revolutionary forces, are exempt from these flaws.

If the argument is not working, let it go.

What Iranians think about their leaders and each other, is their internal matter.
There are close to 90 million Iranians worldwide. Many of them share the same view regarding the core issue : Iranian interests (like all nation's populace in this world) But there are differences among us when it comes to political issues. But that is just a internal matter and we can solve it together. Take for example @mohammad45 ,, he is pretty much on the same side with that guy here but do you see him quoting and harassing other Iranian members for having different opinion ? No, it is because we get along pretty well together.

We just do not need a stranger coming and behaving like this to Iranian members.
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