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Iranian Chill Thread

What do you guys think about going after that orange scum and his family after he steps down

Did you know that the daughter of Will Roger, Captain of USS Vincennes (that fired at the Iranian Airbus), was found dead a few year afterward and the cause was called suicide.

I think killing Trump is meaningless though since so many powerful Republicans such as Bolton also want to kill Trump. Killing Trump is a favor to Americans.
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رییس پدافند غیر عامل
ریشه همه حوادث در زیرساخت‌ها را نمی توان اقدام دشمن دانست

سردار جلالی با اشاره به حادثه‌های آتش سوزی در صنایع پتروشیمی کشور در سالهای گذشته توضیح داد: فرض اولیه این بود که شاید منشاء این حوادث، حمله‌های سایبری و خرابکارانه باشد ولی با بررسی‌های ما مشخص شد تقریبا تمام این حوادث در لایه های ایمنی بوجود آمده بود.

وی ادامه داد: در همین مسئله اخیر مرکز درمانی واقع در خیابان شریعتی هم بررسی‌ها نشان داد که اتفاق در لایه ایمنی بوده و نوع نگهداری کپسول های گاز به طور انباشته و در کنار هم و عدم رعایت نکات ایمنی باعث انفجار شده است
ممنون از اصلاحاتی های بی ناموس به خاطر فداکاری های بی دریغشان در واگذاری تمام تاسیسات هسته ای ایران به دست غرب.
منظور شما اصولگراهای تبدیل شده به میانه رو هست دیگه . چون اون اصلاحاتی ها اززمان خاتمی به بعد اصلا تا اونجا که من میدونم اگرم میخواستن هیچ کاری نمیتونستن بکن
منظور شما اصولگراهای تبدیل شده به میانه رو هست دیگه . چون اون اصلاحاتی ها اززمان خاتمی به بعد اصلا تا اونجا که من میدونم اگرم میخواستن هیچ کاری نمیتونستن بکن
حالا هر کدوم که شما عزیز دوست داری در نظر بگیر. هر کس به منافع ملی ضربه بزنه اصولگرا یا اصلاحاتی همون چیزیه که گفتم. ولی انصافا اصلاحاتی های عاشق چشم آبی های قدبلند غربی مایه آبرو ریزی و خفت ما هستند. از این یارو تاجزاده بگیر تا روزنامه آرمان و بقیه. تولید حزب توسط شهید استخر انجام شد من منکرش نیستم. این مفاسد افراطی و تفریطی همه از یک قماشند.
chizi ke ghat'i hast ine ke dar natanz hadese rokh dade, chand rooz pish enfejari ham bude nazdike parchin. va pariruz ham dar tehran yek enfejari shode dar bimarestan. ina hame hamelate esrael hast. man daram kam kam na omid misham az rahbaramoon. yek pasokhe bozorgi bayad bedim ke khayehash nist dar tehran.
these things only mean human error in following safety measures . israel if wats to attack, they don't do these things , they act like what they did in Stuxnet. yyou must look at those direction, perhaps they have another trojanhorese somewhere , we must look and find those hidden back doors in our infrastructure , not to let them attack and then say we managed to control it.
chizi ke ghat'i hast ine ke dar natanz hadese rokh dade, chand rooz pish enfejari ham bude nazdike parchin. va pariruz ham dar tehran yek enfejari shode dar bimarestan. ina hame hamelate esrael hast. man daram kam kam na omid misham az rahbaramoon. yek pasokhe bozorgi bayad bedim ke khayehash nist dar tehran.

daran jange tablighi ro mibaran. az zamane shahadat soleimani daran too saremoon mizanan va ma pasokhe dorost darmun ta be hal nadadim. 3 ta ''hadese'' be in zamane kutah modat gheyre momkene. servise etelate iran hame gozaresh ha ro be rahbar dade vali pasokhi nemidan dige.

vaghean khejalat avare.

dadash, zaa'f haye dakheli ro bayad be zabune khodemun sohbat konim. nazar doshman khoshal beshe. fingilisi ham benvis ke natunan tarjome konan.

in dadashemun @QWECXZ key barmigarde ?

@Dariush the Great @Shawnee @Hack-Hook @mohammad45 @SubWater

Going against Israel was always going to be an immensely difficult task no matter what anyone of us would have wanted to happen. Don't get me wrong though, I've stated time and time again just how much of an enemy Israel is to Iran and Iranians but that really doesn't change the reality of the situation. Iranians have to make a choice on where they stand, truly where they stand and start picking up the pace. Israel isn't going to just sit idly by for much longer, they're most definitely on the move to annex more Palestinian land along with waging another unjust war against Lebanon with the ultimate goal of getting to Iran. We don't know what the future holds and this idea that Iran won't be subject to a war of aggression some time in the future because it has thousands of Ballistic Missiles is simply illogical and preposterous.

Iran was always going to have to incur a skewed (in favor of Israel) win-to-loss ratio against Israel due to the United States and their global influence on trade, economy, sanctions etc... Israel itself as an entity is also quite the formidable foe, they've been through pretty much everything and aren't going to be defeated much less marginalized through proxies or the threat of Shahabs, Qiams, Seijils, Emads etc...

I won't lie to you Dariush, manam kheli een chan vaghteh narahat shoodam but I still have to believe that more competent and cable Iranian soldiers/leaders will take the lead and advance Iran even further with the possible goal of righting the many wrongs imposed by European invaders who decided to dictate the livelihoods of the natives living here since 5,000+ years ago (give or take a couple thousand respectively). Iran's more immediate objectives should be the growth and general advancement of Iran as a nation.

Iran's struggle against the small coastal enclave known as Israel will be a long one, and hey, we don't know what's going to happen. They (meaning Israel) keeps saying Iran will never have nuclear arms but Iran might actually have to acquire them out of pure necessity, so when that bridge comes idk what's going to actually happen. We see Israel is continuing to attack Iranian forces/Iranian allies in Syria with nary a response which also adds insult to injury on-top of Soleimani's treacherous murder but Iran is still in Syria completely objectives. Moreover Iran and Israel will clash openly sooner or later. This has been a long-time point of contention that I've refused to engage with others on PDF as many (at-least in my opinion) would like to think that Iran can somehow win or conduct a war against Israel exclusively through third-parties without getting its own hands dirty. Obviously I will not point out how childish this notion is since I respect your intelligence and the intelligence of others on here. Whether or not Iran will be militarily ready to confront the juggernaut known as IDF and all of its capabilities is beyond me. There's more to war than simply missiles.....

Anyways.... the single thing that Iran holds on its side that allows it to persevere so fiercely is a rigidly dogmatic ideology. Iranians aren't afraid to die for what they believe in and know what the word sacrifice entails. Iran must continue to get stronger, expand its military capabilities and weather the storm for now until it is ready to face its enemies head-on in full-force or not, again we don't know. Maybe sometime in the future circumstances will change and Iran will end up not having to do any of that at all.

What else can I say really....what I will say though, and I mean it from the heart. Is that all this is truly becoming tiring, sometimes I find myself just shaking my head in utter disappointment when such events go down.....But we must remain strong.
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@Dariush the Great @Shawnee @Hack-Hook @mohammad45 @SubWater

Going against Israel was always going to be an immensely difficult task no matter what anyone of us would have wanted to happen. Don't get me wrong though, I've stated time and time again just how much of an enemy Israel is to Iran and Iranians but that really doesn't change the reality of the situation. Iranians have to make a choice on where they stand, truly where they stand and start picking up the pace. Israel isn't going to just sit idly by for much longer, they're most definitely on the move to annex more Palestinian land along with waging another unjust war against Lebanon with the ultimate goal of getting to Iran. We don't know what the future holds and this idea that Iran won't be subject to a war of aggression some time in the future because it has thousands of Ballistic Missiles is simply illogical and preposterous.

Iran was always going to have to incur a skewed (in favor of Israel) win-to-loss ratio against Israel due to the United States and their global influence on trade, economy, sanctions etc... Israel itself as an entity is also quite the formidable foe, they've been through pretty much everything and aren't going to be defeated much less marginalized through proxies or the threat of Shahabs, Qiams, Seijils, Emads etc...

I won't lie to you Dariush, manam kheli een chan vaghteh narahat shoodam but I still have to believe that more competent and cable Iranian soldiers/leaders will take the lead and advance Iran even further with the possible goal of righting the many wrongs imposed by European invaders who decided to dictate the livelihoods of the natives living here since 5,000+ years ago (give or take a couple thousand respectively). Iran's more immediate objectives should be the growth and general advancement of Iran as a nation.

Iran's struggle against the small coastal enclave known as Israel will be a long one, and hey, we don't know what's going to happen. They (meaning Israel) keeps saying Iran will never have nuclear arms but Iran might actually have to acquire them out of pure necessity, so when that bridge comes idk what's going to actually happen. We see Israel is continuing to attack Iranian forces/Iranian allies in Syria with nary a response which also adds insult to injury on-top of Soleimani's treacherous murder but Iran is still in Syria completely objectives. Moreover Iran and Israel will clash openly sooner or later. This has been a long-time point of contention that I've refused to engage with others on PDF as many (at-least in my opinion) would like to think that Iran can somehow win or conduct a war against Israel exclusively through third-parties without getting its own hands dirty. Obviously I will not point out how childish this notion is since I respect your intelligence and the intelligence of others on here. Whether or not Iran will be militarily ready to confront the juggernaut known as IDF and all of its capabilities is beyond me. There's more to war than simply missiles.....

Anyways.... the single thing that Iran holds on its side that allows it to persevere so fiercely is a rigidly dogmatic ideology. Iranians aren't afraid to die for what they believe in and know what the word sacrifice entails. Iran must continue to get stronger, expand its military capabilities and weather the storm for now until it is ready to face its enemies head-on in full-force or not, again we don't know. Maybe sometime in the future circumstances will change and Iran will end up not having to do any of that at all.

What else can I say really....what I will say though, and I mean it from the heart. Is that all this is truly becoming tiring, sometimes I find myself just shaking my head in utter disappointment when such events go down.....But we must remain strong.
This issue is so complex it can't even be explained so easily. But what i always tried to tell other members here is that both Israel and America are against Iranian independence especially because of Irans natural resource (oil gas etc)
So there are 2 options. Become a slave and get thrown a few breadcrumbs once in a while or become independent and decide your own fate. What many dumb Iranian opposition outside of Iran do not realize is that this is not a issue of regime x or y, this is about Irans independence and majority of Iranians realized it now. And regimes come and go but whats important is the sovereignty of the country acceptance of its leadership role in the region and independence.

I never want Iran to be like the countries of the region, most of them are puppet states of the US, no honour and no dignity as their fate just depends on 1 phone call from Washington.

In the long run Iran will win as the world will force the US to accept Iran's independence. When that happens Iran has the free hand to become a true middleastern superpower.
@Dariush the Great I think this "Waduek" user is probably a false flagger too. I noticed their were linking the comments of known Israeli trolls earlier. You think they have previously banned accounts?
that guy is a false flagger for sure. just browse his comments and you will see his trolling. but i doubt he is a israeli, probably a turk or arab or some guy that was abused by a iranian man or something.
مساله اتش سوزی های اخیر احتمالا ادامه مساله قطعات معیوبه و نه حمله

خاصه اگر کلینیک تهران رو هم در راستای اون حساب کنیم

اثرش در امنیت ملی در حد چسبوندن ادمس به ایفون خونه مردمه
اما میتونه از نظر روانی تبلیغاتی موثر باشه

مهمتر از همه اینه که نباید هر حادثه ای رو به خرابکاری ربط داد
هر حادثه باید بررسی بشه
هیچ قطعه مکانیکی معیوبی منفجر نمیشه
متاسفانه دقیق ترین و عاقلانه ترین روایت را صهیونیست ها بیان کردن مگر اینکه اطلاعات جدیدی بیرون بیاد
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