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Iranian Chill Thread

I am apparently tens of people hiding in one persona. Tell me who you want me to be and I will be :)
Hey what is wrong with you?
You Edited your QUOTE in my recently opened thread and included selling drones to Saudis just to mock Iranian made military sstuff. What benefits you get from trolling against your own country? Its important to Know what youre looking for.
Hey what is wrong with you?
You Edited your QUOTE in my recently opened thread and included selling drones to Saudis just to mock Iranian made military sstuff. What benefits you get from trolling against your own country? Its important to Know what youre looking for.

I am not mocking anything there. I am simply asking who are we going to sell our wepaons to? You lack english comprehension and can't stand critism. Widely spread disease here in this Iranian section.

Yea, I edited to add more of my thoughts and correct some misspellings.
I am not mocking anything there. I am simply asking who are we going to sell our wepaons to? You lack english comprehension and cant stand critism. Widely spread disease here in this iranian section.

Yea, I edited to add more of my thoughts and correct some misspellings.
So you added your thoughts, didnt you?

Then why are you accompanying Zionists propaganda Machine in the thread, huge explosions in Iran?
So you added your thoughts, didnt you?

Then why are you accompanying Zionists propaganda Machine in the thread, huge explosions in Iran?

I am free to agree and disagree with whom and whatever I like.

What is this @waz?

I am being harassed by several members here. According to them I am several people trying to troll. They are pretty badly hurt because I am not sharing all their views and it seems they want me to shut up. Is this normal? Seems pretty like censorship.
Last edited:
I am free to agree and disagree with whom and whatever I like.

What is this @waz?

I am being harassed by several members here. According to I am several people trying to troll. They are pretty badly hurt because I am not sharing all their views and it seems they want me to shut up. Is this normal? Seems pretty like censorship.

This isn't the place for such discussions. You can make a thread about the Israelis etc. Thanks.

Another one....

Could this be Trump getting back at Iran for selling fuel to Venezuela or something along those lines?

no , do you know how hot gets over there in Ahvaz it reaches 60 degrees Celsius in that temp even cars explodes

The extreme heat in Mahshahr, Khuzestan, set a car on fire.







so burning power plants are nothing new for them, Israelis just want credit for every fire that happens

Another one....

Could this be Trump getting back at Iran for selling fuel to Venezuela or something along those lines?
My guess is that if all these actions are actually attacks done by Israel, then trump is actually after starting a war in the middle east, but he doesnt want the US to he involved. American oil companies cant sell that much oil these days because the market is saturated with Saudi oil. So if somehow the Saudi oil export is stopped, those American companies can start selling oil again and boost the American economy. This might give trump a chance of staying in office for the next term. So if these events happening in Iran arent accidents and are actually attacks from Israel, and its said that they were done by getting help from a gulf state, then it might be that Saudi is involved. There is some news that the US is removing its aircraft maintenance crew from Saudi and some other countries. This means that Saudi wont have any chance if a war starts between Iran and Saudi, and like that, the US can achieve its goals. And trump being the businessman he is, he is ready to take such risks. But these are all speculations and the reality might be something else.
Another BOMBSHELL related to the Epstein case.

It is now known that Ehud Barak, the former prime minister of Israel, had business ties with now deceased, convicted pedophile and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Making matters worse, a well known former Epstein victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, is now claiming that as a minor she was forced to have sex with Ehud Barak.

The accusations don't stop there though. All of the following men are being accused of having sex with underaged sex slaves. Of course we all know about Prince Andrew.

However there is also former New Mexico government Bill Richardson, former Democratic Senate majority leader George Mitchell, billionaire Thomas Pritscher of Hyatt Hotels. Hedge Fund manager Glen Duben, an unnamed foreign prince, an unnamed foreign president, owner of a French hotel chain and Victoria Secret owner Leslie Wexner.

Now with the recent arrest of Ghislane Maxwell, this is not looking good for people like Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak and who knows who else will be exposed.

Supposedly Epstein had ties with the CIA and some say Mossad. Basically Epstein would use underaged girls to entrap wealthy and powerful individuals. This is a common and well known tactic used by intelligence agencies going back decades.

One of Epstein's rooms in his mansion was found to have hidden cameras. So basically Epstein would pose as a playboy, invite rich and powerful men to his "parties" and then acquire the necessary information to extort them.

Woman says Epstein forced her to have sex with former PM Barak
Claim revealed in court filings from celebrity US lawyer Dershowitz, who was accused as well; associates of both men deny the allegation

By TOI staff 24 June 2020, 8:26 am

Former prime minister Ehud Barak speaks at the Democratic Camp electoral alliance's campaign launch in Tel Aviv on August 12, 2019. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Court filings by US lawyer Alan Dershowitz revealed Tuesday that a woman had named former prime minister Ehud Barak as one of a number of important men she was forced to have sex with by Jeffrey Epstein.

Lawyers for Virginia Roberts Giuffre had asked a court in Florida not to allow Dershowitz’s team access to sealed records as part of Dershowitz’s defamation case against her for saying she was forced to have sex with him while she was a teen, the Miami Herald reported, as they said they were concerned he would distort the information or use it out of context.

However, during the course of the hearing, Dershowitz’s attorney Howard Cooper said in court that the team had in fact already obtained some of the depositions and that Dershowitz identified Barak as well as L Brands and Victoria’s Secret owner Leslie Wexner as two of the men Giuffre says she was trafficked to by Epstein, a wealthy financier convicted of sex crimes and suspected of many more, the Herald reported.

“Giuffre has also alleged that she was forced to have sex with former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barack [sic],” the filing read in response to the claims against Dershowitz. “Giuffre has offered no proof other than her uncorroborated word.”


Attorney Alan Dershowitz leaves federal court, in New York, December 2, 2019. (Richard Drew/AP)
Giuffre last year sued Dershowitz for defamation, and the celebrity attorney filed a countersuit in response.

Associates of Barak told Channel 12 news that the former prime minister’s name was being “scrawled in the news in order to repel the allegations made against Dershowitz. Dershowitz’s deposition states that the woman’s affidavit is false.”

Dershowitz, a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump and a member of the latter’s impeachment defense team, this week went on a media blitz against a recent Netflix series on the Epstein case, saying he only went to the convicted sex offender’s island once, before he was suspected of wrongdoing, and it was with his wife and daughter.

Giuffre has also claimed Epstein arranged for her to have sex with the UK’s Prince Andrew on three occasions — in London and at Epstein’s New York mansion when she was 17 and in the US Virgin Islands when she was about 18. Prosecutors in New York have wanted to speak with Andrew for several months as part of their examination of allegations, made by several women, that some of Epstein’s staff and his girlfriend helped recruit him underage sex victims.

Barak has been dogged over his ties to Epstein, which went back over 15 years, and became an unexpected hot-button issue in the 2019 election campaign in Israel after Epstein was arrested and later died in prison of an apparent suicide.

Barak, who entered a business deal with Epstein in 2015, years after the American financier served time for solicitation, has called long-rumored allegations of sex trafficking by Epstein “abhorrent” and announced that he had officially cut off all business ties with him.

Barak, who has been linked as a frequent visitor to Epstein’s properties, has long asserted that insinuations against him in Epstein’s context were a result of the “poisoned atmosphere” Netanyahu has fostered over the past two decades.


Screen capture from video of Virginia Roberts Giuffre gesturing during an interview on the BBC Panorama program aired on December 2, 2019. (BBC Panorama via AP)

Neighbors in a New York Apartment building owned by Epstein’s brother said that Barak was a “frequent presence” in the building, The Daily Beast reported last year.

Residents told the outlet that they knew when the politician was in the building because there were “flashy cars” outside and his security detail in the lobby.

A resident told the outlet they were in the elevator with Hebrew-speaking security guards and another said she regularly saw a guard posted outside an 11th-floor apartment. A further resident said they saw a security detail in the lobby on at least a dozen occasions.

The report did not clarify how the residents knew that the security detail belonged to Barak.

The building has been tied to the financier’s alleged New York trafficking ring, The Daily Beast reported.


In this photo from July 30, 2008, Jeffrey Epstein, center, appears in court in West Palm Beach, Florida. (Uma Sanghvi/Palm Beach Post via AP)

Asked about his stays by The Daily Beast, Barak said: “Despite the fact that there was no wrongdoing on my part, and that there is not even the faintest suspicion of wrongdoing on my part, I’m not going to address these questions because in the current political environment in Israel, the mere fact of my response to such a question is churned up as spin in the political game.

“As a former prime minister I’m accompanied by bodyguards everywhere I go,” he added.

The Daily Mail’s online news site last year rejected an ultimatum by Barak to retract a “libelous” article insinuating he socialized with young women at the home of Epstein.

The US-based DailyMail.com said it stood by the story “100 percent,” and denied as “absurd” Barak’s claim that the decision to re-publish three-year-old photos of him entering the New York mansion of the disgraced billionaire was a bid to help his political rivals ahead of the elections. (The article did not appear in the main Daily Mail tabloid newspaper in Britain.)


Screenshot of Daily Mail website showing article relating to Ehud Barak, July 16, 2019

The tabloid noted in its article that the women photographed also entering Epstein’s home did so “on the same day” as Barak and “within hours.” However, the Mail did not provide a clear timeline of the photos, and it was not clear whether they were taken before Barak entered, during his time there, or after he left.

If he was in the house at the same time as the women, it could contradict Barak’s earlier assertions that he “never met Epstein in the company of women or young girls.”

Barak confirmed it was him in the photos, and has admitted to visiting Epstein’s mansions and private Caribbean island, but insists he never attended parties of a sexual nature there.

Agencies contributed to this report.

Above report was from the following site https://www.timesofisrael.com/woman-says-epstein-forced-her-to-have-sex-with-former-pm-barak/
Some have guessed that this might have been done by a small suicide drone or SDB of some sort.

Clearly the damage is much more substantial than what Iranian authorities would have us believe. You could make out what seems to be a visible crater near the Northwestern section of the building, the debris around it would also heavily suggest the explosion was rather intense.


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Some have guessed that this might have been done by a small suicide drone or SDB of some sort.

Clearly the damage is much more substantial than what Iranian authorities would have us believe. You could make out what seems to be a visible crater near the Northwestern section of the building, the debris around it would also heavily suggest the explosion was rather intense.
clearly the explosion happened inside the building not outside also it happened in one direction so i rule out explosives
clearly the explosion happened inside the building not outside also it happened in one direction so i rule out explosives
so why dont you wait for official confirmation by the iranian government ? lets wait for the report.
high likely this was sabotage as claimed by noor news agency - closely related to IRGC but we have to wait for official confirmation.
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