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Iranian Chill Thread

you see yesterday Natandodg has admitted that the comic show of air strike has led to crisis ( watch from 1:50 )
That isn't what he said at all.

Your video ended just as he mentioned 'time of crisis', but I found the full video and this is what he actually says:

First he gives the typical speech about how Iran is an "evil empire" that openly threatens the destruction of Israel, seeking to use Iraq/Syria/Lebanon/Yemen as bases for Iranian missiles to attack Israel, seeking precision missiles and nuclear weapons (etc, the usual).

Then he says Israel needs a strong military and this is the part shown in your video:

"You have to shift now money from the civilian areas to the military areas. That is very hard to do. You can do it in a time of crisis, when things happen then everyone can see it. Or you can do it in anticipation of avoiding a crisis."

So he actually says that Israel needs to spend more money on its military to avoid a time of crisis, not that its air strikes on Iranian targets in Syria have created a time of crisis that is present today in Israel.

“In fewer than three years, the Iranian effort to add mobile surveillance capabilities underwent drastic improvement in terms of the quality and complexity of its Android malware, the sophistication of its socially engineered delivery mechanisms, the ability to pivot between domestic and foreign target sets,” the Cylance researchers write.

How is Iranian society nowadays in terms of marriage/dating, this from the late 90's does it still resemble Iran of 2019 society-wise?

Sudan have withdrawn most of their forces from Yemen ("several thousand" have returned to Sudan). A few thousand remain in Yemen reportedly to train Hadi-regime forces. These Sudanese militia forces were mostly based on the Saudi-Yemen border to protect Saudi territory.

UAE have withdrawn forces from Aden and handed over control to Hadi/Saudi-regime fighters.
I can provide help, depending on which platform that is currently used. If he is interested then please provide me his contact information.
Hey Sina-1, remember this?

If you're still interested, go over to the other forum and send a PM to user "admin".
IR-7 and IR-9 :)


@DoubleYouSee @PeeD
That comes close to Urenco machines currently used and installed around the late 90.
Reliable designs and still too cost effective to be replaced by the world leader Urenco with newer machines.
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