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Iranian Chill Thread

That's pitfalls of posting in public forums . you must practice tolerance.

By the way each public forum have ignor feature that you can use.
In this forum you have nothing to write other than disappointing and negative posts. You're not a normal person in my view. You try to find only negative in everything and ignore positive points. You have quoted me for many times but I didn't reply u back. Now please don't quote me or next time I'll say "please pi$$ off".
In this forum you have nothing to write other than disappointing and negative posts. You're not a normal person in my view. You try to find only negative in everything and ignore positive points. You have quoted me for many times but I didn't reply u back. Now please don't quote me or next time I'll say "please pi$$ off".
Use ignore feature
Pi$$$$ off.
Whatever. I'll comment on every post that I feel like.
If you feel I'm impolite or harassing you or my post break any of forums rules why not complain to the moderators.
It's like society its better to go to police and judiciary system to resolve disagreements rather than picking up weapons and attacking each other.
Whatever. I'll comment on every post that I feel like.
If you feel I'm impolite or harassing you or my post break any of forums rules why not complain to the moderators.
It's like society its better to go to police and judiciary system to resolve disagreements rather than picking up weapons and attacking each other.
whilst I don't quote u be a good man and don't quote me.

One former senior intelligence official who discussed the case publicly, Douglas H. Wise, said that by the time he took over as deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, a year after Ms. Witt’s defection, American authorities were bracing for the worst.

“We knew this was going to end badly,” Mr. Wise said. “On a scale of one to 10, I believed she was a seven or eight in terms of the potential for doing damage to the United States.”

But former officials involved in the damage assessments of Ms. Witt say that, if anything, the indictment plays down the damage that the former counterintelligence agent did, perhaps to prevent further compromise of individuals or operations

here, a rose for you. don't take it personal, we've lost soldiers and we're angry.
We lost soildrs, and Napakestan got paid by the Arabs.... whats been taken by blood has to be repaid by blood.
We should put pressure on Pakistan and when they threaten us , we should use it as an excuse and make nukes !!!!

And which idiot said : " Iran don't need nukes " .... !/?

we should arm ourselves with nukes or others ( especially our beloved neighbors ) will butcher us ....
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