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Iranian Chill Thread

.ما باید تاپیک درست کنیم درباره کردهای کردستان شمالی
این ها دارن از باختی که تو منطقه به خصوص سوریه دادن دیوونه میشن.
این همه خرج کنی و کلی اعتبار از دست بدی و دو سه ملیون ریشو بدبو تکفیری وارد کشورت بشن.
زیاد سخت نگیر
برای من به شخصه ترک و فارس و عرب و کرد نداره هممون با هم برادریم بجز وهابی های عوضی که میتونن از هر قومیتی باشن.
The Mullas must have been told " the money you stole will be safe in our banks, just take off the bed sheets of your heads and Israhel will facilitate your exist to the UK. There is one catch, you must play nice with your half inbred ape/camel cousins from the white helmets". " We will destroy Iran as promised. do not forget to sign over the rights to the oil fields for the next hundred years"

US Preparing To Bomb Iran's Nuclear Capabilities As Soon As Next Month: Report

As the White House convenes a policy meeting on Iran Thursday involving senior Pentagon officials and cabinet advisers under national security adviser John Bolton, and after a week of intense saber-rattling by President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, a new bombshell report by Australia's ABC says the White House is drawing up plans to strike Iran's alleged nuclear facilities as early as next month.

Senior figures in the Australia's Turnbull government have told the ABC they believe the US is prepared to bomb Iran's nuclear capability. The bombing could be as early as next month. —ABC report

Crucially, Australia is part of the so-called "Five Eyes" global intelligence partners which includes the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and plays in a key role in hosting top-secret facilities that guide American spy satellites.

According to the breaking report, ABC [Australian Broadcasting Corporation] has learned the following based on statements of key senior defense and intelligence officials:

    • Senior Government figures have told the ABC they believe the Trump administration is prepared to bomb Iran
    • They say Australian defence facilities would likely play a role in identifying possible targets
    • But another senior source, in security, emphasizes there is a difference between providing intelligence and "active targeting"

The report cites high level Aussie government officials who say that secretive Australian defense and intelligence facilities would likely cooperate with the United States and Britain in identifying targets in a strike on Iran.

One particular facility, the Pine Gap joint defense facility in the Northern Territory, would play a significant targeting role in joint US-led strikes on Iran, according to the report, it's "considered crucial among the so-called 'Five Eyes' intelligence partners... for its role in directing American spy satellites."

And further, other agencies are expected to play a role:

Analysts from the little-known spy agency Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation would also be expected to play a part.

Canada would be unlikely to play a role in any military action in Iran, nor would the smallest Five Eyes security partner New Zealand, sources said.

However, though officials speaking to ABC on condition of anonymity say intelligence plans for targeting suspected Iran nuke sites have begun, Australia's foreign ministry is still seeking to avoid war through intense diplomatic efforts.

"Australia is urging Iran to be a force for peace and stability in the region," Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told ABC's AM program on Thursday.



این ها دارن از باختی که تو منطقه به خصوص سوریه دادن دیوونه میشن.
این همه خرج کنی و کلی اعتبار از دست بدی و دو سه ملیون ریشو بدبو تکفیری وارد کشورت بشن.
زیاد سخت نگیر
برای من به شخصه ترک و فارس و عرب و کرد نداره هممون با هم برادریم بجز وهابی های عوضی که میتونن از هر قومیتی باشن.
آقایون برداشتن تاپیک درست کردن با عنوان "ترک های ایران" و توش مقالات سایت الاربیه متعلق به آل سقوط حرومزاده رو کپی پیست کردن، بعد اون مدیر حرومزاده شون با پررویی هر چه تمام تر برداشته اسم تاپیک رو تغییر داده به "ترک های آذربایجان جنوبی". آذربایجان جنوبی دیگه کجاست؟ گویا این فروم یه سری قوانین داره که برا بقیه است اما به نئوعثمانی ها که می رسه اینا آزادن هر کار می خوان بکنن. قبرس شمالی، ترکستان شرقی، حالا هم آذربایجان جنوبی. نشستن با پر رویی هر چه تمام تر از تو کشورهای دیگران برا خودشون کشور در آوردن. نئوعثمانی ها "آذربایجان جنوبی" می خوان؟ باشه، ما هم با قیف "کردستان شمالی" رو به حلقشون خواهیم ریخت. می بینیم کی موفق تر خواهد بود
Another milestone which is the result of theft of national wealth by the Mullas and their clans. The interesting part is that the devastating figures were released by non other than Ministry of Roads and Urban Development head Abbas Akhoundi.

Mr. Khamenaee and his clan should return the stolen money back to Iran to build affordable housing for Iranians .
Homelessness On The Rise As Economic Pressures Draw Jobseekers To Cities


Iran -- An Iranian homeless sleeping outdoor.

The latest official statistics show that 19 million Iranian homeless live in slums on the outskirts of major cities.

The figure comes from a recent report released by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. Ministry head Abbas Akhoundi has cited the figure of 19 million urban homeless in the past, a number that represents nearly 24 percent of the country’s population.

The number of homeless people living on the margins of major urban areas has increased dramatically in the last few years. In 2016 the number was estimated at 12-13 million. At the time, the director of the State Welfare Organization of Iran, Anoushiravan Mohesni Bandpei, warned “The emergence of slums, in addition to unemployment, are major threats to Iran.”

Other officials have also warned about the expansion of these suburban shanty towns, where homeless live in tents, shipping containers, and other makeshift hovels, noting that the problem must be urgently addressed.

The number of cities with suburban slums has also increased, from 2,700 in 2016 to 3,000 in 2018.

According to a report published last March by the Statistical Center of the Islamic Republic, “Ten thousand families live in tents or in makeshift huts, shacks, and hovels across Iran.”

The statistics on Iran’s homeless population presented by different government agencies vary significantly, but all agree the problem is getting worse.

The urban homeless problem had already become so pernicious three years ago that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered all three branches of government to “immediately” address it.

Tehran’s reformist MP and member of the parliament’s Social Commission, Alireza Mahjoub, has said the homelessness problem is a result of poor economic conditions forcing people to move to the outskirts of the urban areas in search of work. He says no organization has presented a serious plan to tackle the problem.


: ))))))))

: ))))))))

@Serpentine dadash khaheshan democracio reayat kono in posto pak nakon inja ham chill thread hastesh mamnun
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Daste Daste Golhayeh yasaman, indeed!

Iran currency extends record fall as U.S. sanctions loom
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s currency hit a new record low on Sunday, dropping past 100,000 rials to the U.S. dollar as Iranians brace for Aug. 7 when Washington is due to reimpose a first lot of economic sanctions.

A money changer poses for the camera with a U.S hundred dollar bill (R) and the amount being given when converting it into Iranian rials (L), at a currency exchange shop in Tehran's business district, Iran, January 20, 2016. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi/TIMA
In May, the United States pulled out of a 2015 deal between world powers and Tehran under which international sanctions were lifted in return for curbs on its nuclear programme.

Washington decided to reimpose sanctions upon its withdrawal, accusing it of posing a security threat. It has told countries they must halt imports of Iranian oil from Nov. 4 or face U.S. financial measures.

On Sunday, the rial plunged to 112,000 on the unofficial market, down from about 97,500 rials on Saturday, according to foreign exchange website Bonbast.com. Other websites said the dollar was exchanged between 108,500 and 116,000 rials.


The rial has lost about half of its value since April because of a weak economy, financial difficulties at local banks and heavy demand for dollars among Iranians who fear the effects of sanctions.

The central bank blamed “enemies” for the fall of the currency and a rapid rise in the prices of gold coins and the judiciary said 29 people had been arrested on charges that carry the death penalty.

“The recent developments in the foreign exchange and gold markets are largely due to a conspiracy by enemies with the aim of exacerbating economic problems and causing public anxiety,” the central bank said in a statement read on state television.

Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei told state television: “29 people have been arrested for economic disruption and will be soon put on trial ... More may be arrested tonight and tomorrow.”

“Many of them face the charge of ‘spreading corruption on earth’,” Ejei said, referring to a capital offence under Iran’s Islamic laws.

Besides the currency fall, the expected return of sanctions has triggered street protests including by bazaar traders usually loyal to the Islamist rulers, and a public outcry over alleged profiteering and corruption.

On Saturday, Ejei said 18 people had been arrested over alleged profiteering from foreign exchange dealings and the illegal importing of luxury cars.

U.S. President Donald Trump has called the agreement one of the worst deals ever negotiated but in a bid to salvage the accord, Iran’s European partners in the deal are preparing a package of economic measures.

But France said this month it was unlikely European powers could put the package together before November.

On Aug. 7, Washington will reimpose sanctions on Iran’s purchase of U.S. dollars, its trade in gold and precious metals and its dealings with metals, coal and industrial-related software.

Sanctions also will be reapplied to U.S. imports of Iranian carpets and foodstuffs and on certain related financial transactions.

Iran’s oil exports could fall by as much as two-thirds by this year due to sanctions, straining oil markets amid supply outages elsewhere.


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