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Iranian Chill Thread

Khayemani and islamic republic are actively supporting separatism by their puppet MP's like Nader Ghazipour and separatist clerics who are appointed by khayemani.
Further by weakening of Iranian identity they have made separatist and anti-Iranian enemies confident and courageous.
They are following the same path of another internationalist "communist-ummah" seeker Tito before yugoslavia fell apart.

The Islamic Republic has been around for 39 years and Khamenei has been leader for 30 years. If he was interested in dividing Iran up he would have done it by now instead of vigorously defending Iran's sovereign integrity from all kinds of foreign threats.
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The Islamic Republic has been around for 39 years and Khamenei has been leader for 30 years. If he was interested in dividing Iran up he would have done it by now instead of vigorously defending Iran's sovereign integrity from all kinds of foreign threats.
He's indirectly and unknowingly causing separatism. They're following the path of communists in attacking and destroying Iranian culture. We know the crimes of soviet union and stalin against Iranian identity and unity.
Islamic republic is wiping out pre-islamic history and is giving place to panturkists, you deny? I can show you clips of high ranking islamists attacking Iranian identity. Khayehayemani is aware of this. We cannot and will not tolerate this forever, a (forced) change is coming inside Iran.
He's indirectly and unknowingly causing separatism. They're following the path of communists in attacking and destroying Iranian culture. We know the crimes of soviet union and stalin against Iranian identity and unity.
Islamic republic is wiping out pre-islamic history and is giving place to panturkists, you deny? I can show you clips of high ranking islamists attacking Iranian identity. Khayehayemani is aware of this. We cannot and will not tolerate this forever, a (forced) change is coming inside Iran.

It has been a direct assault. The Bolsheviks were fake Ashkenazi Jews who hated Christian Russians . They not only butchered millions of Christians, but they attacked the core of the culture by preventing Christianity. They only accepted atheism.

In Iran, the islamists are forcing the culture of the illiterate, savage, lizard eating bedouins whom happen to be their half cousins on our people.

The same thing is happening in Turkey. You have a thief under the banner of Islam, destroying the Turks slowly but surely. A true Muslim who helped facilitate the slaughter of millions of Syrians across the border all the while he plundered their national wealth .

They are a lot of similarities between
ISIL( Illiterate Savage Islamic Lizard eating sub-humans )and the Mullas .

These tribal laws were written to punish these sub-humans which were a hybrid of an Ape, Camel, and desert nomads. When you cut the lizard's tale it grows back. Addiction is a disease You can no hang an addict hope to cure him. In sum, you can not apply the rule of the jungle to Iranians ,and you cannot speak philosophy with an Ape.

Russia= (Fake Jews pushing their Christian hating ideology of Atheism) Putin saved Russia.
Iran= Islamists pushing the culture of the savage and illiterate bedouins on Iranians out of pure hate. We are hopeful that we can get rid of this backward ideology once and for all.
Europe and US=Fake Jews (hiding under liberalism) pushing homosexuality, athesim, and the Islamification out of their pure hatred for the Christian European.

The Islamic Republic has been around for 39 years and Khamenei has been leader for 30 years. If he was interested in dividing Iran up he would have done it by now instead of vigorously defending Iran's sovereign integrity from all kinds of foreign threats.

You are so naive. If he was protecting Iran, he would first stop by allowing the plundering and theft of the nation by his henchmen . Until we see billionaire mullahs hanging in Irans streets from Cranes for their theft and rape, and all the money that they have stolen returned to the national coffers, it is all a smoke and mirror show. I have yet to see a Mullah having his hand cut off in a public square for petty theft.
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It has been a direct assault. The Bolsheviks were fake Ashkenazi Jews who hated Christian Russians . They not only butchered millions of Christians, but they attacked the core of the culture by preventing Christianity. They only accepted atheism.

In Iran, the islamists are forcing the culture of the illiterate, savage, lizard eating bedouins whom happen to be their half cousins on our people.

The same thing is happening in Turkey. You have a thief under the banner of Islam, destroying the Turks slowly but surely. A true Muslim who helped facilitate the slaughter of millions of Syrians across the border all the while he plundered their national wealth .

They are a lot of similarities between ISIS and the Mullas .

Russia= (Fake Jews pushing their Christian hating ideology of Atheism) Putin saved Russia.
Iran= Islamists pushing the culture of the savage and illiterate bedouins on Iranians out of pure hate. We are hopeful that we can get rid of this backward ideology once and for all.
Europe and US=Fake Jews (hiding under liberalism) pushing homosexuality, athesim, and the Islamification out of their pure hatred for the Christian European.

You are so naive. If he was protecting Iran, he would first stop by allowing the plundering and theft of the nation by his henchmen . Until we see billionaire mullahs hanging in Irans streets from Cranes for their theft and rape, and all the money that they have stolen returned to the national coffers, it is all a smoke and mirror show.
many Jews joined the Tudeh party and advocated for communism. Even though Jews comprised less than 2 percent of Iranian population, almost fifty percent of the members of the Tudeh party were Jewish. Tudeh party was the only party among the Iranian political parties that accepted Jews with open arms. Most writers for publications of the Tudeh party were Jewish. Furthermore, many Iranian Jews viewed communism as a Jewish movement since many leading members of the communist revolution in Russia were Jewish and were looked upon favorably by Persian Jews.


Yousef Cohen, last Jewish representative of Iranian Senate describes in his memoirs that Shah became suspicious of Jewish community in his final years because most of the international criticism about lack of freedom in Iran and military style of government came from Jewish authors. Furthermore, the writer for the influential and highly publicized book, fall of 77 (probably Crash of 79 by Paul Erdman mistakenly called 77 by Cohen), which predicted the fall of Shah a few years prior to his demise was Jewish. Shah, according to Cohen, displayed a remarkable intolerance and annoyance by the Jewish community in has last annual visit in March 1978 with the community leaders. Cohen describes that Shah believed that there is an international Jewish conspiracy against him to end his reign as the king.

During the Iranian revolution, many Iranian Jews joined the revolutionaries in order to lose their Jewish identity and be part of the utopia that the revolution promised. In summer of 1979, 7000 Jews protested against the Shah in Ashura protests. Other estimates puts the Jewish participants in the protests as high as 12000. Almost all the religious leaders of the Jewish community such as Yedidia Shofet, Uriel Davidi, David Shofet, Yosef Hamadani Cohen, Rabbi Baalnes, Rabbi Yadegaran participated in the protests. Other non religious leaders of the Persian Jewish community such as Aziz Daneshrad, Haroun Yashayaei, Yaghoub Barkhordar, Hoshang Melamed, Manuchehr Eliasi and Farangis Hasidim also participated in the protests.

Leaders of the Jewish community such as Yosef Hamadani Cohen and Yedidia Shofet were instrumental in managing the collaborations between the Jews and the revolutionaries.

The most important Jewish supporters of the revolution were in "Association of Jewish Iranian Intellectuals" (Jameye-roshanfekran-e-yahudi or AJII). In 1978 AJII's magazine, Tammuz, started writing in support of the revolution. Its writers were not limited to Persian Jews but also included prominent non-Jewish revolutionaries such as Mir Hosein Mousaviand Zahra Rahnavard. Most of the Jewish community at the time were supporters of the Tudeh Party and leaned towards communism and AJII was trying to push them more towards traditional religious beliefs. AJII's charter was very close to the ideals of the revolution. It declared that AJII was at war with imperialism in its all forms, including Zionism. Furthermore, AJII's charter declared that the organization is at war with racism including antisemitism.

Tehran's only Jewish hospital, run by Dr. Sapir, was instrumental in helping the wounded revolutionaries. At the time most of the public hospitals would report the wounded revolutionaries to SAVAK but Dr. Sapir's hospital was the only hospital that was treating them without informing the SAVAK agents. Dr. Sapir hospital's actions were so instrumental that Ayatollah Khomeini himself wrote a personal note thanking the hospital for its help after the revolution succeeded.

In November 1978, leaders of the Jewish community met with Ayatollah Taleqani and pledge their support for the revolution. In late 1978, leaders of the Jewish community met with Ayatollah Khomeini in Paris and declared their support for the revolution


On 18 May 1979 a group of Zionist leaders went to Iranian embassy in Washington and met with Iranian delegates. In this meeting Ali Agoh, the Iranian representative described that the Iranian government does not believe that Iranian Zionists are traitors.
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many Jews joined the Tudeh party and advocated for communism. Even though Jews comprised less than 2 percent of Iranian population, almost fifty percent of the members of the Tudeh party were Jewish. Tudeh party was the only party among the Iranian political parties that accepted Jews with open arms. Most writers for publications of the Tudeh party were Jewish. Furthermore, many Iranian Jews viewed communism as a Jewish movement since many leading members of the communist revolution in Russia were Jewish and were looked upon favorably by Persian Jews.


Yousef Cohen, last Jewish representative of Iranian Senate describes in his memoirs that Shah became suspicious of Jewish community in his final years because most of the international criticism about lack of freedom in Iran and military style of government came from Jewish authors. Furthermore, the writer for the influential and highly publicized book, fall of 77 (probably Crash of 79 by Paul Erdman mistakenly called 77 by Cohen), which predicted the fall of Shah a few years prior to his demise was Jewish. Shah, according to Cohen, displayed a remarkable intolerance and annoyance by the Jewish community in has last annual visit in March 1978 with the community leaders. Cohen describes that Shah believed that there is an international Jewish conspiracy against him to end his reign as the king.

During the Iranian revolution, many Iranian Jews joined the revolutionaries in order to lose their Jewish identity and be part of the utopia that the revolution promised. In summer of 1979, 7000 Jews protested against the Shah in Ashura protests. Other estimates puts the Jewish participants in the protests as high as 12000. Almost all the religious leaders of the Jewish community such as Yedidia Shofet, Uriel Davidi, David Shofet, Yosef Hamadani Cohen, Rabbi Baalnes, Rabbi Yadegaran participated in the protests. Other non religious leaders of the Persian Jewish community such as Aziz Daneshrad, Haroun Yashayaei, Yaghoub Barkhordar, Hoshang Melamed, Manuchehr Eliasi and Farangis Hasidim also participated in the protests.

Leaders of the Jewish community such as Yosef Hamadani Cohen and Yedidia Shofet were instrumental in managing the collaborations between the Jews and the revolutionaries.

The most important Jewish supporters of the revolution were in "Association of Jewish Iranian Intellectuals" (Jameye-roshanfekran-e-yahudi or AJII). In 1978 AJII's magazine, Tammuz, started writing in support of the revolution. Its writers were not limited to Persian Jews but also included prominent non-Jewish revolutionaries such as Mir Hosein Mousaviand Zahra Rahnavard. Most of the Jewish community at the time were supporters of the Tudeh Party and leaned towards communism and AJII was trying to push them more towards traditional religious beliefs. AJII's charter was very close to the ideals of the revolution. It declared that AJII was at war with imperialism in its all forms, including Zionism. Furthermore, AJII's charter declared that the organization is at war with racism including antisemitism.

Tehran's only Jewish hospital, run by Dr. Sapir, was instrumental in helping the wounded revolutionaries. At the time most of the public hospitals would report the wounded revolutionaries to SAVAK but Dr. Sapir's hospital was the only hospital that was treating them without informing the SAVAK agents. Dr. Sapir hospital's actions were so instrumental that Ayatollah Khomeini himself wrote a personal note thanking the hospital for its help after the revolution succeeded.

In November 1978, leaders of the Jewish community met with Ayatollah Taleqani and pledge their support for the revolution. In late 1978, leaders of the Jewish community met with Ayatollah Khomeini in Paris and declared their support for the revolution


On 18 May 1979 a group of Zionist leaders went to Iranian embassy in Washington and met with Iranian delegates. In this meeting Ali Agoh, the Iranian representative described that the Iranian government does not believe that Iranian Zionists are traitors.

It is the Jewish way . They always control the news and media in order to manipulate the sheep. Who authored this article?
اعتراف سپاه به داشتن موشک کروز هوا به زمین نقطه زن با برد 1500 کیلومتر

آینده‌ای نزدیک سامانه‌ موشک‌های هوا به زمین کروز نقطه زن با برد هزار و ۵۰۰ کیلومتر روی این جنگنده بمب افکن‌ها نصب خواهد شد.


Another outstanding achievement of IRI! Overhauling 1960’s Soviet Aircraft. I am
Sure this game changing move will give the Mullahs more bargaining power , and all the Ape/Camel Sub-humans are now losing sleep. Americans will have to rethink their battle plans .
Another outstanding achievement of IRI! Overhauling 1960’s Soviet Aircraft. I am
Sure this game changing move will give the Mullahs more bargaining power , and all the Ape/Camel Sub-humans are now losing sleep. Americans will have to rethink their battle plans .

In regards to your comment about Iran restoring the SU-22's

Yes they're old & arguably obsolete & yes they're not going to stand up to F-22's or even F-16's but who knows, Iran will probably send them to Syria. If I'm not mistaken Iran can build these from scratch although they don't seem to be too interested in doing so. On a side note, China has almost 400 J-7's, which are similar to the SU-22

I mean, they are cheap, easy to maintain & great for ground strikes. Iran is also modifying them to be able to launch cruise missiles with a range of 1500 KM. That's pretty good. I mean how many countries in the world can overhaul jets without any foreign assistance & then modify them to launch cruise missiles, which Iran also builds from scratch. How many nations can build cruise missiles ? tanks ? jets ? Only 9 countries in the world can put satellites in space by themselves. Iran is one of them.

After 2020,the UN sanctions which prohibit Iran from buying new offensive weapons will come to an end. Russia & Iran have already signed a deal for Iran to purchase more than 100 brand new Russian jets, including SU-30's, with technology transfers, which will be produced in Iran.

Recently Iran's military announced that they will be building 800 new Karrar tanks. Iran's military is slowly but surely modernizing.

It has been a direct assault. The Bolsheviks were fake Ashkenazi Jews who hated Christian Russians . They not only butchered millions of Christians, but they attacked the core of the culture by preventing Christianity. They only accepted atheism.

In Iran, the islamists are forcing the culture of the illiterate, savage, lizard eating bedouins whom happen to be their half cousins on our people.

The same thing is happening in Turkey. You have a thief under the banner of Islam, destroying the Turks slowly but surely. A true Muslim who helped facilitate the slaughter of millions of Syrians across the border all the while he plundered their national wealth .

They are a lot of similarities between
ISIL( Illiterate Savage Islamic Lizard eating sub-humans )and the Mullas .

These tribal laws were written to punish these sub-humans which were a hybrid of an Ape, Camel, and desert nomads. When you cut the lizard's tale it grows back. Addiction is a disease You can no hang an addict hope to cure him. In sum, you can not apply the rule of the jungle to Iranians ,and you cannot speak philosophy with an Ape.

Russia= (Fake Jews pushing their Christian hating ideology of Atheism) Putin saved Russia.
Iran= Islamists pushing the culture of the savage and illiterate bedouins on Iranians out of pure hate. We are hopeful that we can get rid of this backward ideology once and for all.
Europe and US=Fake Jews (hiding under liberalism) pushing homosexuality, athesim, and the Islamification out of their pure hatred for the Christian European.

You are so naive. If he was protecting Iran, he would first stop by allowing the plundering and theft of the nation by his henchmen . Until we see billionaire mullahs hanging in Irans streets from Cranes for their theft and rape, and all the money that they have stolen returned to the national coffers, it is all a smoke and mirror show. I have yet to see a Mullah having his hand cut off in a public square for petty theft.

In response to your comment about Purely Iranian identity vs Shia Islamic identity

I understand where you're coming from but Shia Islam is deeply embedded within the genome of Iran's DNA. That doesn't mean that it's impossible for a secular, nationalist Iranian government to come to power one day since Iranians are very patriotic & nationalist to begin with. But right now, whether you like it or hate it, there are LOTS of devout Shia Muslims in Iran and in any case, the government seem to be using the religion as a way of spreading its influence throughout the middle east. Realistically I don't think Persian or Iranian nationalism would work nearly as well when it comes to Iran spreading its influence to Arab countries.

In response to your comment about corruption in Iran


Iran arrests top state managers as anti-corruption drive forges ahead

Several top managers at Iran's Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade have been put behind bars as the nation increasingly discovers that rampant corruption is a major cause behind the current economic turmoil.

Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei announced that at least five top managers at the ministry were arrested — four of whom are now in custody. The arrests were apparently made in connection to vehicle import fraud and the abuse of the official rate currency offered at the lower level of 42,000 rials per US dollar.

Vehicle imports have long been seen as monopolized by well-connected, mafia-style corporations, which have benefited from the rial devaluation and enjoyed government privileges. Ejei went into further detail by publicly naming the director general of Iran's Trade Promotion Organization and one of his deputies as two of those arrested. "The prosecutors have been ordered to speed up the probe, show no leniency to the defendants and disregard their positions," he added.

According to Ejei, the crackdown was launched after the prosecutor general requested from the Central Bank of Iran a list of the vehicle importers given access to official rate hard currency. He also raised the question of whether the Central Bank's granting of currency to the private companies was a lawful decision amid the current market turbulence.

The controversy over fraudulent importers began more than a month ago when Iran's youngest Cabinet member, Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, initiated a daring campaign by unveiling a list of cell phone importers that had enjoyed official rate currency but apparently fleeced customers by setting prices on the basis of black market rates, which are roughly twice as high. However, Azari Jahromi himself has come under fire from some quarters amid claims that his ministry emboldened a lot of the very same cell phone companies.

Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mohammad Shariatmadari was one of the very first within President Hassan Rouhani’s administration who not only did not applaud the young minister's bold move but even stood against it. "What the minister did was not good and only caused market turbulence. I'm not going to follow suit," Shariatmadari said, suggesting that he would not release a similar list in his ministry. Shariatmadari insisted that it was the Central Bank's responsibility to offer the list of the recipients of official rate hard currency and that such a revelation would be tantamount to declaring war on the private sector. "We will make decisions based on our God-given reason — decisions that will best serve our economy," he said.

These remarks sparked a verbal exchange between the two officials. "I have to say with the faith in my heart that is based on the God-given reason that corruption is like a termite [that erodes] the country's economy and serves as a destabilizing factor. … We need to grip the bull of corruption by the horns," Azari Jahromi tweeted back, digging in his heels. This move, amid mounting public pressure and a directive issued by Rouhani, made the reluctant industry minister finally give in and join the campaign at last.

The way the two ministers addressed corruption has highlighted the differences between two generations of officials in the Islamic Republic. Shariatmadari, to many, represents the traditional official who runs the institution under his command with conservatism, while Jahromi is seen as a forerunner of outspoken officials who are ready to take risks and find popularity in their openness with the public.

In the face of Iran's multiple economic woes, one quick remedy is offering space to young managers who are trying to address corruption. This is also one reason that has led to calls for Rouhani to "mend" his Cabinet and his economic team in particular, including Shariatmadari.

This is being funded by the USA, Israel & Saudi Arabia. No doubt about it. Recently a group of Kurdish militias infiltrated through Iran's border area & put up a Kurdish flag at the center of town. Before that, PJAK launched an ambush attack & killed 11 Iranian border guards / IRGC allegedly in response to Iran assassinating several Kurdish leaders ?

Of course Iran responded with force

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International Biology Olympiad 2018

What is the IBO?

The "International Biology Olympiad e.V." (IBO) is an association that organizes a yearly Biology competition for secondary school students, who are winners of their respective National Biology Olympiad.

Their skills in tackling biological problems, and dealing with biological experiments are tested. Interest in biology, inventiveness, creativity and perseverance are necessary.

International Biology Olympiad 2018, Tehran


▲ Gold and Silver medals: International Biology Olympiad 2018, Tehran


▲ Bronze medals: International Biology Olympiad 2018, Tehran

1st Rank: Vietnam, Nguyen Phuong Thao
2nd Rank: China, Yuchen Yao
3rd Rank: Chinese Taipei, Yun-Chen Chen

4th Rank: Iran, Parmida Sadat-Pezeshki


Another outstanding achievement of IRI! Overhauling 1960’s Soviet Aircraft. I am
Sure this game changing move will give the Mullahs more bargaining power , and all the Ape/Camel Sub-humans are now losing sleep. Americans will have to rethink their battle plans .
Another outstanding achievement of IRI! Overhauling 1960’s Soviet Aircraft. Sure this game changing move will give the Mullahs more bargaining power , and all the Ape/Camel Sub-humans are now losing sleep. Americans will have to rethink their battle plans .

These ex-Iraqi Su-22M4 were produced in second half of 1980s, overall production of the Su-22 in USSR were ceased only in 1990. It's good jet for CAS missions with use of guided and unguided munitions.
Another outstanding achievement of IRI! Overhauling 1960’s Soviet Aircraft. I am
Sure this game changing move will give the Mullahs more bargaining power , and all the Ape/Camel Sub-humans are now losing sleep. Americans will have to rethink their battle plans .
Well su-22 is a fast airplane and can fly high . the problem of it is maneuverability and old system .
But to be honest if they managed to upgrade its internal so its no able to use those equipment in the picture then it can be an ok platform for ground attack missions.
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