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Iranian Chill Thread

We are suffering too...

2 Years ago i was able to buy WV Tiguan 1.6 TDI for 90.000 TL
Today it's price rocketed to 180.000 TL !!!!!
Buying a car become a dream in Turkey.

sorry for you , but from what I see you Turks are putting foot in a path that we are in it in past 40 years .... sooner or later Erdogan will become like our so called leaders and Turkey will get drowned in corruption and mismanagement ....

well , at least you have enough water and good weather in Turkey ( although you are constructing dams after dams which will ruin your weather in in 10-15 years from now , just like Iran )

look at us and don't repeat Iran and Iranians mistake .... this is a brotherly advice ...

Oil for food program ... IR latest achievement ...
sorry for you , but from what I see you Turks are putting foot in a path that we are in it in past 40 years .... sooner or later Erdogan will become like our so called leaders and Turkey will get drowned in corruption and mismanagement ....

well , at least you have enough water and good weather in Turkey ( although you are constructing dams after dams which will ruin your weather in in 10-15 years from now , just like Iran )

look at us and don't repeat Iran and Iranians mistake .... this is a brotherly advice ...

Oil for food program ... IR latest achievement ...
Oil for food.. also one of achievements of Saddam.

What does this mullah-son think with his ugly not full grown beard? That Russia will leave its interest for some delusional turbans from Qom?
Haha he's talking about "javanmardi" as if it's soccer. No islamist kid..wake up from 40 years coma.

Someone should explain to this moron and many like him running Iran the recent history of Russia.First, Russia was the last Christian Kingdom that was savagely destroyed by the Bolshevik Christ Hating fake Jews. Second, there is fifth column( Christ hating fake Ashkenazi Jews) in the Kremlin. Third, each country acts for their own national interest there is no "Javan Mardaneghi" in world politics.In addition, Mr. Putin is a true patriot and a man of faith who has built over 2000 Churches, shielded his country from the onslaught of the Globalists , and the perversion of Kooneez and godlessness . I wish we had a true patriot running Iran that cared for the welfare of Iranians and Iranian nation. Maybe Mr. Abdollahian should save his irrelevant opinions and help our starving people instead lining his own pockets.

I hope a true patriot, Mr. Ghassem Soleimani, will rule Iran and hang these traitors from the lamp posts.
Someone should explain to this moron and many like him running Iran the recent history of Russia.First, Russia was the last Christian Kingdom that was savagely destroyed by the Bolshevik Christ Hating fake Jews. Second, there is fifth column( Christ hating fake Ashkenazi Jews) in the Kremlin. Third, each country acts for their own national interest there is no "Javan Mardaneghi" in world politics.In addition, Mr. Putin is a true patriot and a man of faith who has built over 2000 Churches, shielded his country from the onslaught of the Globalists , and the perversion of Kooneez and godlessness . I wish we had a true patriot running Iran that cared for the welfare of Iranians and Iranian nation. Maybe Mr. Abdollahian should save his irrelevant opinions and help our starving people instead lining his own pockets.

I hope a true patriot, Mr. Ghassem Soleimani, will rule Iran and hang these traitors from the lamp posts.
Just an islamist, this soleimani guy. My friend you're smarter.. they are all the same, traitors to Iranian identity.
Just an islamist, this soleimani guy. My friend you're smarter.. they are all the same, traitors to Iranian identity.
I guess you are in denial that Iran went Islamic. Iran did and denying it wont change it. If it was so bad why wouldnt Iranian's go "back"?
Just an islamist, this soleimani guy. My friend you're smarter.. they are all the same, traitors to Iranian identity.

Mr. Soleimani has been fighting for Iran and Iranian identity for 40 years. You can not compare him with the mullahs oppressing the Iranians of basic necessities and lining their pockets under the scam of religion.

This is the world today, Croatia has a female president that the people respect and brings respect to the identity of this tiny nation. Back in the land of Islam, run by the representatives of god on earth, they punish a girl, get a forced confession from her, For dancing and posting videos online.

Kolinda Grabar.jpg

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You have con men running Iran by having a knife at average man's throat and forcing tribal nomads ideologies from 1400 years ago that worked for savage illeterates living in mud huts. Everyone is free to follow his or her faith whether you are a Jew, Muslim, Christian or whatever. God is great and true Faith is beautiful. Organized religion under the muzzle of a kloshnikov is a sham run by conmen robbing Iran blind.

At the end of the day, it is her pussy. If she wants to spread her legs, it is nobody's business.

I guess you are in denial that Iran went Islamic. Iran did and denying it wont change it. If it was so bad why wouldnt Iranian's go "back"?


Iranians wanted independence from Colonial US. They did not want oppression at the hands backward islamists pretending to be something that they are not. They did not want Iran to be under siege for four decades. 90% of the problems in Iran are because of the theft and mismanagement of these backward islamist con-men. US could give two shits about who runs Iran whether it is a Shah, or mullah with a bed sheet wrapped around his head. All you have to do is look across the Persian Gulf at the savage illeterates eating lizards with their hands. As long as US can sell their junk, you are their ally.

OFAC warns airports about dealing with Iranian carriers

The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued a warning to airports around the world that they risk serious consequences in their dealings with sanctioned Iranian carriers.

In a speech before the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington this week, the US Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, singled out Mahan Air (W5, Tehran Mehrabad) as a key conduit being used by the Iranian government to export what she termed "global terrorism".

"One of the proper responses to this kind of Iranian support is to stop allowing airlines who [sic] fly Iranian fighters into Syria to continue to fly into your country and to designate those airlines because they are being used to support what we all agree is a horrific crisis. I invite all of you here to go to Mahan’s website and see the extensive list of destinations where they fly throughout the world," she said.

"Likewise, countries and companies around the world should take note of the risks associated with granting landing rights and providing aviation services to the airlines used by Iran to export terrorism throughout the region, including the risks of our secondary sanctions."

The ch-aviation routes module shows Mahan Air serves 53 destinations in 18 countries including Kazakhstan, China, Turkey, Italy, France, Armenia, Iraq, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, the UAE, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Russia, India, Malaysia, and Afghanistan.

OFAC has embargoed several other Iranian carriers including Caspian Airlines, Meraj Air, Pouya Air Lines, and more recently, Dena Airways, as well as their associated aircraft fleets. It has highlighted that potentially sanctionable activities include, but are not limited to: procurement of aircraft parts and equipment, maintenance contracts, airline ground services and catering, interline transfer and codeshare agreements, general sales agent services, ticketing services and sales and marketing services, cargo cooperation agreements, cargo sales agent services and agreements, and freight forwarding services and agreements.

Iran Air (IR, Tehran Mehrabad) chief executive Farzaneh Sharafbafi was recently quoted by the IRIB news agency as saying she expects her carrier's ability to refuel at certain foreign airports to be withdrawn "soon".

Accomplishment of the Mullahs! Soon, people of Iran will only be able to travel with Olagh.


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Accomplishment of the Mullahs! Soon, people of Iran will only be able to travel with Olagh. [/QUOTE]

Are you offering the people of Iran a ride on your back??!!
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