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Iranian Chill Thread

allegedly one zionist jet damaged/shot down, we have to wait formore infos...
i hope Iran will deploy at its T4 airbase Tabas/3rd Kordad AD systems, to test it and to secure its personal (IRGC)
there were rumours Iran deployed 3rd Kordad already there and Israel attacked it in the last T4-incident killing several IRGC´s...
and my salary worth in this month is 141 $ compare to 270 $ in previous year ....
i have to save all of my salary for almost 23 months to buy this junk ...


almost 7 month to buy this :

and every damn thing is Iran is more expensive even than UAE and Iraq and Turkey !!!

so , don't try to fool me ....

But the Salary of people in Iran which actually do WORK and create value for Country and economy is fixed for a year according of IR ....



guess who is she !?

Salary in Iran are far lower than they should be that is a FACT but that again has to do with the constant fall of Iran's currency value!!!!!!!!

Please list the price of that Brand NEW Prid in USD values here let me help you: A New pride cost ~21,000,000 Toman to build and they sell for ~23,000,000 toman
If your basing paycheck value based on 7,000 toman per dollar then your paying only ~$3,300 USD for a NEW Pride!

And if you buy your laptop at a TAX Free zone then your imported laptop doesn't cost that much more then laptops sold anywhere else!!!!!!!!
Salary in Iran are far lower than they should be that is a FACT but that again has to do with the constant fall of Iran's currency value!!!!!!!!
do you know that you are just like IR so called politicians !?
continues decline of national currency value is one of biggest thievery in world ... IR is doing this ....
do you know that you are just like IR so called politicians !?
continues decline of national currency value is one of biggest thievery in world ... IR is doing this ....

You think the Iranian government is doing it? LOL!
The currency domino in Iran has fallen and it was pushed over by the U.S. and it has NOTHING to do with the Iranian Government or even the U.S. at this point!!!!!!!!!

Right now it's a country wide problem all the rich people and even regular people that get paycheck once they get their paycheck run toward exchanging their currency with foreign currency if they can find it if not gold!!!!!!!!

Iran's currency value is falling not as a result of a bad economy or over printing of money but as a result of fear which becomes a supply and demand problem purely based on fear and because Iran doesn't have a tourism industry to help at least balance things to a point neither foreigners are buying Iranian currency and millions of Iranian don't wanna keep their currency in Iranian currency and in Iranian banks!!!!!!!!

Which means Iranian banks are becoming empty of Iranian currency!!!!!!!!! HOW IN GODS NAME IS THAT BENIFICAL to the Iranian Government?????

That's why you hear things like 300 of the richest people in Iran have $148 Billion USD in foreign banks!!!!!!!

Yes you may be able to blame the government for not taking proper actions sooner to stop it but this is NOT the doing of the Iranian government!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the hell would the Iranian government want Iranian banks to be empty of Iranian currency???????????? IT's ABSURD! Do you know how many projects get funded by the money in those banks????

Right now the currency domino in Iran has fallen and since it wasn't caused by overprinting the only way to solve it is by overprinting and ensuring the safety of Iranian currency inside Iranian banks
So for example if you have $7 Million Toman in the bank and Iran's currency value falls from 7000 toman per dollar to 10000 toman per dollar the Iranian government will ensure that your $7 Million Toman becomes $10 million toman & vice versa at this point that's the only way Iranians will trust their money to Iranian banks again!!!!! And it's a radical action but if the Iranian government doesn't do that Iran will be in a far bigger trouble!!!!

And Rohani's ridicules plan if fixing dollar value could only work if the Iranian government had control over currency value on the open market which they do NOT!!!!
Do we have our own separate forum now ? We can not talk openly here on PDF. We need something like IMF again.
You think the Iranian government is doing it? LOL!
The currency domino in Iran has fallen and it was pushed over by the U.S. and it has NOTHING to do with the Iranian Government or even the U.S. at this point!!!!!!!!!
kid , in past 3 months , IR gave 11 billion dollars with price of 42000 Rials per $ to some companies to import and store necessary goods to Iran ... most of companies didn't import anything , some of them only import with half of the money that government entrusted to them and then sell the goods with twice of price ( 80000-90000 Rials per $ ) to Iranians ...

in short , they gave 11 billion dollars with half price to their own related companies which means in 3 months , they simply gave 330,000,000,000,000 Rials to their own relatives ( their own pocket ) ... this is equal to Iran's constructing budget for 1 year !!!

Do you think this is USA or Israel or KSA doing !?
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kid , in past 3 months , IR gave 11 billion dollars with price of 42000 Rials per $ to some companies to import and store necessary goods to Iran ... most of companies didn't import anything , some of them only import with half of the money that government entrusted to them and then sell the goods with twice of price ( 80000-90000 Rials per $ ) to Iranians ...

in short , they gave 11 billion dollars with half price to their own related companies which means in 3 months , they simply gave 330,000,000,000,000 Rials to their own relatives ( their own pocket ) ... this is equal to Iran's constructing budget for 1 year !!!

Do you think this is USA or Israel or KSA doing !?
I would not waste your time replying to him . He is fu..king idiot. While playing with his XBOX, He thinks by posting used car adds in US he is making his point. He is a Macroeconomic genius.

Meanwhile back at the land of guardians of Islam and representatives of god on earth:

Khamenei Orders Investigation Of IRGC-Linked Suspects In Corruption Scandal
July 09, 2018

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf former IRGC commander and three time mayor of Tehran allegedly presided over large-scale corruption schemes at city hall.
Tehran’s Prosecutor-General, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi says the legal cases against several suspects charged with financial corruption in the capital’s municipality have been delivered to the Military Prosecutor’s office.

Jafari Dolatabadi has not named the suspects, ( off course not because nothing will happen to them)but, apparently, all of them have a military background. Tehran’s municipality was dominated by an Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and former Police Chief Commander, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf for more than a decade.

A day earlier, the head of Tehran City Council Mohsen Hashemi had announced that IRGC’s Cooperatives Fund owes trillions of rials to the municipality.

“The Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the country’s Armed Forces Chief of Staff, IRGC Major General Hossein Baqeri to oversee the legal procedure against “Yas Holding”, one of the municipality’s contractors,” Hashemi said at the time.

“Five suspects, including Qalibaf’s deputy, Eissa Sharifi have been detained, so far,” Hashemi maintained, adding, “Several companies connected with IRGC’s Cooperative Fund owe huge sums of money to the municipality,” Hashemi noted, elaborating, “Yas Holding, for example, owes nearly 45 trillion rials (roughly $ 11 billion) to the municipality, but denies the figure.” ( those figures rival Deutsche bank, Chase, and UBS in Libor rigging which was a scam run across two continentns)

Meanwhile, Hashemi expressed hope that the overdue debt would soon be paid, and the municipality could use it for its already much delayed projects.

Tehran municipality and City Council were dominated by the so-called conservatives and close allies of Ayatollah Khamenei for more than twelve years.


Former Tehran mayor Mohammadali Najafi who resigned after revealing corruption at city hall.
However, when pro-reformists took over the council and appointed one of their allies as mayor last August, widespread financial corruption was revealed at the City Hall, enraging conservatives.

“More than five billion dollars of Tehran’s municipal funds went missing during Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf’s tenure as Mayor of Iran’s capital city,” said City Council Member Majid Farahani January 15, 2018. (it is probably in Orange County and they are developing new shopping malls)

“A special committee has been formed to investigate the scandal at City Hall that’s being called an ‘Astronomical Property Sellout" of city owned assets to MIT educated Mohammad Ali Najafi said in his first press conference after replacing Qalibaf as Mayor of Tehran in August 2017. The properties were sold to entities controlled by conservatives.

Najafi delivered a report to the city council on January 14 containing what he claimed were a list of “violations” committed by General Qalibaf while he was mayor.

In his report, Najafi also accused his predecessor and his staff of illegally spending municipal funds on last year’s presidential elections, suddenly employing 13,000 new personnel, arbitrarily giving away 674 city real estate holdings, and “cheating” in managing an employee savings account.

A week later, Tehran’s Prosecutor-General, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, called upon Najafi to immediately deliver the evidence to support his claims.

Najafi never delivered and was ultimately forced to resign last April, under heavy pressure from his conservative opponents.

Although Najafi repeatedly maintained he was stepping down due to a recently diagnosed illness, some council members insisted that the mayor was being forced out by his political opponents, who feared more revelations on their financial conduct at Tehran municipality.

Tehran’s prosecutor-general, mid-ranking cleric Mohammad Ja’far Montazeri, had earlier warned, “If this mayor is incapable of managing Tehran’s municipality, who will be responsible for [his mismanagement]? As the prosecutor-general, I hold the city council members responsible [who had earlier rejected Najafi’s resignation].”

Following the warning, City Councilors relented and replaced Najafi with another pro-reform fellow, Mohammad Ali Afshani.

Since Afshani’s appointment, revelations about financial corruption in Tehran municipality under IRGC Brigadier General Qalibaf died down.

Why the Supreme Leader has now changed his attitude and endorsed legal action against the accused, is not clear.
I would not waste your time replying to him . He is fu..king idiot. While playing with his XBOX, He thinks by posting used car adds in US he is making his point. He is a Macroeconomic genius.

Meanwhile back at the land of guardians of Islam and representatives of god on earth:

Khamenei Orders Investigation Of IRGC-Linked Suspects In Corruption Scandal
July 09, 2018

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf former IRGC commander and three time mayor of Tehran allegedly presided over large-scale corruption schemes at city hall.
Tehran’s Prosecutor-General, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi says the legal cases against several suspects charged with financial corruption in the capital’s municipality have been delivered to the Military Prosecutor’s office.

Jafari Dolatabadi has not named the suspects, ( off course not because nothing will happen to them)but, apparently, all of them have a military background. Tehran’s municipality was dominated by an Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and former Police Chief Commander, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf for more than a decade.

A day earlier, the head of Tehran City Council Mohsen Hashemi had announced that IRGC’s Cooperatives Fund owes trillions of rials to the municipality.

“The Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered the country’s Armed Forces Chief of Staff, IRGC Major General Hossein Baqeri to oversee the legal procedure against “Yas Holding”, one of the municipality’s contractors,” Hashemi said at the time.

“Five suspects, including Qalibaf’s deputy, Eissa Sharifi have been detained, so far,” Hashemi maintained, adding, “Several companies connected with IRGC’s Cooperative Fund owe huge sums of money to the municipality,” Hashemi noted, elaborating, “Yas Holding, for example, owes nearly 45 trillion rials (roughly $ 11 billion) to the municipality, but denies the figure.” ( those figures rival Deutsche bank, Chase, and UBS in Libor rigging which was a scam run across two continentns)

Meanwhile, Hashemi expressed hope that the overdue debt would soon be paid, and the municipality could use it for its already much delayed projects.

Tehran municipality and City Council were dominated by the so-called conservatives and close allies of Ayatollah Khamenei for more than twelve years.


Former Tehran mayor Mohammadali Najafi who resigned after revealing corruption at city hall.
However, when pro-reformists took over the council and appointed one of their allies as mayor last August, widespread financial corruption was revealed at the City Hall, enraging conservatives.

“More than five billion dollars of Tehran’s municipal funds went missing during Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf’s tenure as Mayor of Iran’s capital city,” said City Council Member Majid Farahani January 15, 2018. (it is probably in Orange County and they are developing new shopping malls)

“A special committee has been formed to investigate the scandal at City Hall that’s being called an ‘Astronomical Property Sellout" of city owned assets to MIT educated Mohammad Ali Najafi said in his first press conference after replacing Qalibaf as Mayor of Tehran in August 2017. The properties were sold to entities controlled by conservatives.

Najafi delivered a report to the city council on January 14 containing what he claimed were a list of “violations” committed by General Qalibaf while he was mayor.

In his report, Najafi also accused his predecessor and his staff of illegally spending municipal funds on last year’s presidential elections, suddenly employing 13,000 new personnel, arbitrarily giving away 674 city real estate holdings, and “cheating” in managing an employee savings account.

A week later, Tehran’s Prosecutor-General, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, called upon Najafi to immediately deliver the evidence to support his claims.

Najafi never delivered and was ultimately forced to resign last April, under heavy pressure from his conservative opponents.

Although Najafi repeatedly maintained he was stepping down due to a recently diagnosed illness, some council members insisted that the mayor was being forced out by his political opponents, who feared more revelations on their financial conduct at Tehran municipality.

Tehran’s prosecutor-general, mid-ranking cleric Mohammad Ja’far Montazeri, had earlier warned, “If this mayor is incapable of managing Tehran’s municipality, who will be responsible for [his mismanagement]? As the prosecutor-general, I hold the city council members responsible [who had earlier rejected Najafi’s resignation].”

Following the warning, City Councilors relented and replaced Najafi with another pro-reform fellow, Mohammad Ali Afshani.

Since Afshani’s appointment, revelations about financial corruption in Tehran municipality under IRGC Brigadier General Qalibaf died down.

Why the Supreme Leader has now changed his attitude and endorsed legal action against the accused, is not clear.
Strange, guardian council and khamenei allow these figures to become candidate for elections? I think khamenei will replace him with his close friend Saeed Toosi for next elections. Saeed Toosi seems honest, true muslim.
kid , in past 3 months , IR gave 11 billion dollars with price of 42000 Rials per $ to some companies to import and store necessary goods to Iran ... most of companies didn't import anything , some of them only import with half of the money that government entrusted to them and then sell the goods with twice of price ( 80000-90000 Rials per $ ) to Iranians ...

in short , they gave 11 billion dollars with half price to their own related companies which means in 3 months , they simply gave 330,000,000,000,000 Rials to their own relatives ( their own pocket ) ... this is equal to Iran's constructing budget for 1 year !!!

Do you think this is USA or Israel or KSA doing !?

The intention was to help import goods at lower fixed rate Dollar value to help with inflation in the country!!!!!!!! And an absurd ridicules plan to help stop the currency fall!!!!!!!!!!!

Rohani is an Idiot!!!!!!!! The only time you can have a fixed currency value is if you have full control over the free market and such a thing is only possible in smaller economies in countries with a small population!!!!!!

And it's idiocy to think flooding the market with $11 Billions of dollars at 4300 toman will stop the currency fall in a country of 80 Million people!!!!!!!!! And yes did a select few take advantage of that I'm sure they did!!!!!!

Tell me how many billions of dollars did Rich Iranians that kept large sums of Iranian currency in CD's in Iranian banks loose in the past 5 years??????? If you put your money in a 5 year CD when Rohani got elected today based on free market USD value that money is worth half of what it used to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if the government can't ensure the value of the Iranian currency Rich and Upper Middle class Iranians keep in their Iranian banks the entire banking industry of the country will be at risk and Iran's economy will come to a halt!!!!

What do you think happens to a country when the best thing to invest in becomes foreign currency??????? Why would anyone invest in Iranian stocks? Why would anyone invest in producing Iranian products? Why would anyone invest in building new houses and apartment buildings? Where will banks get the money to invest in high rises and other large projects???
You have to be delusional to think the fall of Iran's currency and complete instability of Iran's currency has anything to do with the Iranian government!!!! It's suicidal!!!!!!

The fall of Iran's currency today is solely based on fear and a supply and demand problem NOT overprinting!!!!!! And now they only way to fix it is by Overprinting and ensuring the currency Iranians have in Iranian banks based on a single free market value of USD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iranians need to keep their Iranian currency back in Iranian banks and government need to ensure that currency based on a single rate free market value of USD!!!!! THAT IS THE ONLY FIX!!!!!!!!!!! Salaries also need to be fixed on a single rate USD value until stability comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And any attempt to do anything other than that will fail!!!!!!!!!
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