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Iranian Chill Thread

I think we could all do with a good laugh so I found this on some deluded persian nationalists twitter

Same shit as Kurds same problem, these people try to be accepted by the white man thus go out of their way to state themselves of enemies of the arabs/islam/iranian regime etc. Kurds perfected this strategy, yet still they got trashed.
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Larijani is explaining the content of U.S 9/11 reports which were fabricated against Iran, he didn't confirm them.

Fabricating lies is what our enemies do, and accepting these lies and spreading them is the duty of their Iranian branches, some traitors like TABNAK news agency.
Just because I think wiping out 1400 years of history and forcing tens of millions of people to change their religion is stupid, doesn't make me some sort of extremist.
Wake up arabs hate you and you can't fight them if you believe in their religion you have to return to your roots

They fought and died for this country for 8 years you dumb motherfucker. Don't twist my words, tule sag.
A war which khomeni refused to stop it
No idea why you're diverting this to religion but Islam has been Iran's major religion longer than any other. We're Muslims, simple as, just cause 1500 years ago we weren't doesn't change anything. It's really a very childish talking point.

By the way, there are way more Muslims than there are Arabs.
Islam has 1000 years history in Iran as religion of majority. Zoroastrianism has been 2500 years religion of the majority of Iranians.

Islam will fade away from Iran and central asia, this proces is somehow slowed by conservative politicians who will soon die of old age. Nationalists will wake their place.
Islam has 1000 years history in Iran as religion of majority. Zoroastrianism has been 2500 years religion of the majority of Iranians.

Islam will fade away from Iran and central asia, this proces is somehow slowed by conservative politicians who will soon die of old age. Nationalists will wake their place.

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