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Iranian Chill Thread

>should we abandon foreign tech too?! do you have the same mindset for other foreign things too, or it's just a >double standard targeting only Islam?

Foreign technology & scientific knowledge like modern medicine is benefiting Iranians. How has Islam benefited Iranians ? Would Iran cease to exist without Islam ? Would Iran have a better image / better relationships with the world without Islam ?

>Intellectual human chooses what's the best even if it's foreign, dead brains and animals wont.

Yes but we should choose from an objective, unbiased point of view

>Let's say we are Zoroastrian, does it accept current corrupted western culture? does this religion suggest to close >our eyes on bullies? can we reach peace with U.S and Israel if we were Zoroastrian?

Supporting resistance groups against Israel has cost & is costing Iranians dearly. During the Iran-Iraq war the Palestinians sided with Saddam. So why should Iran sacrifice so much prosperity for the Palestinian cause ? Do the majority of Iranians care more about Palestine or their own standard of living ? Would the Palestinians do the same for us if the tables were turned ? I HIGHLY doubt it.

>Your problem isn't Islam, but morality.

I can understand that Iran is a Shia nation and therefore feels obligated to support Hezbollah but Hamas ? the same ppl that are fighting & support groups fighting Assad ? Iran is trying to send them money & weapons via Syria & they're trying to destroy the route ? Why should Iran keep supporting these monkeys ? really ?

You speak of morality, but is it MORALLY PERMISSIBLE to force Iranian women to wear the Hejab ? Prohibit alcohol consumption when a large portion of society, perhaps even the majority want the prohibition dissolved ? Why not allow Iranians to decide on these issues for themselves ? Or supporting Hamas ? Why not allow Iranians to support for themselves ? The current system really doesn't leave much room for choice when it comes to issues like this. The government either needs to reform or they won't last in the long run.

You should amputate your right arm it's better

Why do all hardcore Muslims get so emotional when you question their religion ? Let's be honest, Islam is not a pluralistic ideology. That's the problem with Iran today, not enough pluralism. Not enough openness, not enough debate, not enough choice for the people. Iran needs reform. Iran needs to crack down on corruption. iran's government needs to give its people more power to decide their future.

Why doesn't iran withraw from NPT
Because that is precisely what the Zionists want. If Iran leaves the deal & starts enriching, the EU, China, Russia MIGHT very well place sanctions on Iran again and that will lead to a negative GDP, a disaster for Iran's economy. Iran is still going to benefit from the nuclear deal even if the US withdraws so even from an economic standpoint it makes sense.. From a political view, keeping the nuclear deal intact will actually isolate the US from the rest of the world, especially the EU, especially with the latest tariffs dummy Trump has unleashed onto EU, China and the rest of the world.
الان دیگه کی ولمون کنه از دست امریکا و اسراییل قبلا اسم عربستانو هم میومد ولی دیگه حالا همش میشه ایران و ایرانی همین دیروز خوندم افغانستان گفته تروریست هایی که تازگی به داعش افغانستان اومدن و حمله انتحاری کردن همه ایرانی هستن و باید مواظب ایرانی ها باشیم
الان دیگه کی ولمون کنه از دست امریکا و اسراییل قبلا اسم عربستانو هم میومد ولی دیگه حالا همش میشه ایران و ایرانی همین دیروز خوندم افغانستان گفته تروریست هایی که تازگی به داعش افغانستان اومدن و حمله انتحاری کردن همه ایرانی هستن و باید مواظب ایرانی ها باشیم
آخه رو چه حساب فکر کرد این ایده ی خوبیه که من هم بیام در این باره حرف بزنم؟ حالا چه حروم زاده هایی هستن این کارکنان ال اربیه این اومده بگه که تو خود گزارش کنگره آمریکا به این نتیجه رسیده اند که طالبان دشمن ایرانه این حروم زاده های ال اربیه اون قسمت مهر و پاسپورت رو ترجمه کرده اند این قسمت هاش رو نه بعد حروم زاده ها اومدن یه چیز هایی هم که نگفته رو به ترجمه اضافه کرده اند بی پدرا مثلا اومدن اضافه کرده اند که "اینا (تروریستا) تمام فعالیتشون به طور کامل زیر نظر اطلاعات ایران بوده" که اصلا همچین چیزی نمی گه. حالا اگه بدونی تو توییتر چه ویراژی دارن میرن
خداوکیلی عجب بدبختی ای نداریم از دست این 5 تا؟ خانواده لاریجانی به تنهایی برای نابودی ایران کافی است
I think we could all do with a good laugh so I found this on some deluded persian nationalists twitter
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