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The world seriously is screwed thanks to American Capitalism.

We should thank our God that among Asian and MENA continues we live in Iran.

India's richest 1% corner 73% of wealth generation: Survey

By PTI | Updated: Jan 23, 2018, 07.30 AM IST
  • wealth generated in the country last year, a new survey showed today, presenting a worrying picture of rising income inequality.

    Besides, 67 crore Indians comprising the population's poorest half saw their wealth rise by just 1 per cent, as per the survey released by the international rights group Oxfam hours before the start of the annual congregation of the rich and powerful from across the world in this resort town.

    The situation appears even more grim globally, where 82 per cent of the wealth generated last year worldwide went to the 1 per cent, while 3.7 billion people that account for the poorest half of population saw no increase in their wealth.

    The annual Oxfam survey is keenly watched and is discussed in detail at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting where rising income and gender inequality is among the key talking points for the world leaders.

    Last year's survey had showed that India's richest 1 per cent held a huge 58 per cent of the country's total wealth -- higher than the global figure of about 50 per cent.

    This year's survey also showed that the wealth of India's richest 1 per cent increased by over Rs 20.9 lakh crore during 2017 -- an amount equivalent to total budget of the central government in 2017-18, Oxfam India said.

    The report titled 'Reward Work, Not Wealth', Oxfam said, reveals how the global economy enables wealthy elite to accumulate vast wealth even as hundreds of millions of people struggle to survive on poverty pay.

    "2017 saw an unprecedented increase in the number of billionaires, at a rate of one every two days. Billionaire wealth has risen by an average of 13 per cent a year since 2010 -- six times faster than the wages of ordinary workers, which have risen by a yearly average of just 2 per cent," it said.

    In India, it will take 941 years for a minimum wage worker in rural India to earn what the top paid executive at a leading Indian garment firm earns in a year, the study found.

    In the US, it takes slightly over one working day for a CEO to earn what an ordinary worker makes in a year, it added.

    Citing results of the global survey of 70,000 people surveyed in 10 countries, Oxfam said it demonstrates a groundswell of support for action on inequality and nearly two-thirds of all respondents think the gap between the rich and the poor needs to be urgently addressed.

    With Prime Minister Narendra Modi attending the WEF meeting in Davos, Oxfam India urged the Indian government to ensure that the country's economy works for everyone and not just the fortunate few.







    It asked the government to promote inclusive growth by encouraging labour-intensive sectors that will create more jobs; investing in agriculture; and effectively implementing the social protection schemes that exist.

    Oxfam also sought sealing of the "leaking wealth bucket" by taking stringent measures against tax evasion and avoidance, imposing higher tax on super-rich and removing corporate tax breaks.

    The survey respondents in countries like the US, UK and India also favoured 60 per cent pay cut for CEOs.

    The key factors driving up rewards for shareholders and corporate bosses at the expense of workers' pay and conditions, Oxfam said, include erosion of workers' rights; excessive influence of big business over government policy- making; and the relentless corporate drive to minimise costs in order to maximise returns to shareholders.

    About India, it said the country added 17 new billionaires last year, taking the total number to 101. The Indian billionaires' wealth increased to over Rs 20.7 lakh crore -- increasing during last year by Rs 4.89 lakh crore, an amount sufficient to finance 85 per cent of the all states' budget on health and education.

    It also said India's top 10 per cent of population holds 73 per cent of the wealth and 37 per cent of India's billionaires have inherited family wealth. They control 51 per cent of the total wealth of billionaires in the country.

    Oxfam India CEO Nisha Agrawal said it is alarming that the benefits of economic growth in India continue to concentrate in fewer hands.

    "The billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a failing economic system. Those working hard, growing food for the country, building infrastructure, working in factories are struggling to fund their child's education, buy medicines for family members and manage two meals a day. The growing divide undermines democracy and promotes corruption and cronyism," she said.

    The survey also showed that women workers often find themselves at the bottom of the heap and nine out of 10 billionaires are men.

    In India, there are only four women billionaires and three of them inherited family wealth.

    "It would take around 17.5 days for the best paid executive at a top Indian garment company to earn what a minimum wage worker in rural India will earn in their lifetime (presuming 50 years at work)," Oxfam said.
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Listen to this creature, especially the timing that i have suggested. I personally believe, he is greatest and most honest enemy that we could have, i like him and hate him the most at the same time. He is describing USA's long term strategy in making economic problems for Iran by moving smoothly in a direction that doesn't unite people with the government (I guess he is talking about main leadership when he says government). BTW, very interesting

2':10" to 2':30 you can understand that who is feeling the threat from Shiite masses in Muslim countries and who is responsible for massacring of Shias and more importantly who is the main leader of anti-Shia movement across the middle east. @B@KH @2800 a must listen brothers. Why me always insists that USA is our main enemy the guy has mentioned.

However i can feel the desperation in his voice, he is the spokesman of all evils in united states, especially when he starts to describing of the equations in middle east and respectively the Israeli safety , 12':38" to the end , i ask myself who keeps losing her allies and who is finding new friends , so who would become the prominent power of middle east after WW2? Obviously it is Iran. But the guy had no idea in the time of 2013 when Obama was on the job who tried his best to avoid behaving like Trump by showing patience and tolerance towards emerging powers like China, Russia and Iran, now Zbigniew must be saying more interesting things, WE LOST AGAINST IRAN.
Listen to this creature, especially the timing that i have suggested. I personally believe, he is greatest and most honest enemy that we could have, i like him and hate him the most at the same time. He is describing USA's long term strategy in making economic problems for Iran by moving smoothly in a direction that doesn't unite people with the government (I guess he is talking about main leadership when he says government). BTW, very interesting

2':10" to 2':30 you can understand that who is feeling the threat from Shiite masses in Muslim countries and who is responsible for massacring of Shias and more importantly who is the main leader of anti-Shia movement across the middle east. @B@KH @2800 a must listen brothers. Why me always insists that USA is our main enemy the guy has mentioned.

However i can feel the desperation in his voice, he is the spokesman of all evils in united states, especially when he starts to describing of the equations in middle east and respectively the Israeli safety , 12':38" to the end , i ask myself who keeps losing her allies and who is finding new friends , so who would become the prominent power of middle east after WW2? Obviously it is Iran. But the guy had no idea in the time of 2013 when Obama was on the job who tried his best to avoid behaving like Trump by showing patience and tolerance towards emerging powers like China, Russia and Iran, now Zbigniew must be saying more interesting things, WE LOST AGAINST IRAN.
Very nice analysis bro. American regime is the worst regime in history of mankind.

I pity millions Muslims that killed by these yanks directly and indirectly since creation of taliban in Afghanistan.

Since downfall of strong empires such as Ottoman empire, western countries have screwed Islamic countries like never that in history.

Even not at time of crusaders.
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Very nice analysis bro. American regime is the worst regime in history of mankind.

I pity millions Muslims that killed by these yanks directly and indirectly since creation of taliban in Afghanistan.
Indeed brother.

It has a lot to say, who might be beneficial of Shia-Sunni division. It can also state the fact that Iran has never wanted or was never willing to annoy her Sunni citizens despite the bad mouthes claiming that Iran is oppressing her Sunni population. But vise versa is more possible, outside of Iran Americans are trying their best to annoy Shias by using of their stooges. In Pakistan Shias are oppressed by extremists like TTP or Haqqani that one day these terrorists are/were brothers of Americans, in Iraq by Saddam, in peninsula by Ale-yahood families etc. Iraqi Shias shouldn't have approached Ale-yahood but unfortunately it is happening.

@SALMAN F miss you friend, listen to Iran's enemy, Zbigniew . :police:
Indeed brother.

It has a lot to say, who might be beneficial of Shia-Sunni division. It can also state the fact that Iran has never wanted or was never willing to annoy her Sunni citizens despite the bad mouthes claiming that Iran is oppressing her Sunni population. But vise versa is more possible, outside of Iran Americans are trying their best to annoy Shias by using of their stooges. In Pakistan Shias are oppressed by extremists like TTP or Haqqani that one day these terrorists are/were brothers of Americans, in Iraq by Saddam, in peninsula by Ale-yahood families etc. Iraqi Shias shouldn't have approached Ale-yahood but unfortunately it is happening.

@SALMAN F miss you friend, listen to Iran's enemy, Zbigniew . :police:
That's piece of sh!t died last year with the other dog david rockfeller I think bush sr, carter, and Kissinger soon will join them
Listen to this creature, especially the timing that i have suggested. I personally believe, he is greatest and most honest enemy that we could have, i like him and hate him the most at the same time. He is describing USA's long term strategy in making economic problems for Iran by moving smoothly in a direction that doesn't unite people with the government (I guess he is talking about main leadership when he says government). BTW, very interesting

2':10" to 2':30 you can understand that who is feeling the threat from Shiite masses in Muslim countries and who is responsible for massacring of Shias and more importantly who is the main leader of anti-Shia movement across the middle east. @B@KH @2800 a must listen brothers. Why me always insists that USA is our main enemy the guy has mentioned.

However i can feel the desperation in his voice, he is the spokesman of all evils in united states, especially when he starts to describing of the equations in middle east and respectively the Israeli safety , 12':38" to the end , i ask myself who keeps losing her allies and who is finding new friends , so who would become the prominent power of middle east after WW2? Obviously it is Iran. But the guy had no idea in the time of 2013 when Obama was on the job who tried his best to avoid behaving like Trump by showing patience and tolerance towards emerging powers like China, Russia and Iran, now Zbigniew must be saying more interesting things, WE LOST AGAINST IRAN.

He maybe be a murderer but he is very influential or was influential. Its very important to listen to these guys, and I like how he's honest even though he is a bad guy.
That's piece of sh!t died last year with the other dog david rockfeller I think bush sr, carter, and Kissinger soon will join them
Didn't know he is dead, thanks for info.

He was one the most influential strategists of USA, since Carter, and creation of Taliban in AFG.

در عکس اخر راکت فجر 5 هدایتشونده و خودروی ارس خمپاره انداز را برای اولین بار به صورت عملیاتی ملاحظه میکنید
I have just read this recently even tho it is a bit late. If you haven’t read this report then you should immediately .



First I would like to say what the hell is Rouhani doing! Is he stupid?! Why hasn’t Iran started on this project already, the Benifits it will bring to Iran would be amazing. Iran could easily fund it by getting the money from the National Development Fund Of Iran (NDFI) . It’s not even that expensive compared to other mega projects in the Middle East. The whole region is going ahead with projects from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia to turkey while Iran is still stuck behind. Like seriously what is the point of having the National development fund if it doesn’t push for projects like these!
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