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واقعا قضیه داره جالب میشه. ارتش کردی اونم به رهبری پ ک ک
مطمئنم ترکیه تحمل نمی کنه. تازگی ها هم که ما موضع مبهمی گرفتیم. اگر روسیه و ترکیه توافق کنن سر ادلب اصلا به مذاق من خوش نمیاد همچنین سوری ها. روسیه از یه طرف با اسرائیل پیمان امنیتی بسته که این جنگ به اسرائیل کشیده نشه. از طرفی ایران هم موافقت نکرده که همچین چیزی رسمیت داشته باشه. از یک طرف هم که ترکیه دست بردار ادلب نیست و داره ارتش آزاد حمایت می کنه. خیلی پیچیده شده، ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنی

واقعا قضیه داره جالب میشه. ارتش کردی اونم به رهبری پ ک ک
مطمئنم ترکیه تحمل نمی کنه. تازگی ها هم که ما موضع مبهمی گرفتیم. اگر روسیه و ترکیه توافق کنن سر ادلب اصلا به مذاق من خوش نمیاد همچنین سوری ها. روسیه از یه طرف با اسرائیل پیمان امنیتی بسته که این جنگ به اسرائیل کشیده نشه. از طرفی ایران هم موافقت نکرده که همچین چیزی رسمیت داشته باشه. از یک طرف هم که ترکیه دست بردار ادلب نیست و داره ارتش آزاد حمایت می کنه. خیلی پیچیده شده، ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنی

ترکیه هم به دنبال حضور در آینده سوریه هست اگر ادلب از دست برود یعنی گروه های مورد حمایت ترکیه در مذاکرات 29-30 ژانویه دست پایین در مذاکرات دارند ... باید ببینیم چی میشه
My condolences but why hate the Chinese? The Iranian workers most likely died in the initial explosion or died shortly after in the heat and fumes. They were on an oil tanker. Or am I missing some information on what happened
kesafata aslan hazer naboodan ke ye chanta helicopter befrestan.
این چینی های پدرسگ از آمریکایی ها بدترن. تا حالا آب نداشتن اگه آب باشه قشنگ نشون دادن شناگرای قهاری ان.
Iranian spies' targeted in German police searches
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Image copyrightAFP

Image captionGerman authorities did not reveal where exactly the raids took place
German special police teams have searched flats linked to 10 suspected Iranian state spies.

The searches were triggered by German counter-intelligence. The Iranians, still at large, are suspected of spying on Israeli and/or Jewish targets.

Germany's Focus news said the raids took place in Berlin, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg.

In 1997 a Berlin verdict linked top Iranian politicians to the killing of four Iranian Kurdish dissidents.

German investigators concluded that the assassination at Berlin's Mykonos restaurant in 1992 was the work of Iranian secret service agents.

Western intelligence officials accuse Iran's secretive Quds Force of carrying out assassinations abroad. The Iranians in the latest German case are thought to be Quds Force agents, Focus reports.

The force carries out special operations abroad for Iran's Revolutionary Guards and has links to Lebanese Hezbollah militants and the Palestinian Hamas movement.

Investigators have not yet ordered any arrests in connection with the police raids.
Iranian spies' targeted in German police searches
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Image copyrightAFP

Image captionGerman authorities did not reveal where exactly the raids took place
German special police teams have searched flats linked to 10 suspected Iranian state spies.

The searches were triggered by German counter-intelligence. The Iranians, still at large, are suspected of spying on Israeli and/or Jewish targets.

Germany's Focus news said the raids took place in Berlin, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg.

In 1997 a Berlin verdict linked top Iranian politicians to the killing of four Iranian Kurdish dissidents.

German investigators concluded that the assassination at Berlin's Mykonos restaurant in 1992 was the work of Iranian secret service agents.

Western intelligence officials accuse Iran's secretive Quds Force of carrying out assassinations abroad. The Iranians in the latest German case are thought to be Quds Force agents, Focus reports.

The force carries out special operations abroad for Iran's Revolutionary Guards and has links to Lebanese Hezbollah militants and the Palestinian Hamas movement.

Investigators have not yet ordered any arrests in connection with the police raids.

"The Iranians, still at large, are suspected of spying on Israeli and/or Jewish targets."

Lol they couldn't even get one of them.
"The Iranians, still at large, are suspected of spying on Israeli and/or Jewish targets."

Lol they couldn't even get one of them.

German intelligence forces have been looking for them all over the country. News shows that 20 Iranians are known as Iranian intelligence spies.

German police carry out raids on suspected Iranian special forces assassins 'plotting attacks on Israelis'
By Ap and Allan Hall13:21 16 Jan 2018, updated 14:16 16 Jan 2018


Latest From MailOnlineIran's notorious Quds Brigades responsible for assassinations both inside and outside their homeland against government critics.


Focus Magazine (in German) reported that hit teams from the Iranian secret intelligence service Vevak were also targeted in the raids in Berlin, Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg and North Rhône-Westphalia.


Police are eager to catch 10 wanted suspects of Iran's notorious Quds Brigades (file picture)
'We believe the suspects spied on institutions and persons in Germany at the behest of an intelligence unit associated with Iran,' spokesman Stefan Biehl told The Associated Press.

The government said 'elaborate observations' by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the domestic German intelligence agency, led to Tuesday's swoops.

In September 1992 Iranian hitmen murdered four Iranian exile politicians in the Berlin restaurant Mykonos. In the ensuing investigation it was proved that Iran's Secret Service had issued the assassination order.

This time Israeli and Jewish interests are understood to have been the target.

But Mr Biehl declined to comment on a report by weekly magazine Focus that the suspects were spying on Israelis in Germany.

He that no arrests had yet been made.

Germany's Interior Ministry referred questions about the raids to federal prosecutors.

Last month, the German government protested to the Iranian ambassador following the conviction of an Iranian agent for spying.

The Pakistani man was convicted in Berlin last year of espionage and sentenced to more than four years in prison. His targets included Reinhold Robbe, who headed the German-Israeli Association.

Last April, federal prosecutors filed charges against two men suspected of spying on the opposition People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) on behalf of Iranian intelligence, Deutsche Welle reported.

The Paris-based MEK is an Islamist-Marxist-feminist militant group seeking to overthrow Iran's theocratic government.

Iran has blamed the group for stirring up protests earlier this month in Iran.


Thousands of Iranians attend state-organised anti-Israel demonstrations (file pic)
In those protests thousands took to the streets to demand cheaper food prices and less unemployment. At least 21 people were killed.

The MEK has also been accused of carrying out covert operations on behalf of Israel and the United States.

Iran and its Lebanese Shia ally Hezbollah have been accused of assassinating numerous Kurd and MEK members throughout Europe.

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They are alleged to have carried out multiple deadly attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad.

In 1992, four Iranian-Kurdish opposition leaders were assassinated in a Berlin restaurant by Iranian agents.

One of the most serious terror-related incidents on German soil in recent years took place during the 1972 summer Olympics, when 11 Israelis were killed after being taken hostage by members of a Palestinian militant group, Black September, on 5 September.


Two died in the athletes' Olympic village in Munich. The others were killed during a gun battle with West German police at a nearby airfield - as the militants tried to take them out of the country.
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