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Iranian Chill Thread

maybe ,you see the demands of a small vocal group ,not the larger silent one.
about the demand i guess the ones who want to change the script even are just some hundred whom the majority probably already don't knew the alphabet to begin with.
but about removing the Arabic words ,well that one is a lot more widespread ,but how to do it is what's that matter, if somebody blindly start and say this words must be replaced by those words ,well he is just wasting its time.

I agree, the demand for the removal of Arabic words is wider, but you don't seem to see it as a good choice to begin with. It might be hard, but it is not impossible. There will remain some Arabic still, but with less significant quantity. I don't know Farsi, but I always understand the subject better if the speacker is relgious or rural Iranian (as opposed to a rich or westrnized one). The later managed to reduce the size of Arabic vocabulary when they desired to do so. I know that the current regime is not in favor of that so the idea remains inactive for the time being.
I agree, the demand for the removal of Arabic words is wider, but you don't seem to see it as a good choice to begin with. It might be hard, but it is not impossible. There will remain some Arabic still, but with less significant quantity. I don't know Farsi, but I always understand the subject better if the speacker is relgious or rural Iranian (as opposed to a rich or westrnized one). The later managed to reduce the size of Arabic vocabulary when they desired to do so. I know that the current regime is not in favor of that so the idea remains inactive for the time being.
well I support removal of not only Arabic world but all others from the language (like french , English , Turkish , Russian, German ,....), if there is an equal word for it in Persian .I hate it when somebody want to invent a strange world that is hard to pronounce by combining several other word to replace a harmless word that have been used for several centuries ,after all removing Arabic or Turkish world blindly and completely from our language ,also cut our ties with hundreds of year of our rich literature , some thing we absolutely cannot afford.
Meh im too lazy, but seriously PDF subscribed various threads automatically for me, i end up with tons of alerts every evening, unwatching doesnt work either. :disagree:
You may avoid this basic problem by existing where is directed at you and avoiding threads not for you...
«هدف سعودی‌ها از نفس انداختن برجام است»

اوجگیری تنش در روابط تهران و ریاض، علاوه بر ابعاد ژئوپولیتیک آن، تکان هایی را هم در بازار های سهام و ارز دو کشور، و هم در سطح منطقه خلیج فارس به وجود آورده است. رضا ولی‌زاده از فریدون خاوند پرسیده که پس‌لرزه‌های این تنش، در حال حاضر، در چه سطحی است؟

آنچه در روابط ایران و عربستان سعودی می‌گذرد بدون تردید یک بحران پردامنه دیپلماتیک است، ولی بسیار بعید به نظر می‌رسد که دو طرف بخواهند یا حتی بتوانند تا درگیری مستقیم نظامی پیش بروند.

کارشناسان مسایل ژئواستراتژیک عمدتا همین نظر را دارند، و بازار ها و محافل اقتصادی هم به همین نتیجه رسیده‌اند و به همین سبب حالت سراسیمگی در اقتصاد منطقه دیده نمی‌شود.

با این همه نشانه‌های نگرانی کم نیست. روز دوشنبه در بازار ازاد ارز تهران بهای هر دلار آمریکا هفت تا ده تومان بالا رفت و به ۳۶۸۰ تومان رسید. نرخ دلار حواله‌ای به ۳۷۱۴ تومان هم رسید. با اعلام کاهش سطح روابط دیپلماتیک بین ایران و امارات، به‌خصوص نرخ درهم امارات بالا رفت و در بازار حواله ای به ۱۰۰۸ تومان رسید.

در عربستان هم، نرخ ریال این کشور در برابر دلار به شکل چشمگیری پایین آمد. خیلی از بازارهای سهام منطقه هم - در ریاض، در قطر، در امارات - روز دوشنبه با کاهش شاخص کل روبرو شدند.

بعد از شروع تنش اخیر در روابط تهران و ریاض، ناظران اقتصادی بیش از همه بر واکنش بازار نفت متمرکز شدند. رویدادهای اخیر در روابط دو قدرت خلیج فارس چه پیآمدهایی خواهد داشت برای بهای نفت؟

در ساعات پیش از ظهر دوشنبه قیمت نفت برنت لندن در واکنش به این تنش‌ها چهار تا پنج درصد بالا رفت، ولی در ساعات آخر روز دوباره پایین آمد و حتی چند سنتی هم پایین‌تر رفت از قبل.

این نشان می‌دهد که بازیگران عرصه نفت در مرحله اول از خودشان واکنش‌های هیجانی نشان دادند زیر تاثیر ارزیابی‌های ژئو پولیتیک. ولی خیلی زود داده‌های بنیادی بازار بر رفتارهای هیجانی غلبه کردند.

منظور از داده‌های بنیادی وجود نفت اضافی است در بازار و این که امکان دارد تنش در روابط ایران و سعودی باعث بشود که دو طرف در رقابت با هم نفت ارزان به بازار بریزند و حتی قیمت این کالا را از آنچه هست پایین‌تر ببرند.

تنش در روابط دو کشور چه تاثیری می تواند داشته باشد بر اجرای «برجام» و فرایند ادغام ایران در اقتصاد جهانی؟

یکی از برنامه‌های اصلی ریاض این است که چوب لای چرخ این فرآیند بگذارد.

سعودی‌ها خوب می‌دانستند که اعدام روحانی شیعه می‌تواند با واکنش‌های تند دنیای شیعه روبرو بشود و کسانی که به سفارت عربستان در تهران حمله کردند، در دام سعودی‌ها افتادند و به چهره اقتصادی ایران ضربه زدند.
آنچه می‌تواند منافع ایران را تامین بکند، این است که ایران تا دیر نشده، علیرغم کارشکنی‌های عربستان سعودی، با استفاده از فرایند رفع تحریم به یک موقعیت عادی در جامعه اقتصادی بین‌المللی دست پیدا بکند، وگرنه این ریاض است که برنده خواهد شد.

I agree, the demand for the removal of Arabic words is wider, but you don't seem to see it as a good choice to begin with. It might be hard, but it is not impossible. There will remain some Arabic still, but with less significant quantity. I don't know Farsi, but I always understand the subject better if the speacker is relgious or rural Iranian (as opposed to a rich or westrnized one). The later managed to reduce the size of Arabic vocabulary when they desired to do so. I know that the current regime is not in favor of that so the idea remains inactive for the time being.
Your language and letters are borrowed from Syriac people first you remove their language and letters from your country then we will remove arabic words from Persian.

Meanwhile they are many Persian words that arabs have coppied from Iranians.

Deen = religion, Ferdos = heaven/Pardis/Paradise, Ostadh (ostad) = Professor etc.....

Furthermore : List of English words of Persian origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I'm not really into cartoons and especially those for propaganda (which tons of Arab members on social media like Twitter get orgasms with them, @BLACKEAGLE also likes cartoons and posts them in Yemen thread and any other anti-Iran thread), but this one was not bad. :lol:

Anyone asked for your opinion? :what:
It is always like "Who asked your opinion?" when you feel you have no logical answer! I get it...
It is a forum... It is an Iranian chill Thread... I am an Iranian... It means we all are directed by your displaced comments... Otherwise, you could go to PM mode and talk...

I still gave you the best solution...

The reason behind you not getting Alerts which you can read is because you are in a wrong place....
What is your take on Imam Hussain and Imam Ali? Do you see them as righteous people? Or just some other tazis?
We hate all of arabs as long as they have martyred Ahlulbayt.

Moreover they fought against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for 80 times.

Christians didn't fight against their prophet

Jews didn't fight against Prophet Moses (PBUH) but idol worshipper arabs fought against their prophet in 80 wars...

That's why they're cursed by God (saudis solely)
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It is always like "Who asked your opinion?" when you feel you have no logical answer!
Its the first time i have said this to you.... Your post are easy to counter, finding a logical answer isnt very hard. :)
It is a forum... It is an Iranian chill Thread... I am an Iranian... It means we all are directed by your displaced comments... Otherwise, you could go to PM mode and talk...

I still gave you the best solution...

The reason behind you not getting Alerts which you can read is because you are in a wrong place....
Dude no one talked to you, nothing was directed at you and nobody asked for your opinion, i was having a talk with a specific member, stop being so egocentric. :disagree:
This thread being in Iranian section doesnt mean that only Iranians are allowed to post, the whole Forum being Pakistani is undermining your ''argument'' even further.
Besides, this is a chill thread without a specific topic so no post can really be ''displaced''...

Now read this post again if you didnt get why the location of my post or its content is none of your business, if you still dont get it then just ignore it, but whatever you do, dont waste my time further with your useless hostile attitude you understand?
We hate all of arabs as long as they have martyred Ahlulbayt.

Not to mention they fought against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for 80 times.

You weren't the person who was being asked.
It is always like "Who asked your opinion?" when you feel you have no logical answer! I get it...
It is a forum... It is an Iranian chill Thread... I am an Iranian... It means we all are directed by your displaced comments... Otherwise, you could go to PM mode and talk...

I still gave you the best solution...

The reason behind you not getting Alerts which you can read is because you are in a wrong place....

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