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Iranian Chill Thread

مشاور فرمانده سپاه قدس: ساخت یک سلاح هسته‌ای از ساخت عینک آسانتر است - BBC Persian
That's great ! You know... I was getting disappointed . Cuz I couldn't make glasses by myself . Maybe i should try making nukes ! :butcher:

Exaggerated but could be right. Even ISIS is able to make Uranium gun-type fission bomb if they afford 20 kg of 90% enriched uranium .
az koja biad soale !

more info :

Iran's Nuclear Timetable
November 18, 2015

Valerie Lincy and Gary Milhollin
This report estimates how soon Iran could fuel a nuclear weapon. With its thousands of gas centrifuges, Iran now has the ability to enrich uranium to a grade suitable for use in nuclear reactors or to a higher grade suitable for use in nuclear warheads. The data below, which are based on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, describe Iran’s uranium stockpile, its centrifuges, and the rate at which its nuclear capacity is growing. [a]

  • By using the approximately 9,000 first generation centrifuges operating at its Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant as of October 2015, Iran could theoretically produce enough weapon-grade uranium to fuel a single nuclear warhead in less than 2 months. This timetable is longer if Iran operates fewer centrifuges, or feeds the machines with natural uranium rather than low-enriched uranium.
  • During a visit to Natanz on October 28, 2015, the IAEA observed that Iran had stopped feeding natural uranium into centrifuge cascades in order to perform an annual physical inventory at the plant.
  • Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium is currently sufficient, after further enrichment, to fuel approximately seven nuclear warheads.
  • The restrictions on Iran’s centrifuges and its enriched uranium stockpile required by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for ten years would extend the time it would take Iran to "breakout" and make fuel for one nuclear weapon to one year; the breakout time would decline after ten years, when restrictions on advanced centrifuge operations are eased. Iran has begun implementing centrifuge restrictions, dismantling 4,112 IR-1 centrifuges and 160 IR-2m centrifuges from Natanz and 258 IR-1 centrifuges from Fordow as of November 15, 2015.
  • Because Russia has a ten-year contract to fuel Iran’s only power reactor at Bushehr, Iran has no present need for enriched uranium to generate civilian nuclear energy.
  • Iran could fuel approximately 25 first generation implosion bombs if it had the ability to enrich the uranium needed to supply the Bushehr reactor annually.
Bomb potential of Iran's low-enriched uranium
  • Total amount of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) enriched to approximately 3.5 percent U-235 produced as of November 2015:
    16,142 kg [b]
  • Amount of this material ready for further enrichment (i.e., stored in gaseous form) as of November 2015:
    8,306 kg [c]
  • Amount theoretically needed to produce a bomb's worth of weapon-grade uranium metal:
    1,053 kg [d]
  • Number of first generation implosion bombs this 8,306 kilograms could fuel, if further enriched:
    7 [e]
  • Time needed to convert this uranium to one bomb's worth of finished uranium metal enriched to 90 percent U-235:
    3 - 12 months [f]
  • Date by which Iran's uranium stockpile probably was sufficient to fuel one first generation implosion bomb, if further enriched:
    February 2009 [g]
  • Approximate number of first generation IR-1 centrifuges being fed with UF6 at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant, as of October 2015:
    9,000 [h]
  • Number of months theoretically needed for these 9,000 centrifuges operating at their estimated capacity to produce enough enriched uranium for one bomb:
    1.6 [i]
Civilian need for this uranium
  • Approximate amount of low-enriched uranium needed annually to fuel Iran’s sole civilian power reactor at Bushehr:
    21 metric tons [j]
  • Percent of this uranium Russia will supply under a ten-year fuel contract:
    100 [k]
  • Number of years it would take the roughly 9,000 operating IR-1 centrifuges at Natanz to produce one year's worth of fuel for Bushehr:
    10.7 [l]
  • Approximate number of separative work units (amount of enrichment work)[m] Iran would need to generate in order to produce one year's worth of fuel for Bushehr:
    100,000 [n]
  • Approximate number of IR-1 centrifuges Iran would need to operate in order to produce this level of work annually:
    126,500 [o]
  • Approximate number of first generation implosion bombs Iran could fuel if able to enrich the uranium needed to supply Bushehr annually:
    25 [p]
Iranian Nuclear Breakout Times Under Different Scenarios

If Iran feeds its IR-centrifuges with natural uranium and operates:
  • 9,000 centrifuges (the number running in October 2015):
    6.8 months [q]
  • 6,104 centrifuges (the number allowed to be installed under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action):
    10 months [r]
  • 5,060 centrifuges (the number allowed to operate under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action):
    1 year [s]
If Iran feeds its IR-centrifuges with low-enriched uranium and operates: [t]
  • 9,000 centrifuges:
    1.6 months
  • 6,104 centrifuges:
    2.4 months
  • 5,060 centrifuges:
    2.9 months
  • Before using uranium in a warhead, it must be enriched to weapon-grade (90 percent or more U-235) and processed into a metallic shape sufficient to explode in a chain reaction.
  • This assessment assumes that Iran would use 16 kg of weapon-grade uranium (~90 percent U-235) in the finished core of each nuclear weapon. Sixteen kilograms are assumed to be sufficient for an implosion bomb. This was the amount called for in the implosion device Saddam Hussein was trying to perfect in the 1980’s, and the design for such a device has circulated on the nuclear black market, to which Iran has had access. Some experts believe that Iran could use less material, assuming Iran would accept a lower yield for each weapon. According to these experts, Iran could use as few as seven kilograms of this material if Iran’s weapon developers possessed a “medium” level of skill, and if Iran were satisfied with an explosive yield slightly less than that of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. [u] If Iran chose to use an amount smaller than 16 kg, the time required to make each weapon would be less than estimated here. Or, in the amount of time estimated here, Iran could make a greater number of weapons. Iran could decide not to use such a smaller amount of weapon-grade uranium if Iran wanted to have more confidence that its weapons would work, or if it wanted to reduce the size of its weapons by reducing the amount of high explosive required.
  • Iran has converted 337.2 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium gas (or 227.6 kg of uranium) into oxide form, producing 162.3 kg of uranium, some of which has been used to produce fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor. If it is not irradiated in the reactor, this material could be returned to gaseous form and enriched to weapon grade. However, it would not be sufficient to fuel more than one nuclear weapon and it is unclear how long it would take to convert and further enrich the material.
  • Uncertainties about the number of centrifuges that Iran is operating make it difficult to draw a conclusion about the performance of individual machines. An increase or decrease in the production rate could be attributed to the fact that more machines were operating when IAEA inspectors were not present at the plant, rather than because the machines were operating more efficiently. [v] A change in production rate could also be attributed to a decision by Iran to lower the output of its centrifuges.[w]
  • Following start-up, centrifuge cascades must be operated for a time without product withdrawal. This process is called passivation.
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دوستان من سالهاست روایات مربوط به ظهور رو میخونم. همیشه از اولین چیزهایی که خوندم این بوده: زمانی که ترکان با رومیان مخافت کنند جنگ ها در زمین فراوان شود. من همیشه فکر میکردم رومی ها همون غربی ها هستند یعنی کشورهای اروپایی و آمریکا. در مورد ترکان هم 70% احتمال میدادم ترکان همون ترک های اناتولی هستند و30% هم احتمال میدادم روس ها.

تازگی ها به یه چیز جدید رسیدم. رومیان 100% همان روس ها هستند, ترکان ترکان آناتولی هستند و مغربی ها همونطور که از اسمش معلومه کشورهای غربی.

اونجور که تو روایات اومده ایرانی ها با رومیان هیچ درگیری ای نخواهند داشت اما با سفیانی ترکان و مغربی ها در گیر میشوند. میشه حدس زد رومیان همان روس ها یا موزرد ها هستند و این مسئله با اتفاقات منطقه هم کاملا تطبیق میکنه.

امام صادق (ع):

دعوت و دولت اهل بیت پیامبر نشانه هایی دارد. وقتى ترکان با رومیان مخالفت کنند ، جنگ هاى روى زمین زیاد مى شود و منادى بر دیوار دمشق ندا مى دهد : واى از شرى که نزدیک شده است.

Saving the Third Rome. “Fall of the Empire”, Byzantium and Putin's Russia - IWM

توی گوگل سرچ کنید و روایات مربط به آخرالزمان رو بخونید. همچنین میتونید کتاب مهدویت علی کورانی رو بخونید.

من از جنگ و درگیری خوشم نمیاد اما با توجه به اینکه به نظر میاد ظهور نزدیک شده احساس میکنم قند تو دلم آب شده.

اوضاع در اخرالزمان - ترکیه در اخرالزمان قسمت 4
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توضیحات امیر حیدری درباره بالگرد تهاجمی جدید

جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش گفت: به همت متخصصان مرکز "صنایع یا علی(ع) " بالگرد ملی با قابلیت پرواز درشب و درگیری با بیش دو هدف به زودی مراحل پروازی خود را آغاز می‌کند.

به گزارش مشرق، امیر «کیومرث حیدری» جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش با اعلام این خبر اظهار داشت: مرکز "صنایع یاعلی (ع)" نیروی زمینی ارتش از بدو پیروزی انقلاب تاکنون با توکل به خدا و کمک دانشمندان و متخصصانی که در این نیرو در حال خدمت هستند، چرخه آمادگی سامانه‌های بالگردی هوانیروز را حفظ کردند.

وی با اشاره به توانمندی متخصصان داخلی در ساخت و بهینه‌سازی برخی از انواع بالگردها تصریح کرد: به فضل خدا نیروی زمینی ارتش دانش لازم را در این رابطه به‌دست آورده است؛ به‌طوری که امروز شاهد ساخت بالگرد بومی و بهینه‌سازی شده در سطح کشور هستیم.

جانشین فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش افزود: پس از حصول پیشرفت‌هایی در صنعت قطعه‌سازی، اورهال و نگهداری از انواع بالگردها در سطح نیرو، مدتی است که کار تولید و بهینه‌سازی در هوانیروز آغاز شده، و اولین بالگرد تولیدی آن هم که برتری‌‌های بارزی را نسبت به مشابه خارجی دارد به‌زودی جهت عملیاتی شدن تست پروازی خود را تجربه می‌کند.

امیر حیدری با بیان اینکه این بالگرد نوع ارتقا یافته نسل بالگردهای 209 است، گفت: به‌واسطه سامانه‌های نهادینه شده، این بالگرد در بُعد پرواز شبانه و هدف‌یابی در شب و همچنین درگیری همزمان با بیش از دو هدف قابلیت‌های لازم را دارد.

وی اضافه کرد: البته با فعالیت‌های صورت گرفته بر روی دیگر بالگردهایی که در گذشته از خارج کشور تهیه شده بود، امروز غالب بالگردهایی که در اختیار این نیرو قرار گرفته، از قابلیت اجرای عملیات در شب برخوردارند؛ اما بالگرد ملی ماهیتاً از این ویژگی برخوردار است.

جانشین فرمانده نزاجا یادآور شد: هنوز اسمی برای این بالگرد انتخاب نشده است.
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That's great ! You know... I was getting disappointed . Cuz I couldn't make glasses by myself . Maybe i should try making nukes ! :butcher:

Exaggerated but could be right. Even ISIS is able to make Uranium gun-type fission bomb if they afford 20 kg of 90% enriched uranium .
az koja biad soale !

more info :

Iran's Nuclear Timetable
November 18, 2015

Valerie Lincy and Gary Milhollin
This report estimates how soon Iran could fuel a nuclear weapon. With its thousands of gas centrifuges, Iran now has the ability to enrich uranium to a grade suitable for use in nuclear reactors or to a higher grade suitable for use in nuclear warheads. The data below, which are based on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, describe Iran’s uranium stockpile, its centrifuges, and the rate at which its nuclear capacity is growing. [a]

  • By using the approximately 9,000 first generation centrifuges operating at its Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant as of October 2015, Iran could theoretically produce enough weapon-grade uranium to fuel a single nuclear warhead in less than 2 months. This timetable is longer if Iran operates fewer centrifuges, or feeds the machines with natural uranium rather than low-enriched uranium.
  • During a visit to Natanz on October 28, 2015, the IAEA observed that Iran had stopped feeding natural uranium into centrifuge cascades in order to perform an annual physical inventory at the plant.
  • Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium is currently sufficient, after further enrichment, to fuel approximately seven nuclear warheads.
  • The restrictions on Iran’s centrifuges and its enriched uranium stockpile required by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for ten years would extend the time it would take Iran to "breakout" and make fuel for one nuclear weapon to one year; the breakout time would decline after ten years, when restrictions on advanced centrifuge operations are eased. Iran has begun implementing centrifuge restrictions, dismantling 4,112 IR-1 centrifuges and 160 IR-2m centrifuges from Natanz and 258 IR-1 centrifuges from Fordow as of November 15, 2015.
  • Because Russia has a ten-year contract to fuel Iran’s only power reactor at Bushehr, Iran has no present need for enriched uranium to generate civilian nuclear energy.
  • Iran could fuel approximately 25 first generation implosion bombs if it had the ability to enrich the uranium needed to supply the Bushehr reactor annually.
Bomb potential of Iran's low-enriched uranium
  • Total amount of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) enriched to approximately 3.5 percent U-235 produced as of November 2015:
    16,142 kg [b]
  • Amount of this material ready for further enrichment (i.e., stored in gaseous form) as of November 2015:
    8,306 kg [c]
  • Amount theoretically needed to produce a bomb's worth of weapon-grade uranium metal:
    1,053 kg [d]
  • Number of first generation implosion bombs this 8,306 kilograms could fuel, if further enriched:
    7 [e]
  • Time needed to convert this uranium to one bomb's worth of finished uranium metal enriched to 90 percent U-235:
    3 - 12 months [f]
  • Date by which Iran's uranium stockpile probably was sufficient to fuel one first generation implosion bomb, if further enriched:
    February 2009 [g]
  • Approximate number of first generation IR-1 centrifuges being fed with UF6 at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant, as of October 2015:
    9,000 [h]
  • Number of months theoretically needed for these 9,000 centrifuges operating at their estimated capacity to produce enough enriched uranium for one bomb:
    1.6 [i]
Civilian need for this uranium
  • Approximate amount of low-enriched uranium needed annually to fuel Iran’s sole civilian power reactor at Bushehr:
    21 metric tons [j]
  • Percent of this uranium Russia will supply under a ten-year fuel contract:
    100 [k]
  • Number of years it would take the roughly 9,000 operating IR-1 centrifuges at Natanz to produce one year's worth of fuel for Bushehr:
    10.7 [l]
  • Approximate number of separative work units (amount of enrichment work)[m] Iran would need to generate in order to produce one year's worth of fuel for Bushehr:
    100,000 [n]
  • Approximate number of IR-1 centrifuges Iran would need to operate in order to produce this level of work annually:
    126,500 [o]
  • Approximate number of first generation implosion bombs Iran could fuel if able to enrich the uranium needed to supply Bushehr annually:
    25 [p]
Iranian Nuclear Breakout Times Under Different Scenarios

If Iran feeds its IR-centrifuges with natural uranium and operates:
  • 9,000 centrifuges (the number running in October 2015):
    6.8 months [q]
  • 6,104 centrifuges (the number allowed to be installed under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action):
    10 months [r]
  • 5,060 centrifuges (the number allowed to operate under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action):
    1 year [s]
If Iran feeds its IR-centrifuges with low-enriched uranium and operates: [t]
  • 9,000 centrifuges:
    1.6 months
  • 6,104 centrifuges:
    2.4 months
  • 5,060 centrifuges:
    2.9 months
  • Before using uranium in a warhead, it must be enriched to weapon-grade (90 percent or more U-235) and processed into a metallic shape sufficient to explode in a chain reaction.
  • This assessment assumes that Iran would use 16 kg of weapon-grade uranium (~90 percent U-235) in the finished core of each nuclear weapon. Sixteen kilograms are assumed to be sufficient for an implosion bomb. This was the amount called for in the implosion device Saddam Hussein was trying to perfect in the 1980’s, and the design for such a device has circulated on the nuclear black market, to which Iran has had access. Some experts believe that Iran could use less material, assuming Iran would accept a lower yield for each weapon. According to these experts, Iran could use as few as seven kilograms of this material if Iran’s weapon developers possessed a “medium” level of skill, and if Iran were satisfied with an explosive yield slightly less than that of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. [u] If Iran chose to use an amount smaller than 16 kg, the time required to make each weapon would be less than estimated here. Or, in the amount of time estimated here, Iran could make a greater number of weapons. Iran could decide not to use such a smaller amount of weapon-grade uranium if Iran wanted to have more confidence that its weapons would work, or if it wanted to reduce the size of its weapons by reducing the amount of high explosive required.
  • Iran has converted 337.2 kg of 20 percent enriched uranium gas (or 227.6 kg of uranium) into oxide form, producing 162.3 kg of uranium, some of which has been used to produce fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor. If it is not irradiated in the reactor, this material could be returned to gaseous form and enriched to weapon grade. However, it would not be sufficient to fuel more than one nuclear weapon and it is unclear how long it would take to convert and further enrich the material.
  • Uncertainties about the number of centrifuges that Iran is operating make it difficult to draw a conclusion about the performance of individual machines. An increase or decrease in the production rate could be attributed to the fact that more machines were operating when IAEA inspectors were not present at the plant, rather than because the machines were operating more efficiently. [v] A change in production rate could also be attributed to a decision by Iran to lower the output of its centrifuges.[w]
  • Following start-up, centrifuge cascades must be operated for a time without product withdrawal. This process is called passivation.
اینا درسته ولی ما که نمی دونیم تاسیسات مخفی دیگه ای داریم یا نه؟ همین فردو بعد از 2 3 سال از ساختش لو رفت برای همین هم هست که آمانو رییس انرژی اتمی می گه ما نمی تونیم تایید کنیم که برنامه صلح آمیز ایران 100 درصد صلح آمیز است
آمانو: نمی توانیم در مورد صلح‌آمیز بودن تمام فعالیت‌های هسته‌ای ایران تضمین بدهیم
ولی من با توجه به مطالعاتم و درس هایی که خوندم این و میدونم که سیاست کشورهای بزرگ مبتنی بر واقع گرایی (رئالیسم) است یعنی اگه قدرت نظامی شما با اونا در یک سطح نباشه قطعا نمی تونی حقت و بگیری و جنگ اتفاق می افته چه برسه به اینکه ما رو قابل بدونن و با ما مذاکره کنن
و ایران در مذاکرات هسته ای حق غنی سازی را گرفت.حقی که خیلی کشورهای پیشرفته مثل سوئد اسپانیا کره جنوبی ووو .... خیلی کشورهای دیگر ندارن
در رابطه با ساخت بمب اتم هم من زیاد اطلاع ندارم ولی فکر کنم چاشنی نوترونی وآلیاژ های خاصی وچیزهای دیگه نیاز باشه برای ساختش و به این سادگی نباشه
پی نوشت:منظور از سطح قدرت نظامی به این معنی نیست که الان ارتش ایران با آمریکا قابل مقایسه است منظور بازدارندگی است!
Then how come you support every single act of your government foreign policy? Is that because you are a Turk and criticizing your foreign policy toward strangers would make u sounds like a traitor? Where all these face saving things come from?

Admit it or not Turkey made a dead mistake and this is gonna make a lot of problems for you.you could simply escort the Russian bird with your falcons and save millions(billions?) of dollar of loss.thats exactly the same method British AF used against Russians -and trust me- no one says British are unhonored losers over this incident.

Never once did i state that i support every single foreign policy of the Turkish goverment, please i would love for you to provide any proof to back this up. Infact on numerous occasions i expressed my disatisfaction with Erdogan and his party.

Turkey made some mistakes no doubt but so does pretty much any country in the region. The way i see it is that Turkey has a shitty goverment with a shitty foreign policy, but so do pretty much every country in the region. thus i tend not to talk about who is wrong or right.

Geopolitics is much more then simply taking and choicing the path which seems more profitable. We might have lost some money, but we gained respect and publicity because of it. This is similair to the Gaza flotilla incident with Israel, the entire muslim world was cheering for Turkey after that.

Yeah . i also believe seculars would do much better in turkey .

i'm a conservative muslim myself , but seriously dude , AKP has F-ed up mentality.

turkey is a powerful country . the ruling party influences the region directly , and hence , i cheer for demirtas or basically anyone who is not from AKP and thinks before doing bad shit crazy things .

The only reason why people vote for AKP in the first place is because of their economical succes. Nobody in Turkey really votes for them for foreign policies and such. The Bilkent university(Considered best and most prestigious university in Turkey) actually made a study on the popularity of AKP with comparison to the state of the economy. They gained votes when the economy picked up pace and lost it went it went in decline. It was also stated that 85% of the AKP voters chose AKP because of their economical succes.

The moment Turkish economy shows signs of slowing down, AKP will lose favor.

I highly recommend you to watch this video. (the study results are show at 2:05 onward)
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دوستان من سالهاست روایات مربوط به ظهور رو میخونم. همیشه از اولین چیزهایی که خوندم این بوده: زمانی که ترکان با رومیان مخافت کنند جنگ ها در زمین فراوان شود. من همیشه فکر میکردم رومی ها همون غربی ها هستند یعنی کشورهای اروپایی و آمریکا. در مورد ترکان هم 70% احتمال میدادم ترکان همون ترک های اناتولی هستند و30% هم احتمال میدادم روس ها.

تازگی ها به یه چیز جدید رسیدم. رومیان 100% همان روس ها هستند, ترکان ترکان آناتولی هستند و مغربی ها همونطور که از اسمش معلومه کشورهای غربی.

اونجور که تو روایات اومده ایرانی ها با رومیان هیچ درگیری ای نخواهند داشت اما با سفیانی ترکان و مغربی ها در گیر میشوند. میشه حدس زد رومیان همان روس ها یا موزرد ها هستند و این مسئله با اتفاقات منطقه هم کاملا تطبیق میکنه.

امام صادق (ع):

دعوت و دولت اهل بیت پیامبر نشانه هایی دارد. وقتى ترکان با رومیان مخالفت کنند ، جنگ هاى روى زمین زیاد مى شود و منادى بر دیوار دمشق ندا مى دهد : واى از شرى که نزدیک شده است.

Saving the Third Rome. “Fall of the Empire”, Byzantium and Putin's Russia - IWM

توی گوگل سرچ کنید و روایات مربط به آخرالزمان رو بخونید. همچنین میتونید کتاب مهدویت علی کورانی رو بخونید.

من از جنگ و درگیری خوشم نمیاد اما با توجه به اینکه چقدر نشانه ها نزدیک شده قند تو دلم آب شده.
روایات آخر زمان همه اش چرندیات هستش تنها خدا از آخر زمان خبر داره. و تا حالا صدها بار ترکها با رومیها در افتادن ولی آخر زمان هنوز اتفاق نیفتاده
این روایت همه اش کپی برداری از داستانهای غربی ها در این زمینه هست وگرنه قران تکلیف را در مورد اینکه کی آخر زمان مسشه روشن کرده.
روایات آخر زمان همه اش چرندیات هستش تنها خدا از آخر زمان خبر داره. و تا حالا صدها بار ترکها با رومیها در افتادن ولی آخر زمان هنوز اتفاق نیفتاده
این روایت همه اش کپی برداری از داستانهای غربی ها در این زمینه هست وگرنه قران تکلیف را در مورد اینکه کی آخر زمان مسشه روشن کرده.
نه عزیز احادیث از منابع شیعه و سنی چرت و پرت نیست. من خودم فکر میکنم ظهور امام زمان تا کمتر از بیست سال دیگه صورت میگیره.
نه عزیز احادیث از منابع شیعه و سنی چرت و پرت نیست. من خودم فکر میکنم ظهور امام زمان تا کمتر از بیست سال دیگه صورت میگیره.
hala shayad 20 sal nabashe vali nazdike..shayad ma dar omremoon bebinim albateh kheili az nasl ha ino goftan vali khob ma be omid zende hastim va mohre haye shatranj ham khoob dare joor mishe ya jooresh mikonan

hatta esme nashrie rasmi daesh "Dabeqh" hast!!
عزیزان ، فرج با آخرالزمان خیلی فرق داره ...

برای فرا رسیدن فرج هم زمان تعیین نکنید ، لطفا
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