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Iranian Chill Thread


You are much older than me and most here I believe. @Full Moon is your age.

Don't think it doesn't piss me off. The internet used to belong to us with our ezboards and livejournal and IRC and ICQ and Kazaa, and suddenly now it's all you kids with your selfies and vines and snapchats and shitty memes. Screw you 90s kids for ruining our internet!
Yes, my first choice was Australia and I was planning on it since my aunt is living there and it would make living in a foreign country much easier, then U.S, but a series of events led to decision to study MS here in Iran. If I ever decide to study Ph.D, I will go to a good foreign university.

About engineering, I think in Iran, it's even more popular than Arab countries, there is some kind of obsession with engineering (and university degrees overall in here) and that's not necessarily a good thing. As a result, we are lagging behind in some other fields, like humanity sciences or economic studies etc, but hopefully, the obsession with engineering is diminishing by time.

I myself am no exception, I am studying MS in Material science and engineering, but I love it to be honest, wasn't all about obsession. My main field of interest is composites and nanocomposites (mostly polymer-based ones) and my MS project/thesis is also going to be about a polymer based nanocomposite.

First one is Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander in chief of IRGC, second one I have no idea. Also, Jafari is not a Sayid.

PS: I thought you were asking about first pic, my mistake.

I don't know those 2 Sayids in second pic either, but third one is Jafari which I explained above.

I have never been to Australia personally but I have heard a lot of good things about that country and its people. Australian cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Perth etc. are constantly ranked as some of the most livable cities in the world.

Being from Iran you will probably also appreciate the weather in Australia. You are still young so you will no doubt get the opportunity to study abroad if that is what you decide to do. I would personally recommend everyone to go abroad if they have the ability to do so. You would undoubtedly learn a lot academically and get exposed to a different culture of studying (I assume so at least) and if lucky you would pick up practical experience too. Not to say personal development and a new network of friends in the same field of work and others.

Yes, my impression is that Iranians put great emphasis on natural sciences and that is a good thing. I think, without knowing this, that this mainly emerged during the era of the late Shah who wanted to rapidly modernize Iran. You guys also have a big population (80 million) and a tradition in this field which are other positives which for instance many small GCC countries do not have. I mean Qatar and Bahrain for instance will always have serious limitations on this front and others purely do to their small population size.

That's an interesting field. Denmark is quite advanced on this front and in particular the Danish Technical University. They might even have or soon establish contact with their counterparts in Iran.

Thanks. I was just curious as I have never seen those individuals. Anyway thanks for the discussion.

Don't think it doesn't piss me off. The internet used to belong to us with our ezboards and livejournal and IRC and ICQ and Kazaa, and suddenly now it's all you kids with your selfies and vines and snapchats and shitty memes. Screw you 90s kids for ruining our internet!

You sound like my two oldest siblings.:lol:

What about our parents generation? A lot of them don't understand what this "internet" is all about. To be honest some of their criticism is valuable. A lot of us have really taken "online activity" to another level, often an unhealthy one. Think about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap-chat and what not. I said stop some time ago and I am now "only" limiting my presence to Facebook. I stopped following all the other platforms. Too much hassle.

Now kids the age of 3-4 years are spending their time in front of their iPad's instead of running wild outside or spending time with mates playing football for hours like our generation did. Of course some still do it but a lot adopt such habits far too early.
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No I didn't say that, I stated that Islamists will:

-Significantly decrease corruption
-Provide political will/self determination
-Bring end to ethnic rivalries
-Bring end to old political system in region
-Provide security for Sunni Muslims(the most persecuted) in the region

Ahh buddy, not sure why you are classifying people as such. Personal views on lifestyle are irrelevant here in politics. For most people in the political scene, when referring to someone as 'moderate' they mean someone who will turn blind eye or tolerate their nations actions. 'Extremist' is someone who doesn't ride any bandwagon and will criticize all those who deserve criticism. Saif Al Arab is modern Saudi, hence he grew up being taught MB is their nemesis and he also sees Gulf Arabs as single peoples that are different than other Arabs and hence wants them to remain having their own identity. This is why he draws lines when it comes to Islamists. This is why his countrypeople and other Gulf Arabs want to shift attention off Syria, initially they encouraged the uprising and many people died for nothing. Now that they aren't fond of rebels anymore they pretty much threw Syria off the agenda and want to disengage majority of rebels, instead preferring to make FSA the representative of opposition. Because FSA is politically suitable. But the rest of the majority rebels, they pretend they don't exist because it pains them that even speak in an independent sense. They do the same in Palestine, pretend Hamas doesn't exist, and force PA on our people even though we reject them. Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all do the same thing. Because in the end these regimes are the same garbage we see all around the world that use people for their interests.

Your government in Iran is same shit, get's so many Shia's and Sunnis killed and they use religious clerics to motivate them to die for your national interests. In same way KSA did with rebels in Syria. The poor people are dying thinking they are dying for a reason and don't realize it's just temporary. Now they tell the Syrian people to partition Syria and we no longer care about you. So if I'm 'extremist' for despising these regimes and their supporters then so be it. I am proud to be one. And I continue to hold the position that I want them eradicated by militants on the ground and that will never change unless I become and inhumane person who will allow the region to burn, and children to suffer and women be raped just so my personal interests can be achieved then look away as if nothing happened.

I respect Saif Al Arab as a person but I have no respect for his position regarding the region, that doesn't mean I expect him to map out the future. Nobody can do that, but I know why he draws lines and I explained it above.

With all due respect Hazzy, I am not sure what you are talking about here? What you have written about my "views" is simply not the truth. I have never "categorized" Arabs into different boxes nor do I support the current regimes in the GCC or elsewhere in the Arab world for that matter.

I have no problems with progressive Islamists. I just dislike the ISIS lot and movements who are not fit for our times. Those people won't give us anything but misery. You are deeply mistaken if you believe otherwise.

Regarding the MB, we have discussed this numerous times and reached a somewhat similar conclusion. In fact I believe that I have talked about the MB only with you. Otherwise I never mention them simply because they do not interest me. It's an Egyptian based political party. There are similar Islamic parties all over the Muslim world that I don't follow either.

Also you are very mistaken if you believe that the MB has no supporters in the GCC. Qatar for instance is the main MB supporter out there.
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I am presuming that you will prefer Gulf Arabs to remain with their identity and hence Islamist movements a threat to that 'national' character and therefore they shouldn't be promoted much. If not this is position of your country, and sadly all these young men that died in Syria as volunteers died for nothing. Because most Arabs disrespect their lives. I have issues with some aspects of ISIS's ideology, if they reformed and matured I wouldn't have problem with them. All other groups in Syria besides them I have no issue with. I actually like that they are more militant than progressive MB. Unfortunately people in region left them no choice but militancy. And I hope they get stronger and topple all the regimes, the rest of you need to suffer to feel what we Palestinians and Syrians have gone through. I want chaos in Iran and Saudi Arabia and Egypt, so the arrogant residents who don't mind using people for their personal interests and then dumping them after their country is destroyed and half of them exiled will begin to understand what they went through. We need change in the region, very radical change, and the rest of you need to be dragged into it. If Syrian cause fails, I support any initiative for indiscriminate bombings in your nations to get you to pay for turning blind eye to Muslims suffering.

Holy shit. The fall of Hazzy. From hero to villian. Epic.
I am presuming that you will prefer Gulf Arabs to remain with their identity and hence Islamist movements a threat to that 'national' character and therefore they shouldn't be promoted much. If not this is position of your country, and sadly all these young men that died in Syria as volunteers died for nothing. Because most Arabs disrespect their lives. I have issues with some aspects of ISIS's ideology, if they reformed and matured I wouldn't have problem with them. All other groups in Syria besides them I have no issue with. I actually like that they are more militant than progressive MB. Unfortunately people in region left them no choice but militancy. And I hope they get stronger and topple all the regimes, the rest of you need to suffer to feel what we Palestinians and Syrians have gone through. I want chaos in Iran and Saudi Arabia and Egypt, so the arrogant residents who don't mind using people for their personal interests and then dumping them after their country is destroyed and half of them exiled will begin to understand what they went through. We need change in the region, very radical change, and the rest of you need to be dragged into it. If Syrian cause fails, I support any initiative for indiscriminate bombings in your nations to get you to pay for turning blind eye to Muslims suffering.

No such thing as "Gulf Arabs" exist. It's an Arabic dialect of Eastern Arabia and a type of music prevalent in that part of the Arabian Peninsula.

Culture of Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gulf Arabic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For instance only 200.000 people in KSA speak Gulf Arabic and they live in the coastal areas of the Eastern Province and are mainly Shia Arabs. They have most in common with the people of nearby Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE and Qatar. Southern Iraq too and nearby Southern Iran to a smaller extent.

The remaining KSA, depending on the historical region, have more in common with nearby Yemen, Egypt, Sham and Iraq. This is important to understand.

The GCC states are not a unified body although they have a lot of common interests and similarities on certain fronts. This is mostly due to all of them being monarchies.

Nevertheless the system in for instance KSA is much different than the one found in Kuwait and Oman.

I am not sure if you are familiar with KSA but the system there is already an Islamic one. Of course a flawed one like the one in Iran but nevertheless an Islamic one. More than any other Muslim nation out there. People in KSA by large do not want to pursue even more Islamic policies. They want political reforms and more social and political rights. Not the opposite. If for instance an ISIS like regime emerged, it would be a massive misunderstanding.

SIGNIFCANT political, social etc. reforms are needed in the GCC, other Arab regimes and practically all Muslim regimes but I am not sure if your idea of wanting misery in all Arab/Muslim states is the answer, just because Syria and Palestine suffer right now.

I have to go and this thread is not the right thread to discuss this topic.
Welcome back bro, on a serious note. The carelessness of specific Arab 'muslims', but also active persecution of those seeking self determination in the region has gone too far. Egyptian, Saudi, Gulf Arab, Jordanian residents need to pay a price for what they put Palestinians and Syrians through. MB election in Egypt was the last chance for a progressive Islamist leadership in the Arab world that could have relieved people of their miseries. Instead Saudi Arabia, Egyptian elite and Jordanians had different plans and initiated the coup in Egypt. They left people with no choice, Saudi members of ISIS and Nusra need to prepare if Syria falls, and begin civil war in Saudi Arabia. Because if chaos occurs in Syria or elsewhere, these Arabs will just turn blind eye and allow them to be targeted. Syria was evidence that Muslims continue to be used as pawns by Arab nations. The saddest part is the Arab residents themselves have so much disrespect for Muslim lives, many young men from around the world(including their own nations) came to make change and now Arab nations, Russia, Iran, etc...all working plan to partition nation or simply abandon rebels. It has become clear no matter what happens, as long as these people are fine they could care less.

So what needs to occur is bloodshed in Saudi Arabia since it will actually draw Muslim's attention to how serious the situation is. I am sure ISIS is only one with guts to do this, if so then so be it. Actually it is predicted in hadith as well that something along those lines will occur in Saudi Arabia. And I expect it to happen soon.

Aw damn it. Your plan ends up with Pakistani soldiers being involved.
By 'Gulf Arabs' you know what I mean. And actually it is absolutely the answer, not only Syrians and Palestinians are suffering but every Arab Muslim that seeks an end to this injustice. Our culture has been corrupted too, the people will pay for it. All you guys care about nowadays is wealth, getting drunk, reality shows, music contests, and this other stupid stuff. Of course the people don't by large want Islam, they want a twisted version of Islam, one which allows them to sit home comfortably, do unethical activities, use the sincere Muslims as cannon fodder for their interests in some countries yet brutalize them in other nations. These people had it coming and will suffer. Saudi Arabia shouldn't be a place intended for wealthy drunken leadership, it needs to be lead by likes of the Prophet and his companions(no not shias).

You made me chuckle. :D

Well unfortunately, the Pakistani army would be called in to defend the Saudi regime, and even though the soldiers might not like it, they would crush the rebels.
-Significantly decrease corruption
-Provide political will/self determination
-Bring end to ethnic rivalries
-Bring end to old political system in region
-Provide security for Sunni Muslims(the most persecuted) in the region
LOL, how many years after the Prophet died did you all start making trouble amongst yourselves? And here you're talking as if it's a cure all. If you look at Jewish, Christian, and Islamic history, it's repetitive. Only difference is Islam is going through the 21st century making it that much harder and more violent. True, other countries are stirring up the pot and making it worse, but you can't make the same claim three times in a row and expect it to magically work.

Sunni's most persecuted, oh boohoo, cry the world a river when just about all Muslim sects have practiced persecution and are still doing it. It's called a sickle, better dig two graves once you pull it out. No Religion is innocent in this scenario.

Not only that but you claimed to Agnostic not long ago.?
Any soldier from any Muslim country(which ever nationality I'm against) which will protect a regime is probably a mushrik or will have very hard time being forgiven by God. In Hadith, when the awaited Mahdi emerges, he will emerge after a bad conflict inside Saudi Arabia and an brigade of soldiers will be sent to their direction but will be swallowed by the ground. And common consensus is that they won't be forgiven. God's wrath will soon be revealed, if you see chaos inside Saudi Arabia then know the time has approached. Of course that will be only the beginning, it will result in major mess in the region. And sadly none of us wanted it to reach this point where Prophet's birthplace is in terrible situation but there was no other option.

See the true Muslims are always on the losing side. The Muslims of today, are just Muslim by name. They don't actually follow Islam. Video games, watching ****, and getting fuckt up on drugs/alcohol and having sex takes precedence. For most Muslims around the world Islam is just an identity.
I don't really know that Erdogan guy except some random information via some biased internet websites, and honestly speaking I'm in no position to judge the guy as it's the absolute duty of turkey citizens to judge the man, but one thing you should be aware of is the fact that Turkey as a country and Turkish nation are at least a two and a half light years ahead of other ME countries if boasting and exaggeration is the problem there, cause in third world countries like the one I'm from the common picture is the authorities and the men in power sitting cross legged on mats in front of cameras while their sons riding the million dollar Porsches in background. I mean you gotta admit the squandering and boasting is all the way much better than hypocrisy and duplicity.
BTW, I don't see turkey a country of no carbo-hydrate reserves that is craving to reach the world's top standards in human technology and economy indices a third world country, and I would consider that an insult to compare Turkey with other middle eastern 3'rd worlder nations.
PS: Have you ever been in London?


No mate, but i have been in some European countries, why did you asked ???

Our parking garages look like the top one, Erdo may have Mysophobia. That seriously looks like a hospital. Is there a car wash at the opening?
:) This is actually not the Erdoğan's palace. There are many blocks near his palace which goverment officials work....i can't imagine his own garage......

know you didn't like it, but as far as the language is concerned, he was pretty accurate and crisp in his pronunciation!
Yeah, they say that....it's not about me liking or not. I want my leaders to focus on science and technology. But all he does is to focus on religion.

I was very good friends with a Turkish girl in university (international student). She was super secular, but called herself Muslim. Out-drank me in parties (not very hard to do actually, as much as I hate to admit it lol), but refused to eat bacon or pork when we went to restaurants. She used to say that most Turks are like that and they all drink etc... but proudly call themselves Muslims and believe in god.

I think the difference is between our secular demographics. In Turkey, religion has never been forced down their throats, so Islam has kind of infused into their culture and everybody is more or less Muslim in their own way. In Iran, religion is either seen as a source of ultimate pride and the identity is built around it (check out 2800's posts) or it's seen as a disease. Most secular Iranians try to distance themselves from the religion, even if they believe in god. That's why when you were in Vancouver you probably didn't see any elements of Islam in our day to day lives. In North America and Europe, I definitely think Iranians are more secular and anti-religion than Turks. But back home, it's the reverse, although we can't truly compare until the theocracy either evolves or dissolves.

General Turk, will drink but you can't make him drink in Ramadan. Also won't eat pork.

They made a social experiment...a guy who dressed..."arabic" i guess. Would wander in the street, doing interviews. Then one man comes and mokes his dress, tells him to get lost. Most of the people backs up the guy who dressed "arabic"..... saying "Everybody is free in this country, you can't tell him to what to wear or not, a girl can wear a miniskirt, this guy can wear this, you have no say"....
No I didn't say that, I stated that Islamists will:

-Significantly decrease corruption
-Provide political will/self determination
-Bring end to ethnic rivalries
-Bring end to old political system in region
-Provide security for Sunni Muslims(the most persecuted) in the region

Ahh buddy, not sure why you are classifying people as such. Personal views on lifestyle are irrelevant here in politics. For most people in the political scene, when referring to someone as 'moderate' they mean someone who will turn blind eye or tolerate their nations actions. 'Extremist' is someone who doesn't ride any bandwagon and will criticize all those who deserve criticism. Saif Al Arab is modern Saudi, hence he grew up being taught MB is their nemesis and he also sees Gulf Arabs as single peoples that are different than other Arabs and hence wants them to remain having their own identity. This is why he draws lines when it comes to Islamists. This is why his countrypeople and other Gulf Arabs want to shift attention off Syria, initially they encouraged the uprising and many people died for nothing. Now that they aren't fond of rebels anymore they pretty much threw Syria off the agenda and want to disengage majority of rebels, instead preferring to make FSA the representative of opposition. Because FSA is politically suitable. But the rest of the majority rebels, they pretend they don't exist because it pains them that even speak in an independent sense. They do the same in Palestine, pretend Hamas doesn't exist, and force PA on our people even though we reject them. Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all do the same thing. Because in the end these regimes are the same garbage we see all around the world that use people for their interests.

Your government in Iran is same shit, get's so many Shia's and Sunnis killed and they use religious clerics to motivate them to die for your national interests. In same way KSA did with rebels in Syria. The poor people are dying thinking they are dying for a reason and don't realize it's just temporary. Now they tell the Syrian people to partition Syria and we no longer care about you. So if I'm 'extremist' for despising these regimes and their supporters then so be it. I am proud to be one. And I continue to hold the position that I want them eradicated by militants on the ground and that will never change unless I become and inhumane person who will allow the region to burn, and children to suffer and women be raped just so my personal interests can be achieved then look away as if nothing happened.

I respect Saif Al Arab as a person but I have no respect for his position regarding the region, that doesn't mean I expect him to map out the future. Nobody can do that, but I know why he draws lines and I explained it above.
You have the exact same mentality that I described in one of my previous posts. Do you seriously think reverting back to lifestyle in the medieval age would bring any success in the 21st century?
See the true Muslims are always on the losing side. The Muslims of today, are just Muslim by name. They don't actually follow Islam. Video games, watching ****, and getting fuckt up on drugs/alcohol and having sex takes precedence. For most Muslims around the world Islam is just an identity.
Please refer to your master Mujtahid, little Taqleed you're hurting your brain being so judgmental. I'm sorry you got nightmares playing DOOM.

Let me guess, you are the Golden Standard Muslim?

It is more internal matter which you may not understand.
Since World War I the world has been Globally entangled, everybody's internal matter is watched by someone else. I'm not the one watching nor really care, but my country and other countries do.

"No I didn't say that, I stated that will:"

Insert any Religion, lack of religion, Government type, individual, or group, ideology...etc. What happens? It fails time and time again, it's not matter of if but when. Because the other half of that statement, intentionally or not, is the "My way or the Highway" and nobody likes being at the other end of that kind mentality.

The key is being inclusive and not exclusive, saying Islamists will...Blah, blah blah, and saying Sunni Muslims are most persecuted. How fast did that backfire on you, pretty fast. Islamism can be both a cure and a problem and that's the same with every Religion. So it's not the Religion, it's the human.

You have the exact same mentality that I described in one of my previous posts. Do you seriously think reverting back to lifestyle in the medieval age would bring any success in the 21st century?
So which religion is 25th Century material, please do tell I'm soo curious. :cheesy: .... Since I now know which is best for the 4th century...:crazy:
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