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Iranian Chill Thread

so true:
True or false, the fat lady sang decades ago. It's done. Now it's time to move on and build a proper future with the realities that they face. I know it's cliche, but look at Japan and Germany.

But alas, the stupidity of the Middle Eastern mind knows no limits. Keep throwing stones till eternity while Israel takes over the last inch of your land. How many times have they gone to war? Each time they lost more. Accept defeat and become civilized. Israel is a nuclear power with the support of the entirety of the civilized world. They won't break, not in this lifetime. Time for the Palis to grow a set of balls and man up.
Iranian public opinion poll on nuclear deal, by University of Maryland's Center for International and Security Studies with survey conducted from Toronto, Canada employing RDD landline sampling: http://www.cissm.umd.edu/sites/default/files/CISSM-PA Iranian Public Opinion on the Nuclear Agreement 090915 FINAL-LR.pdf

Here are some of the big points:

76% of Iranians approve of the deal
21% do not approve of it

80% of people see the deal as either beneficial to Iran or as an outright victory
18% of people see the deal as a loss for Iran

65% of people perceive P5+1 made significant concessions to Iran
40% of people perceive Iran made significant concessions to P5+1

82% of Iranians believe Iranian negotiators performed a good job.
14% of Iranians believe Iranian negotiators did a poor job

94% of the people consider the development of nuclear program to be important

77% of Iranians believe if Majles comes to conclusion that the deal is against Iran's national interests, then Majles should be able to block the deal
16% of Iranians believe Majles should not be given the power to block the deal

75% of Iranians say the nuclear deal has caused to improve their opinion of Rouhani
14% say the deal negatively affected their opinion of Rouhani

89% of people have a favorable opinion of Rouhani
9% of people have a negative opinion of Rouhani

60% of Iranians prefer Rouhani supporters to win most of the Majles seats in the coming election
22% of Iranians prefer Rouhani critics to win most of the Majles seats in the coming election

89% of the people have a positive opinion of Zarif
5% of the people have a negative opinion of Zarif

62% of people have a favorable view of Ahmadinejad a decrease from 67% in July
35% of people have negative view of Ahmadinejad

43% of people have a favorable view of Jalili
28% have unfavorable views of Jalili and 23% do not recognize his name


But the devil is in the detail as they say.

There are serious misperception about the deal among Iranians, over issues such as what Iran has given up and what it will get in return and in what sequence. Iranians appear to be grossly misinformed about the deal's implementation sequence for instance with 77% believing sanctions are going to be lifted before or at the same time as Iran implements the deal which is not the case as per the agreement. Only 16% of Iranians correctly believe that sanctions will remain in place until Iran verifiably completes its obligations under the deal.

Many believe Iran has not given up much and is going to receive total lifting of sanctions and huge improvement in economy for example the majority of Iranians incorrectly believe Iran has not accepted any restriction in nuclear R&D. Overall these people who are misinformed about the deal, are the ones who for the most part support the deal.

The people who follow BBC or VOA were more likely to be misinformed and support the deal than people who were not following BBC or VOA.

If survey is controlled for these misperceptions then only half of Iranians will support the deal.

For alot of other interesting parameters, questions and their complete results please see the above link.
True or false, the fat lady sang decades ago. It's done. Now it's time to move on and build a proper future with the realities that they face. I know it's cliche, but look at Japan and Germany.

But alas, the stupidity of the Middle Eastern mind knows no limits. Keep throwing stones till eternity while Israel takes over the last inch of your land. How many times have they gone to war? Each time they lost more. Accept defeat and become civilized. Israel is a nuclear power with the support of the entirety of the civilized world. They won't break, not in this lifetime. Time for the Palis to grow a set of balls and man up.

You as a Persian should be siding with Israel over Palestinians (which you might be doing already). For the small naive minority of relgious Persians I honestly say, jewish Israelis are 10 times better for you than Sunni Arabs. They would certainly have less racial and religious grudges than what Sunni Arabs would have against Persians. The jewish Israelis also gained the benefit of the European enlightenment which made them more fit to the 21st century. Whereas Sunni Arabs had Saddam who put them 800 years behind the rest of the World.
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You as a Persian should be siding with Israel over Palestinians (which you might be doing). For the small naive minority of relgious Persians I honestly say, jewish Israelis is 10 times better for you than Sunni Arabs. They would certainly have less racial and religious grudges than what Sunni Arabs would have against Persians. The jewish Israelis also gained the benefit of the European enlightenment which made them more fit to the 21st century. Whereas Sunni Arabs had Saddam who put them 800 years behind the rest World.
One thing Full moon. As a Persian or better say Iranian so my Kurdish and Azeri brothers that I like and respect could also join the camp, never in Iran had I once felt about Sunni and Shia divide even for a sec. Still I don't get it when I see this debate in news and from Arab friends. Interesting for you I served 26 months (had an interesting engineering project) in Parchin and my commander was a Sunni Kurd. A lovable and decent man who served in special forces, telling me of stories of how they kicked Saddam forces in several infiltrating mission (sometime sI think to go and find him again) .
I firmly believe the doctrine of Islam in Iran is not supporting Shia Sunni separation but I believe there are hands in the region that do want that. Think about it for a second, you have a bunch ruling in Iran that get their powers from preaching faith and living in a region and a world where 80% are Sunni Muslim and surrounded by such. Do you think such a system would be suicidal to preach divide or unity? Forget about being brothers just think strategically! Hope those fanning the divide and false believes realize what they are doing to humanity.
One thing Full moon. As a Persian or better say Iranian so my Kurdish and Azeri brothers that I like and respect could also join the camp, never in Iran had I once felt about Sunni and Shia divide even for a sec. Still I don't get it when I see this debate in news and from Arab friends. Interesting for you I served 26 months (had an interesting engineering project) in Parchin and my commander was a Sunni Kurd. A lovable and decent man who served in special forces, telling me of stories of how they kicked Saddam forces in several infiltrating mission (sometime sI think to go and find him again) .
I firmly believe the doctrine of Islam in Iran is not supporting Shia Sunni separation but I believe there are hands in the region that do want that. Think about it for a second, you have a bunch ruling in Iran that get their powers from preaching faith and living in a region and a world where 80% are Sunni Muslim and surrounded by such. Do you think such a system would be suicidal to preach divide or unity? Forget about being brothers just think strategically! Hope those fanning the divide and false believes realize what they are doing to humanity.
you know what your problem is siavash ? you're talking to a creature from lizrdlandyard who cannot possibly grasp what you're telling him .

don't waste your time man
One thing Full moon. As a Persian or better say Iranian so my Kurdish and Azeri brothers that I like and respect could also join the camp, never in Iran had I once felt about Sunni and Shia divide even for a sec. Still I don't get it when I see this debate in news and from Arab friends. Interesting for you I served 26 months (had an interesting engineering project) in Parchin and my commander was a Sunni Kurd. A lovable and decent man who served in special forces, telling me of stories of how they kicked Saddam forces in several infiltrating mission (sometime sI think to go and find him again) .
I firmly believe the doctrine of Islam in Iran is not supporting Shia Sunni separation but I believe there are hands in the region that do want that. Think about it for a second, you have a bunch ruling in Iran that get their powers from preaching faith and living in a region and a world where 80% are Sunni Muslim and surrounded by such. Do you think such a system would be suicidal to preach divide or unity? Forget about being brothers just think strategically! Hope those fanning the divide and false believes realize what they are doing to humanity.

Denying the sectarianism in Iran or in KSA won't do anybody any favor. Both countries are sectarian to their cores. Please note that I wasn't speaking about the Sunni-Shia division in the classic sense. I was simply telling @Abii (who is an atheist Persian as he confirmed many times) that he should favor Israelis over Palestinians because they are far more friendlier to Persians. The same goes with GCC Arabs. They are 1000 times worse than Israelis in their animosity towards Persians.

Try not to be diplomatic with facts and truths. Say them as they are and things could get better over time.
Hey bro , Wazzzaaap ? :D

haven't seen you around much . good to have you back . we need professionals in this forum .

chaker dadash golam

Salam & Doroud

I forgot my password and after I changed my windows I couldn't sign in anymore!
But at last recovered it via Email :D

Now I'm back, and from now on I'll camp here :D

tag me anywhere that I'm needed :D
chaker dadash golam

Salam & Doroud

I forgot my password and after I changed my windows I couldn't sign in anymore!
But at last recovered it via Email :D

Now I'm back, and from now on I'll camp here :D

tag me anywhere that I'm needed :D
Fadat dadashi . nokaram .

@Serpentine (ya hamoon era-923 khodemoon :D ) commandant ru ke az military mishnasi ? agha een shadidan material "professional member" shodan hast .

migam shoma azash bekhah hamin thread Iran navy ro yek tekooni behesh bede kheyli sooto koore :D

savademoon ghad nemide vagarna ma ham komak mikardim , lol .
chaker dadash golam

Salam & Doroud

I forgot my password and after I changed my windows I couldn't sign in anymore!
But at last recovered it via Email :D

Now I'm back, and from now on I'll camp here :D

tag me anywhere that I'm needed :D

Salam ostad. agha ma inja kambude karbare ba etelaate khube nezami darim, khosusan dar bakhshe navy va zerehi. agar shoma betuni bishtar faaliat bokoni inja kheili khub mishe. enshala bad az yek modat ham moarefi mikonam shoma ro baraie title Think-tank.
@WebMaster @waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus

Why was my thread in the announcement section deleted?

@Serpentine bro,I opened a thread in the announcement section because after 2 weeks, the staff members would not reply to a thread I made in the GH section. I opened a thread yesterday in the announcement section asking them why they would not reply there, and instead of doing anything, they just deleted the thread I made in the announcement section.

These people claim they have 'nothing against' Iranian members here but clearly you can see here the disregards they have for us and they don't even bother to make a reply to and instead try to shut out our enquiries. Regardless of whatever their reply would be, they don't even bother to making a simple reply to it even though I have asked them now multiple times as to why they ignore my thread.

@haman10 @Daneshmand @Arminkh @New @kollang @Kiarash @SOHEIL @rahi2357
what was it about bro ?

I've been banned from the middle east section for months now and I asked if I could be unbanned. They ban Iranian members no problem but the ISIS supporters and these other terrorists sympathiser are allowed to roam freely there.

Anyway, many people tag me in that section and I can't reply, so I asked the mods if they could unban me but after 3 weeks they did not even make a single comment, so I asked again last week but still nothing, they were deliberately ignoring the thread. Then yesterday I opened another thread, this time in the announcement section asking why they're ignoring my enquiry but they deleted it and did nothing again.
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