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Iranian Chill Thread

@Serpentine and others..

It's been a while since the time I posted here :lol:

Anyways, I have a question for Iranian gents. People here say Erdogan is awaiting the Supreme Military Board meeting which is soon to happen for intervening Syria militarily to stop a Kurdish corridor. Media and the politicians report that it will target ISIS as well, but obviously it is to stop Kurds to gain independence. Since this is in favor of the interest of Iran as well, as far as I know, what would be the response from Tehran in case of an operation?

Iran's main focus in Syria is to defeat ISIS and help Assad. As long as this is not hampered with, then Turkish attack on Kurds would not spark anything major. Iran would probably condemn it for political reasons but ultimately, a kurdish state is not a positive thing for Iran either.As for Turkey attacking ISIS...I don't think people believe that, not for the reason you mentioned but that it is not a secret Turkey is a major route for people getting into Syria to join these groups. Turkey has been indifferent if not downright supporting them.

You see where Erdogan's moronic miscalculation brought you? he thought Assad would be gone and a Pro-Erdogan regime would appear but what really happened is that you turned a one time friend of Turkey Assad into an enemy and have greatly strengthened the Kurds.

Were it not for the constant pouring of terrorists into Syria, this war would have been over by now. Another question being asked, albeit rarely is whether this Turkish move is influenced by the fact the terrorists in Syria have recently been getting defeated considerably.
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Ohh Yemen :D??

Well, I can vouch for Sinan myself. He didn't deserve any of his bannings he's one of the most tempered Turkish posters here if not the best but since the Turks have been declared "enemy of the state" here in forum, it starts to make sense after some point.
He is a nice troll :happy: I agree.
I am sure after his ban he will appear in Iranian threads asap.
@Serpentine and others..

It's been a while since the time I posted here :lol:

Anyways, I have a question for Iranian gents. People here say Erdogan is awaiting the Supreme Military Board meeting which is soon to happen for intervening Syria militarily to stop a Kurdish corridor. Media and the politicians report that it will target ISIS as well, but obviously it is to stop Kurds to gain independence. Since this is in favor of the interest of Iran as well, as far as I know, what would be the response from Tehran in case of an operation?

It depends on the objective of the attack and its results. For sure, Iran is not going to support it politically because Syria is an ally an such attack is considered an act against Syria, but also, an independent Kurdistan in Syria is not our favor. The other thing is, YPG has openly declared that it does not intend to create an independent country. So as long as such aspirations are not proved, an attack is only going to make things worse, and it may even greatly help IS too.

Erdogan messed up in Syria pretty bad. What he was thinking and what is achieved are galaxies apart. He was dreaming of 2 super close ally states in Syria and Egypt (MB), but things didn't go the way he was planned.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are playing their own nasty game in Syria supporting various terror groups, but their upper hand compared to Turkey is, they do not border Syria, hence no problem would be there if things go wrong. But for Turkey, it is going to be a major challenge, having another Afghanistan on its borders, with hundreds of thousands of refugees already inside the country. Turkey should have supported the secular state of Syria, as bad as it was, it was still a friendly and stable country with great trade volume with Turkey. Not only that is gone, there is a huge terrorist playground on Turkey's doorstep too.
It depends on the objective of the attack and its results. For sure, Iran is not going to support it politically because Syria is an ally an such attack is considered an act against Syria, but also, an independent Kurdistan in Syria is not our favor. The other thing is, YPG has openly declared that it does not intend to create an independent country. So as long as such aspirations are not proved, an attack is only going to make things worse, and it may even greatly help IS too.

Erdogan messed up in Syria pretty bad. What he was thinking and what is achieved are galaxies apart. He was dreaming of 2 super close ally states in Syria and Egypt (MB), but things didn't go the way he was planned.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are playing their own nasty game in Syria supporting various terror groups, but their upper hand compared to Turkey is, they do not border Syria, hence no problem would be there if things go wrong. But for Turkey, it is going to be a major challenge, having another Afghanistan on its borders, with hundreds of thousands of refugees already inside the country. Turkey should have supported the secular state of Syria, as bad as it was, it was still a friendly and stable country with great trade volume with Turkey. Not only that is gone, there is a huge terrorist playground on Turkey's doorstep too.
dumb erdoGAaN.

The majority of Syrians support Assad, so why are we trying to remove him?

NATO reveals 70% of Syrians support Bashar al-Assad
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ISIS is advancing on Microsoft Word; their next target is Helvetica and Times New Roman :lol:

Erdugan and Edalat party has no interest in preventing Syrian or Iraqi Kurds to claim an independent state... Erdugan agenda is not independent at all... Regarding Iraqi Kurds they had no choice but to agree with ISraeli, US and EU demands to welcome and cooperate with an independent Kurdish state in Iraq.. So, Turkey is never after preventing Kurds of Iraq from independence...but for Syrian Kurds it is a different story...

Turkey invested heavily on his support for Al qaeda (Al Nosrah) and Ikhvan Militia in Syrian war scene... Now, that Syrian Kurds are acting successful in battle field and repeatedly pushed DAESH back, they are worried if Kurds keep winning they way they do now and then somehow interrupt Al Qaeda, ISIL plans... Another reason is because Syrian Kurds declared many times that they don't want to declare independence...

It is very simple... Turkey has no worries for Kurdish independence as they already showed their submissive behavior to the orders of Israel and West to welcome Iraqi Kurd state... This means, Turkey no longer has security concerns with a n independent Kurdish state... You can not say borders with Iraqi Kurds are less important than borders with Syrian Kurds.. can we?!

The only reason Erdugan is after sending its troops to Syria is to make sure its terrorist puppets (Al Qaeda, Jaish Al Islam, etc) are safe and sound and Kurds won't interrupt their plans against Syrian Legit Government.

It is not only Turkey who follows this agenda. At the moment, Turkey, Qatar and Somehow Saudis are in one front. Each of these countries has a role in future plans... Plans that dictated by US, ISraeli and EU. Qatar buys weapon from Europe and China, Saudis do the same and act as a meddler between Al Qaeda and Daesh. Israel and USA ordered Saudis and Qataris to meddle between ISIL and Al Qaeda, trying to avoid inter-terrorist conflicts... Turkey has the executive role.. as always Arabs have no expertise or man power to help directly so they left this job on turkey's shoulders...

Urdugan was silent for a decade knowing Turkey is not ready financially and politically (mostly due to their EU join up problem), now the Arab Spring gave him enough courage to meddle in Egypt and Syria in order to fix its own puppets and revive its Ottoman dream under Ikhvanit color of course!

The only miscalculation Erdugan had was when he thought so called "Resistance Axis" will leave each other alone when Syria become under severe pressure... This show how misinformed he and his advisers are... Due to many factors, Iran never leaves his allies alone.. Factors are religious, politics, reputation and some other ones...

I personally think Iranian conservation regarding direct engagement in Iraq and Syria or Yemen has something to do with its nuclear talks... From what US congress men were saying today, they are angry that US is not only giving Iran a green light for direct engagement in Syria and Iraq but cheer her too. I think a part of negotiations is about Iran engaging directly in Syria and Iraq, finishing Takfiri terrorists. Iran and Russia are after some kind of political support for their intentions. Iran wants to engage and finish terrorists but she fears it affect the nuclear talks... Funny is when you hear the only opponents to IRanian decision to finish DAESH in Iraq are Saudis, Israeil and their congress puppets!!

One of them even asked Obama to object Iranian actions of arming Shia Terrorists who are after pushing DAESH out of their home country!!!!

Turkey already put his bets on losers and will put itself in deeper shiit if they interfere directly... It is not their war and that will have huge long term consequences for Turkey..both politically and economically...

USA learned after decades that you can not bet on losers and expect a win.... The only problem is Israeili and Saudis who push Americans to object every Iranian action, even if it is to help Iraqi army fight the Takfiri ISILs!!
@Serpentine and others..

It's been a while since the time I posted here :lol:

Anyways, I have a question for Iranian gents. People here say Erdogan is awaiting the Supreme Military Board meeting which is soon to happen for intervening Syria militarily to stop a Kurdish corridor. Media and the politicians report that it will target ISIS as well, but obviously it is to stop Kurds to gain independence. Since this is in favor of the interest of Iran as well, as far as I know, what would be the response from Tehran in case of an operation?

There are two reasons. First, the internal reason, because AKP is now in a shaky position, and needs votes of MHP and its supporters, so showing it as an operation against kurds, plus adding some news about Uyghurs, and Turkmen, will make AKP able to achieve the internal support it wants.
Second is about PKK(YPG) capturing Tal Abyadh with the help of USA. It cut the main supply route of ISIS from Turkey. Now, if kurds capture the area between Jerablus and Afrin, ISIS will lose all supply routes and will lose a lot of lands to kurds, Assad, and Iraqi government in a couple of months.
What Iran is going to do if Turkey invades Syria and take that piece of land from ISIS in a pre-written scenario? Officially, just condemning. But unofficially, Iran will send huge support for PKK to screw Turkey. It would not be bad for Iran in the sense that it drags Turkey into a swamp for the next years and will keep her busy in it, while breaking social fabric of Turkey which was supposed to be repaired by peace talks with Kurds.
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