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Iranian Chill Thread

اجتماع مدافعین حرم در میدان امام حسین امروز:







اجتماع مدافعین حرم در میدان امام حسین امروز:







If Iran government let me I will go to Syria to defend Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) household shrines in less than fraction of a second. If I can I will kill tens of ISIS and FSA members and I will burn KSA and rebuild Ahlulbayt shrines in Madina

Everythings fine bro .

whats up with you ? doing alright in beautiful turkey ? :)

@The Last of us @IR-TR

aghayoon commentatoono tooye thread yemen khoondam :tup:

i almost pissed myself laughing at your comments :lol: WTF :lol:

:D man, it's hilarious how deluded those people are. One of them was claiming Houthis will only in their dreams reach saudi border and yet literally the video above him showed houthis capturing saudi military posts :rofl:
:D man, it's hilarious how deluded those people are. One of them was claiming Houthis will only in their dreams reach saudi border and yet literally the video above him showed houthis capturing saudi military posts :rofl:
Axe shotor motor gozashti commentat unja pak shore?

Death to Saudi and ISIL [Seven video clips about Yemen]

موسم فریاد

مداحی الموت یا آل سعود

یا محمد

کلیپ شمیم رحمان از یمن می آید ...

میثم مطیعی - علیه داعش

لبیک یا علی

کفر و تکفیر (مداحی علیه داعش) - میثم مطیعی + تصاویر

در راه یار

لبیک یا حسین

میثم مطیعی؛ صلی الله علیک یا ذبیح العطشان
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Axe shotor motor gozashti commentat unja pak shore?

Na Dadash. I was posting youtube videos showing Houthis own the bejeezus out of the sauds. In one of the videos the Houthis destroyed one of the saudi tanks and one saudi came out of the tank, it seemed like he survived but he dropped dead very funnily. He was roasted alive. :lol:

If Iran government let me I will go to Syria to defend Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) household shrines in less than fraction of a second. If I can I will kill tens of ISIS and FSA members and I will burn KSA and rebuild Ahlulbayt shrines in Madina

Bro, use our energy and try to help Iran become stronger militarily and technologically. The more powerful Iran becomes the easer we will slaughter these subhumans like ISIS. If you have a scientific talent, use that talent and your energy for Iran. There are many things Iran needs fixing, especially in management areas. , soon I will return as well and do my part too.
Na Dadash. I was posting youtube videos showing Houthis own the bejeezus out of the sauds. In one of the videos the Houthis destroyed one of the saudi tanks and one saudi came out of the tank, it seemed like he survived but he dropped dead very funnily. He was roasted alive. :lol:
Saudis and Zionists deserves to be roasted alive as how they roasted innocent Muslims alive in our Yemen and Qaza.
Na Dadash. I was posting youtube videos showing Houthis own the bejeezus out of the sauds. In one of the videos the Houthis destroyed one of the saudi tanks and one saudi came out of the tank, it seemed like he survived but he dropped dead very funnily. He was roasted alive. :lol:

Bro, use our energy and try to help Iran become stronger militarily and technologically. The more powerful Iran becomes the easer we will slaughter these subhumans like ISIS. If you have a scientific talent, use that talent and your energy for Iran. There are many things Iran needs fixing, especially in management areas. Don't worry bro, soon I will return as well and do my part too.
I have one soul and I will give it to kill saudis and ISIS members ;) BTW I love Iran equal to u :tup:

Probably one day you will see my dead picture like one of our Shahids.


PS. Today I'm a bit angry because I saw horrible pictures of innocent dead Yemeni children... I wish I didn't see...

The only sin of Yemenis is that they said "Death to Israel", "Death to Zionists (Jews)"
The Yemeni people are getting slaughtered by " 100% " American,Israeli made trashes even during Ramadan!


The same applies for Syrian regime. The Syrian regime was/is the only anti west/Israeli regime between all of the MENA regimes. Syrian regime is the only Arab government that is not puppet of west/israel. Syria has helped Hamas and Hezbollah as much as possible...

One the other hand the parasite, west-made GCC are home pet of the west. Their regimes only understand how to fill their stomachs and enjoy like dogs, in addition support terrorism in Islamic countries to benefit west and their Israeli dog in the region and enjoy from blood like vampires.
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Saudis and Zionists deserves to be roasted alive as how they roasted innocent Muslims alive in our Yemen and Qaza.

I have one soul and I will give it to kill saudis and ISIS members ;) BTW I love Iran equal to u :tup:

They are not even worth your gooz nevermind your soul. They're already getting slaughtered pretty nicely with Iranian made weapons and technology already, in the near future, things will get much worst for the sauds.

Their American buddies are starting to abandoned them, their ISIS friends are getting slaughtered. The way things are going in Iraq at the moment, in fallujah etc, Iraq could be cleansed soon. Once the resistance has defeated these vermin ISIS, the full attention will be on the sauds.

The saud family can be finished easily. Without the Americans, they'll be removed much easier still.
They are not even worth your gooz nevermind your soul. They're already getting slaughtered pretty nicely with Iranian made weapons and technology already, in the near future, things will get much worst for the sauds.

Their American buddies are starting to abandoned them, their ISIS friends are getting slaughtered. The way things are going in Iraq at the moment, in fallujah etc, Iraq could be cleansed soon. Once the resistance has defeated these vermin ISIS, the full attention will be on the sauds.

The saud family can be finished easily. Without the Americans, they'll be removed much easier still.


Devil will get behead soon.
Here's the 'civilized' world for you in a nutshell:

Australia, until 60s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings.


These are the ones teaching us 'third world savages' about human rights and good sides of being civilized. How dare you talk back? You'are all third word savages after all who are all a threat to the civilized world.
Here's the 'civilized' world for you in a nutshell:

Australia, until 60s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings.


These are the ones teaching us 'third world savages' about human rights and good sides of being civilized. How dare you talk back? You'are all third word savages after all who are all a threat to the civilized world.
Indeed the European/Americans/silly arrogant racism skin worshipers have done the worst of possible crimes against humanity during the entire history. Europeans in Africa... British in Australia, South Africa, in land of red Indian Americans... British in India... In Asia, in Middle East, Creating fake Israel 'after 2500 years'! Creating devil, puppet and dictatorship regimes like GCC.

(برج آزادی آمریکا نماد تمدن سوزی ایرانیان (هخامنشیان )

حتما بخونید

بررسی اسرار پشت پرده مجسمه آزادی
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@Serpentine and others..

It's been a while since the time I posted here :lol:

Anyways, I have a question for Iranian gents. People here say Erdogan is awaiting the Supreme Military Board meeting which is soon to happen for intervening Syria militarily to stop a Kurdish corridor. Media and the politicians report that it will target ISIS as well, but obviously it is to stop Kurds to gain independence. Since this is in favor of the interest of Iran as well, as far as I know, what would be the response from Tehran in case of an operation?
@Serpentine and others..

It's been a while since the time I posted here :lol:

Anyways, I have a question for Iranian gents. People here say Erdogan is awaiting the Supreme Military Board meeting which is soon to happen for intervening Syria militarily to stop a Kurdish corridor. Media and the politicians report that it will target ISIS as well, but obviously it is to stop Kurds to gain independence. Since this is in favor of the interest of Iran as well, as far as I know, what would be the response from Tehran in case of an operation?
Sinan alone here is equal to 10 Turk members. :D
Now I have focused about Ramdan and Yemen, I don't know. :-)
Sinan alone here is equal to 10 Turk members. :D
Now I have focused about Ramdan and Yemen, I don't know. :-)

Ohh Yemen :D??

Well, I can vouch for Sinan myself. He didn't deserve any of his bannings he's one of the most tempered Turkish posters here if not the best but since the Turks have been declared "enemy of the state" here in forum, it starts to make sense after some point.
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