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Iranian Chill Thread


جناب دانشمند همون طوری که گفتی به نظر می رسه نیروی دریایی سپاه
برای صرفه اقتصادی , خط تولید 7 نوع موتور رو با هم در دستور کار قرار داده

Bebinim chi misheh. Vali man hamontor keh goftam bayad yek sherkati dorost besheh mesleh MAPNA keh karesh, zendegish, falsafash va hadafesh motor basheh. Injoor karha ro bayad bord to bakhsh takhasosi va azadeshoon kard az vezaratkhooneha va varzir o raees o in band o basata. Hala mikhad vezarat defa bashe ya vezarat varzesh. Farghi nemikoneh.

Ya'ani injoori: Diesel Engines Overview: MTU Online

Deghat kon. Az 240 KW ta 10,000 KW. Yek platform, yek line-up, yek technology, yek ghete' va va va. Sherket ham ba forosh beh roshdesh edameh mideh va beh hich vezarat khoonehi vasl nist. Nemoneha az in line up dieseli:






I highly recommand you buy and read why nations fail. It s a well researched book and has been translated into persian as well.

Excellent book. I also recommend it.

But unfortunately, it fails to explain its chosen title since it focuses on a single parameter; the governance structure.

The book itself opens with Arab spring and wishes the Arabs good luck in 2011. Now, in 2015 we know where things went.

In societies such as these, which have no roots in democracy (unlike the West with its 3000 years of democratic tradition) when a disagreement arises, the heads are not counted in an election but cut off.

Development and prosperity in such societies is not possible under a fair and square Western democracy. An iron hand is needed to keep things coherent and clean. Otherwise the only development that will take place is going to be that of barbarism.

West can afford to nimble on such trifles such as fair governance and human rights since it is bursting under the load of colleagues of Oleg Losev. The last time Arabs had an Oleg Losev was ..., excuse me, let me rephrase, ... the Arabs never had any Oleg Losev to begin with. Societies such as these should not even aspire to have the same standard parameters of life as in West.

It is idiotic to think otherwise.
@Hussein Hamas is not that bad organization, they have defended their people against savage Zionists. First create threads against Zionists after that you are free to create thread against Hamas.
@Falcon29 Iranians here are not representative of Iranian society. Try to be cool here is just a forum.
@kollang be in Palestinian tohin nakon, va uno doshmane Iran nakob. In adame khubie kari bakon doshmane Iran beshe. Lotfan shoma Irania inja bikhodi doshman tarashi nakonin.
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@jammersat Bazam mesle hamishe tu un threade "edama dar Iran" ye jafange kheyli mozakhraf va ahmaghane gofti. Ahmagh jun inja Afghanistan nist, enghid kos sher nagu! Tu mesle inke halate tabiyi nadri, mangi va hichi halit nemishe va faghat dari vari minevesi. Man ta hala nadidam to halate taviyi dashte bashi va havaset jam bashe va dari vari nanevisi.

Goor babash bro :lol:

these wahhabis are all the same . they eat namak and break the namakdoon for the namak harams that they are .
Agha haman in adam avalesh khub bud ta inke ye seri az Irania hey behesh gir dadan va daran uno zede Irani mikonan. In agha sa@t haye ziadi tu forum online hast behtare kari nakonim ke dasti dasti khodemun uno doshmane Iran konim.

Vali ba inke migi gure babash va namak nashnas va ina kamelan movafegham vali hamuntor ke goftam behtare uno doshmane Iran nakonim.


Check this thread some bans are needed.

Rising executions highlight Iran’s human rights record | Page 2

@Manticore @Horus

Check this thread some bans are needed.

Rising executions highlight Iran’s human rights record | Page 2
@Hussein Hamas is not that bad organization, they have defended their people against savage Zionists. First create threads against Zionists after that you are free to create thread against Hamas.
@Falcon29 Iranians here are not representative of Iranian society. Try to be cool here is just a forum.
@kollang be in Palestinian tohin nakon, va uno doshmane Iran nakob. In adame khubie kari bakon doshmane Iran beshe. Lotfan shoma Irania inja bikhodi doshman tarashi nakonin.

Vaghean maghzet pouk hast agha jan. In hameh be khodetoun va khaanevaadatoun fohsh e naamousi mideh, baaz ham tarafdaari mikonid azash. Vaghean ke ...
Vaghean maghzet pouk hast agha jan. In hameh be khodetoun va khaanevaadatoun fohsh e naamousi mideh, baaz ham tarafdaari mikonid azash. Vaghean ke ...
In agha ye farde tarafdare Iran bud, enghad un "the last of us" va bazi az shoma ha va hatte khode to behesh kerm rikhtin injuri shod. In agha hamishe az Iran defa mikard enghad shoma nationalist ha behesh kerm rikhtin ke unam fosh mide.
Badam tu un thread be man tohin kardi, man nametunam unja biam ta javabeti bedam vali bedun man hich ahadi ro tu zendegi tokhmamam hesab nemikonam che berese be felestini!
Shoma ha aslan siasat balad nistin be ye nafari ke ba shoma kari nadare va behetun kerm nemirize enghad tohij mikonin va kerm mirizin ke taraf bar zede shoma beshe.
In agha ye farde tarafdare Iran bud, enghad un "the last of us" va bazi az shoma ha va hatte khode to behesh kerm rikhtin injuri shod. In agha hamishe az Iran defa mikard enghad shoma nationalist ha behesh kerm rikhtin ke unam fosh mide.
khoda shahede yek bar dige az een madar sag defa koni na man nato ha mohammad .

alaki be baghie napar , een yaroo yek haroom zade be tamam ma'nast . goor pedar terroristesh
khoda shahede yek bar dige az een madar sag defa koni na man nato ha mohammad .

alaki be baghie napar , een yaroo yek haroom zade be tamam ma'nast . goor pedar terroristesh
Age shoma ha behesh kerm nemirikhtin injuri nemishid. Badam man key azash defa kardam?
In agha ye farde tarafdare Iran bud, enghad un "the last of us" va bazi az shoma ha va hatte khode to behesh kerm rikhtin injuri shod. In agha hamishe az Iran defa mikard enghad shoma nationalist ha behesh kerm rikhtin ke unam fosh mide.
Be jahannam ke in martike kandom pare shode qablan az iran defa mikarde.liyaghate felestin ine ke esrael biyad ina ro az safeye ruzegar hazf kone.

In harum zade ha ye bi namus hanuz keshvar dar nashodan ba ma doshmani mikonan.az ferestadan niru be saddam begir ta par par kardane javunaye shi'e ye hezbollah ro suriye.mikham sad sal siyah in harum zade haro azad nakonim.beran be jahannam.
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chera intori sohabat mikoni ? chete ? dadash man dooset daram , ehteram baghie ru begir ta ehteramet ru begiram aziz . bashe ?

kerm rikhtan yani chi ? dorost sohbat kon dadash

vala man postato mikhonam chize dige ee mibinam
Man joz 2 comment tu Iranian section az felestini ha defa nakardam.
Dadash man shom ha ro nemigam kerm rikhtin baraye shoma ehteram ghaelam. Ye kesayi melse "the last of us", "hossein", "militan atheist" va amsalohom ro migam.
@2800 Agha jan, migan kasi ke khodesh ra be khaab zadeh, nemisheh bidaresh kard. In yaarou az avval ham avazi va haroum zadeh boud, vali shoma enghadr saade i, ke fekr kardi in yaarou aadam hast.
aksesho daram (aks khode yarou ru - tou PM vasam ghablan ferestad) hey namardie vagarna email mikardam vase FBI ya homeland security ya kesi , ba postash :D

bachast baba , 16-17 saleshe ;)
To alan ino migi vali az farda ke ba un yeki harumzade al habashi motahed beshe ke nemituni jelosho begiri. Tu un thread ham goft man age in thread ro zadam chon ke hossein bar zede hamas thread zade, to rafti behesh fosh dadi.
Vaghean ajibe, chand deghighe pish un kandom pare shodeye bi pedaro madar be namuse hamvatanet tohin kard.baad umadi migi to kerm rikhti? Chera shero ver migi?
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