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Iranian Chill Thread

Dude, you kinda make me feel nervous,
You seem to have the track of every single post here, on PDF.
But, seriously, You are enjoying a powerful memory.
Mate..don't feel nervous... :)

Sometimes i can't remember most recent things..but sometimes i can remember things of the past with it's details... :meeting:
Sinan said: ↑
Sometimes i can't remember most recent things..but sometimes i can remember things of the past with it's details...
That's "the curious case of benjamin Sinan"

Mate, i'm no expert but... doesn't everybodies' mind works like that... if you see something significant...you can remember it much later on ?
What the **** is this !?

Look at the shaft !!! o_O

This is a compressor-turbine..used for generate power.. And what's wrong with the shaft ?

Edit:.. i get it now, it's a Turbo-prop engine. :)

Compare it with other turboprops ... You will understand my point !!!
Mate, i'm no expert but... doesn't everybodies' mind works like that... if you see something significant...you can remember it much later on ?
Excuse me dude, I can't remember what were we talking about,:lol:
Ya you are right:tup:

Be in migan etemad be nafs:D
Azizam, ta nayoomadam adreseto peyda nakardam, az khounatoon nakeshidamet biroon, va az vasat tavasote ye faghare tabar nesfet nakardam, in posto pak kon.
barghe tehran 5
mekanic tehran 6
are you crazy?
also your post, reported for ethnically assault.
Last edited:
Excuse me dude, I can't remember what were we talking about,:lol:
Ya you are right:tup:

Azizam, ta nayoomadam adreseto peyda nakardam, az khounatoon nakeshidamet biroon, va az vasat tavasote ye faghare tabar nesfet nakardam, in posto pak kon.
barghe tehran 5
mekanic tehran 6
are you crazy?
also your post, reported for ethnically assault.
Khoda khafat nakone!az khande qash kardam.
Qasde jesarat nadashtam.kollan 20 taye avvalo hol holaki neveshtam VALI ino hame midunan ke levele mohamdesi haye Sharif ye saro gardan bala tar az tehrane.kasayi ham ke tehrano be amirkabir tarjih midan bekhatere dokhtaraye daneshkade honareshe.hamin!!:agree:

Dar zemne panjere haye manzele ma ba hesar mohafezat shode:enjoy:
@kollang ...

Negaraan nabaash ... Mohandesi mechanic tarrahi condom ham khobe !

Az bargh Tehran bala tare ... Khar nashi beri Sharif ...

Khoda khafat nakone!az khande qash kardam.
Qasde jesarat nadashtam.kollan 20 taye avvalo hol holaki neveshtam VALI ino hame midunan ke levele mohamdesi haye Sharif ye saro gardan bala tar az tehrane.kasayi ham ke tehrano be amirkabir tarjih midan bekhatere dokhtaraye daneshkade honareshe.hamin!!
ok :enjoy:

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