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Iranian Chill Thread

who created a new account to troll a troll ?

can u care to explain WTH is up with this victimization of this troll up here ?

this is just ridiculous

The new false-flagger troll account is @Iranwillrise
I don't know which one of you made this new trolling account this time, but I will report him to Webby as soon as I find out.
The new false-flagger troll account is @Iranwillrise
I don't know which one of you made this new trolling account this time, but I will report him to Webby as soon as I find out.
no one is pathetic enough to create an account to troll someone like u .

i dont know that guy and i dont care who the heck he is , one thing for sure , he didnt create his thread to troll someone like u ;)

stop quoting me ASAP .
A good post. I have been studying/researching in both universities of USA and Iran, and visited some of the most important high tech factories of Iran. I clearly see the differences. What is taught in Iran universities, are ancient technologies of west that are documented in conferences then journals, then taught, and studied in USA, then published as books, and after some decades, it reaches to Iran, and if someone finds those books, will read them and teach them to others in Iran. For example, the research that I am currently doing, is planned by a famous US company to gradually replace some of their currently used techs in 2020/2022. then consider that more details and books about this new field, would be probably available in 5-10 years after introducing this new technology. Then it takes some years to publish more books and finally some one from Iran would read it and ... Maybe this tech reaches to Iran in 2040 or so.
So, you can see how much gap there is between USA and Iran.
About smart phones and other complex electronics stuff, you have replied to a person that does not know shit about most basics of engineering, let alone knowing about the top notch state of the art electronics. Nowadays, Electronics is so much advanced and some of the used techs are so advanced that reverse engineering of such things are almost impossible. The primitive technology of 60s-70s is so much different from the state of the art technology, than they can be called two completely separate worlds.
BTW, to burst the delusion bubble of these morons, Iran is even importing elctronic and other parts for producing bulbs. Iran has no working or useful electronic fabrication facility in industrial scale and her fabrication facilities are for 3 decades ago technology which are jokes. They send all of their designs to Taiwan and China for fabrication. As a summary, Iran has not the enough up to date engineers, technology, research labs, industrial facilities, money, and not even a big enough market to make it economical to produce and design novel electronics devices.
What they always do, is importing from China and doing montage in factories and call it as indigenous products. That's really a joke.
in entire ME, only Turkey, and specially Israel have some abilities that can match to the state of the art technology. Israel has amazing electronics technology. for example, The Intel branch in Israel, has done some great progresses in electronics technology. Israelis were even the ones who designed some of the CPUs for the first time. KSA is also investing a lot of money and progressing very rapidly. A few months ago, they offered a job to one of my relatives, and the salary and compensations, ... were about 3 times of what it is in USA. She finally did not accepted the job, because KSA has some crazy laws about women, but, many other talented engineers from US and EU would not hesitate and would take such jobs.

haha in kariye ke az daste ma bar miad :lol:

BTW, every and each part.
Do you believe an Iranian made Smart Phone would be more crap and dangerous than the Iranian made (Called) vehicles (Pride, ..... ), so why don't the Iranians seal the borders and impose heavy tolls on the imported Smart Phones, to make it for the indigenous made products reasonable economically, I don't think satisfying the same people whom have accepted such a system in the automobile industry would be very hard.
The problem is, the fact that we are all subjected to heavy propaganda bombardment, and the fact that we are not allowed to think freely, I don't know if you have ever had the chance to dismantle a simple mobile phone (Not even smart phones), and if you had, you could see an ocean of technology there, that not even in Iran, Middle east but even in 99% of the world you can't find any industry capable to reverse engineer it.
Dude, I am not a buddy lost in the hegemony of the west, not culturally not technologically not ..., I am just totally aware of our current capabilities and abilities, and you know what that kinda awareness makes me to be? The kinda man that even if he saw the Iranian RQ-170 flying in the skies he would question all the aspects even his vision abilities before trusting that.
Dude, you know where is the problem with some of us? We always think there is a secret center that is currently working and developing high tech and ultimate Gen systems, somewhere that we don't know, and I must say that's the result of a black propaganda too, high tech comes from the academic centers and the universities and I am pretty sure there are people here from the best and first rank Iranian universities (@me :mad: @Serpentine @rmi5 , ...... ) who can enlighten us on the level of technology we are involved in our academic centers.
Dudes all I want for you guys is just to calm down and make your short period of lifespan an all side propaganda free one.
Sincerely yours:lol:
Don't waste your money for an IQ test dude,
Your IQ < 63
How on fu..ing earth "Not hating somebody because he is an Iranian" equals "Hating somebody because he is a non-Iranian"
I guess I made it too far for your brain to handle, excuse me, but that's the lowest level I could manage to be.
Don't insult my friend. He is a really good person.
First, Separatism is not against PDF rules.
Second, One of my dear friends talked with Webby and explained to him about how you trolls made a new account to solely insult and troll me, and Webby asked not to answer you trolls back. So, I would refrain to continue answering you trolls as Webby and my friends requested.
You violated PDF's rule in your last reply too.You called me a troll while I have never replied to your racist posts for several months and this is you replying to me all the time.:lol:

Secondly you can rarely find any post that contains racist words against our azari people while you always use words such as "farsi" or "backward" to describe the Iranian people which is very offensive and this is obviously considered as an act of violence according to PDF.

By the way,you aren't an azari yourself as I said before.so basically you must be working for MOSSAD or CIA or you have some mental problem maybe.

Anyway, your comments also violates Iranian cyber police's rule too.so you will be reported as soon as I am done with "entekhabe reshte".:agree:
Guys ,

Is there an online IQ test ?

I was an intelligent kid before but I haven't checked that for years .

When I was at high school I took Rivan test and got the highest mark there which shocked everyone as I was the weakest student in that class and had the lowest marks .

Please let me now if there is any online test or if I can do that somewhere .
You violated PDF's rule in your last reply too.You called me a troll while I have never replied to your racist posts for several months and this is you replying to me all the time.:lol:

Secondly you can rarely find any post that contains racist words against our azari people while you always use words such as "farsi" or "backward" to describe the Iranian people which is very offensive and this is obviously considered as an act of violence according to PDF.

By the way,you aren't an azari yourself as I said before.so basically you must be working for MOSSAD or CIA or you have some mental problem maybe.

Anyway, your comments also violates Iranian cyber police's rule too.so you will be reported as soon as I am done with "entekhabe reshte".:agree:

@Sinan Read their posts, buddy ;)

No, I work for aliens from Mars, they want to attack earth, and need the intelligence from Iranian Chill Thread.
BTW, about reporting to police, don't waste your time, since I have been surely reported for many times before ;) and I know that it is for many years, that they already check whole PDF, save backups from posts, and specially Iran section and even this very thread ;)
Anyway, your comments also violates Iranian cyber police's rule too.so you will be reported as soon as I am done with "entekhabe reshte".
bro , he is just a troll ;)

forget abt the guy , he cries for attention :)

put him/her on your ignore list

When I was at high school I took Rivan test and got the highest mark there which shocked everyone as I was the weakest student in that class and had the lowest marks .
IQ has little to do with school performance .

those ppl were shocked cause they were dumb :D

@Serpentine , thread clean up pls :(
bro , he is just a troll ;)

forget abt the guy , he cries for attention :)

put him/her on your ignore list

IQ has little to do with school performance .

those ppl were shocked cause they were dumb :D

@Serpentine , thread clean up pls :(

Why? because you don't want others to know about true face of your regime and some Iranian members of this forum? :lol::lol::lol:
Don't worry, every one already know what is the true face of you guys ;)


I will personally check it out.I will make sure criminals like you are not left unpunished.

Nabayad az injur masael sade gozasht.
Criminals are the ones who destroyed that country, and also criminals are their supporters, who are also responsible for every mess that is created there.
This is not about supporting the regime.You are supporting separation and this is supposed to be a threat to our national security.here, there are some people that know how to deal with you.
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