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Iranian bodyguard hit by Israeli terror squad survives surgery

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of


EIRUT, LEBANON (9:20 P.M.) – The bodyguard of Iranian nuclear Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has survived his gunshot wounds after a successful surgery, the semi-official Mehr News Agency reported on Sunday.

Citing the bodyguard’s brother, the Mehr News Agency reported that Hamed Asghari is expected to make a full recovery after the completion of his surgery this weekend.

“My brother has been shot several times, but with the efforts of doctors, his current condition is improving,” the brother told Mehr News.

Asghari was reported to have been one of the bodyguards that confronted the armed assailants that opened fire on the vehicle carrying the late Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27.

Fakhrizadeh was still alive following the attack on his vehicle; however, the Iranian Ministry of Defense later announced that he succumbed to his wounds, despite the efforts to revive him at a local hospital in Tehran.

Following the assassination, Iranian officials, including Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif, accused Israel of being behind the killing of Fakhrizadeh, who was said to be one of the Islamic Republic’s leading nuclear scientists.
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