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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

I want american blood. It is Irans duty to give us american blood.
Strategically speaking that's an amateurish statement....Iran has fired on a U.S. base, 3 actually in defiance of Trump's vow to strike Iran disproportionately....Iran looks like a heavyweight in the eye of the world now. Remember there is more than just saving face here, if iran's missiles take out SA and UAE refineries, you're looking at 250 Dollars barrel oil. Refineries will take several years to rebuild. Asian and European economies will be devastated..world wide recession will be guaranteed.....Trump will be bounced from office. So that dead General would be one the most expensive operations in history
If houthis can fire missiles after 5 years of war, be sure iran can contiously fire missile and eventually hit oil facilities if war starts.
I want american blood. It is Irans duty to give us american blood.
which blood group you need sir ?:lol::frown:
look like someone bombard Pakistan Deference Forum from morning ....

so this begin ... look like they just bury the Sepeahbod after the first wave of missiles hit the targets ....

and look like the Kurds really managed to make our leaders angry .... even our rockets can wast Kurds infrastructure and oil field in north of Iraq ... so Iraq central government should take control of these area before something bad happen ....
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look like someone bombard Pakistan Deference Forum from morning ....

so this begin ... look like they just bury the Sepeahbod after the first wave of missiles hit the targets ....

and look like the Kurds really managed to make our leaders angry .... even our rockets can wast Kurds infrastructure and oil field in north of Iraq ... so Iraq central government should take control of these area before something bad happen ....
Since this is actually an american site. I am not surprised the American desperate trying to stop more discussion of this missile attack by purposely shut down this website after their big mouth president until now still dare not respond despite US bases being openly hit by missile..

20 years ago, such missile attack will be met by full US air bombardment within 4-6 hours. But spineless US is now just a chicken. :lol:

US failure to respond will be answer for what will happen if China PLAN openly reclaimed Taiwan... US will avoid open war with China. Taiwan is just a piece of chessboard.
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is there any link between crash of Ukranian Jet and Attack? Previously Iranian state media was claiming of shooting down a USAF jet
Iranian claiming 80 dead is as credible as India claiming 300 dead all to satisfy their public what a joke
is there any link between crash of Ukranian Jet and Attack? Previously Iranian state media was claiming of shooting down a USAF jet

Yes they shot down an airliner to avenge Soleimani.

@HannibalBarca you should add these 180 casualties in your list too. No American died but they managed to kill 180 civilians.
So we did the first official military strike against America since WW2.

Some reports say American casualties are high but they hide it! They even deactivated some websites for couples of hours. They are calculating everything and want to show casualties are low.
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Casualties or no casualties. It takes balls of steel for a country to attack a US military base and then own it.

US bombed Salala..What did Pakistanis do ? Nothing.

I am no fan of Iran because of their meddling and support to terrorists inside their country who harm Pakistan but I must give credit where it is due.
Since this is actually an american site. I am not surprised the American desperate trying to stop more discussion of this missile attack by purposely shut down this website after their big mouth president until now still dare not respond despite US bases being openly hit by missile..

20 years ago, such missile attack will be met by full US air bombardment within 4-6 hours. But spineless US is now just a chicken. :lol:

US failure to respond will be answer for what will happen if China PLAN open reclaimed Taiwan... US will avoid open war with China. Taiwan is just a piece of chessboard.

Well , Americans ( ordinary Americans ) should be thankful to us , because in recent years American media act like they can nuke Russia and China and their Anti Ballistic missile defense can nullify these countries retaliation .... and slowly American politicians and generals start to believe their own lies ...

we are saving the world ....
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