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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

All the militias should now attack all the bases
.. they are not guarded since they are all in bunkers... Just invade the bases and take them out in hand to hand combat????
not that easy kid
Now US can destroy the Iran oil facilities , military bases within few weeks . Also WW3 can be started if Russia and China North Korea involved in war directly.
A massive slap to the world's only superpower. It's ok to say what you are saying but the loss of prestige to the Americans will be telling.
The Americans for all their bluster are not invincible and have much to lose in the region. The attack on the Saudi refinery was but a small gesture in this direction. If the Americans and their cheerleaders think that Iran will be a walkover like Iraq and Afghanistan are way off the mark. Any war with Iran will set the region on on fire and the Arabs will be shitting their pants as we speak.
You will see plenty of back pedalling in the days to come.
The Iranians, regardless of whether any Americans died, have thrown down the gauntlet. It's up to the Americans to pick it up.
I bet they don't.
They killed Iranian Gen mind that.Man who was Iran no 2.
Firstly, I was hoping for a face saving strike by Iran, brokered by some other countries.. I haven't read this thread yet so don't know..

As to your post.. Arab countries should stay out of this.. let a regional unity built against Israel..the one regional country which was happy to see Suleimani killed...

i already mentioned that earlier in the start of the thread , it was face saving so as the situation calms down.

Now US can destroy the Iran oil facilities , military bases within few weeks . Also WW3 can be started if Russia and China North Korea involved in war directly.

it wont happen. US is no mood for war until elections
India never accepted that their Sukhoi was shot down.

Gladly the mig because we had its wreckage.

Bharatiya Gangu @Areesh is being the same rn.

Jeez man

You are hurt. Even this "strike" isn't soothing you enough

Anyways till now i have zero proof of any USA casualty. Now you can hate me for saying that but that is that. Live with it

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