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Iranian air power .... [ Seriously , its close to none ]

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******I’m curious what specific area of military has Pakistan helped Iran with?*****

RE: nothing the eye-ranis have a vastly superior military.... We gave them tank designed.. the took a toaster and put a turrent on it and gave it some tracks..

seriously.. they lost to the Iraqis... who loses to them?

****Other than Khan whoring his nuclear technology to any state that would buy it (personal financial gain motives), Pakistan as a government has not assisted Iran military projects.*****

RE: Thats is the official version.. of course it is a lie.

Khan just took the fall to save Pakistan's nuke program to get the americans off our back. Today even after exhausted investigation none of his alleged wealth was showed up. He continues to live in very average conditions.

the reality is nothing substantial was supplied... if it did the iranis would have the bomb.. they dont.. unless you are suggesting eye ranis are completely incompetent.

***JF-17 was a tech transfer from China, which China would never do that with Iran neither would Russia. Iran attempted in the past, but got backstabbed.*****

RE: it was much more than that.. there were alot of inputs from our side.

****Pakistan on the other hand has zero geopolitical power projection beyond its borders (unless you count Afghanistan which is a mess) and is content with battling India to the end of time. ****

RE: wrong, Pakistan has much more than potential than you think... it is about getting our house in order.

battling with India?... more like it is india that doesnt want peace.

***So gladly China will support this as India is its rival as well and it doesn’t have to worry about Pakistan competing against it.***

RE: china and Pakistan objectives are the same.

**Russia/China/Iran will never be “allies”. Much like sharks at the end of the day they want to feed themselves not each other**

RE: Like french, israelis, saudis and americans?... got it

Two idiots. One manipulated by US, the other one by USSR.

actually US supplied both countries... iran-contra affair
This is what I was talking about recently when I said UAE will completely devastate if they fought due to having superior technology. UAE will be able to etablish air-superiority
I know how to put the ingrates in their right place. He couldn't hide his crap behind the flags.
u too like another pak member are poor person who love usa and soudi but urself is nothing if soudi dont pay u money u must go eating yourselves and so proud to be slave of usa and soudi the usa who bombing ur people and soudi who have base terrorist in ur land such poor thing u are go see ur self in mirror
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