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Iranian air power .... [ Seriously , its close to none ]

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Oct 5, 2018
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So , i don't know why but i just got a feeling and i searched Iranian airforce and their inventory , dudes you seriously are in a whole lot of sh*t and this is what you have , all out dated fighters except mig 29 , transport aircraft inventory is good ... look i'm not mocking or anything but seriously look at this , correct me if i'm wrong and tell me if this is total Iranian air power ....



SOURCE : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force
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So , i don't know why but i just got a feeling and i searched Iranian airforce and their inventory , dudes you seriously are in a whole lot of sh*t and this is what you have , all out dated fighters except mig 29 , transport aircraft inventory is good ... look i'm not mocking or anything but seriously look at this , correct me if i'm wrong and tell me if this is total Iranian air power ....
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SOURCE : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force

Yes ... That's called sanctions !

We have to develop almost everything in house ...

We can't get license production of FC-1 from China and receiving F-16s from America !!!

Yes ... That's called sanctions !

We have to develop almost everything in house ...

We can't get license production of FC-1 from China and receiving F-16s from America !!!

Grapes are sour.....
Yeah keep flying American old junk F-4s and be jealous of others and keep exposing your nationalistic but useless ego. If Today, US allows you guys, you would be buying everything like crazy but they don't...not even Boeings

So , i don't know why but i just got a feeling and i searched Iranian airforce and their inventory , dudes you seriously are in a whole lot of sh*t and this is what you have , all out dated fighters except mig 29 , transport aircraft inventory is good ... look i'm not mocking or anything but seriously look at this , correct me if i'm wrong and tell me if this is total Iranian air power ....
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SOURCE : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Republic_of_Iran_Air_Force
this data is not accurate sir, almost 69 tomcats survived iran-iraq war, we bought almost 40 mig-29s from russia and some fled from iraq, later we tried to buy more from ex-soviet states but US bought them with higher bid, 24 mirage f-1s fleed from iraq along with 15-20 il-76+tens of su-22+su-24 and some other planes, almost 60-80 f-4 and 60 f-5s remained from the war and later again iran bought 12-18 su-24s from russia and 30-40 f-7 from china. also we made some f-5 replicas.
according to my estimation our fleet size should be around this numbers:
mig-29: 40-50
su-24: 36-40
f-7: 30-40
mirage f-1: 24
su-22: 10-20
il-76: 20-30
c-130: 40-80
an-74: 10
f-14: 60-69
f-4: 60-80
f-5/saegeh/azarakhsh/kowsar: 60-110
bottom line is you can't really know how many airplane we have because of different issues including:
some of ex-iraqi planes did not officially entered our service (almost 100-150 plane fled from iraq). another issue is due to legal issues around coping northrop f-5s, you may see some f-5s with covered serial numbers. another issue is IRIAF never mentioned number of f-5 replicas that northrop can't legally object us from having them in our possess (due to transform structure and avionics) such as saeqeh and kowsar. another issue is some of procurements from ex-soviet states remained secret (like how west didn't knew we bought kh-55 and va-111). and the most important part is IRIAF does not want to people know it's inventory (i once asked one of our pilots about asr-67 project that predates to 90s and is a program that we developed targeting pods and laser guided munitions he said it's classified, i said this to give you a measure of AF secrecy).
if you want to know exact numbers (or at least close to it) you should dig deeper.
Old nonupgraded Mig 29 will be easily downed by u.s f15 like it happened in 1991 iraq and kuwait war when iraq mig29 tried to intercept u.s jets but both of them were easily downed by u.s f15 whereas they failed to down any u.s jets,same will happen to iran as u.s pilots are best in world and have history of defeating sams and enemy jets in dogfight in real battlefield .however iran pilots have no such history and they also lack good aircrafts .They will prove wall of sand in front of u.s and will definitely lose war
Honest advice. If Israel or USA attack, do not fly. Spare the lives of your pilots for another day. Don't send them up in junk knowing they won't come back. Work on unmanned drone swarms. It is your only chance.
We have our own defense doctrine that we will follow in case of foreign attack on Iran. Our enemy knows this and that is why they bark like dogs and Parade around their Aircraft carriers and B-52s to try to scare us but they know better than to attack us!
We have our own defense doctrine that we will follow in case of foreign attack on Iran. Our enemy knows this and that is why they bark like dogs and Parade around their Aircraft carriers and B-52s to try to scare us but they know better than to attack us!
Trump prefers economic war anyway. I doubt USA will attack Iran unless you keep provoking them.
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