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Iranian Air Defense Systems

The Bavar-373 is a mobile missile defense system designed to intercept and destroy hostile targets at 65 km altitude. The system uses missiles with a maximum range of 300 km. It is a competitor of the Russian S-300, because it is optimized from the Iranian design missile batteries Sayad 2 and Sayad 3. The long-range Bavar 373 is capable of simultaneously identifying up to 300 targets, to detect 100 targets and to engage six targets at a time. Aerospace technicians from the Iranian Armed Forces and the national defense industry have designed the device in less than 10 years and have just delivered it to Iran's Integrated Air Defense Command.
Bavar-373 long range air defense system














@PeeD in this image it says the S-band radar is for "kashf va shenasayi". This implies it is *not* an engagement radar. Does this mean it cannot guide missiles towards the target as we hoped?

View attachment 575302
Engagement radars are acquisition radars that track and collect data on target and also illumination radars,there are many different guidance techniques and advanced AD systems use multiple guidance systems, for different type of missiles but also for backup.Engagement radars are integral part of AD while Early warning and search radars are mostly dedicated assets used in addition on battery or battalion level(or division, puk..if different organization is used)
Engagement radars are acquisition radars that track and collect data on target and also illumination radars,there are many different guidance techniques and advanced AD systems use multiple guidance systems, for different type of missiles but also for backup.Engagement radars are integral part of AD while Early warning and search radars are mostly dedicated assets used in addition on battery or battalion level(or division, puk..if different organization is used)

Me and PeeD have been discussing how Bavar had two radars in addition to the separate Meraj-4 radar. PeeD assessed that these were an X-band engagement radar and an S-band radar for both tracking and engagement. The S-band radar would aid Bavar in engaging stealth targets. However in the image I posted the text underneath the S-band radar implies that it is only an acquisition radar with no engagement capabilities.
Here is a ranking of world systems and capabilities from offical data:

1. Aegis combat system with SM-2, -3 and -6
3. S-400
4. Bavar-373
5. S-300PM
6. Arrow-2/3
7. HQ-9
8. Patriot PAC-3
9. Tien Kung-3
10. Aster
11. North Korean S-300P variant
12. Indian ASAT

This translates to:
1. Russia (due to compactness mobility and all-round capability of the S-400)
2. U.S.A (higher capability systems but, not very economical and fragile)
3. China (before Iran due to tested ASAT and S-300 based systems)
4. Iran (missile-wise inferior to Israel but radar wise superior)
5. Israel (better missiles and more powerful radars than Iran, but either expensive high-tech solutions, much larger and static (radars) or less sophisticated. Higher ABM capability, lower anti-air)
6. France/Europe (expensive, high-tech solutions with lower ranges, low robustness)
7. Taiwan (much U.S support and less sophisticated radars)
8. North Korea (old technology, probably lacking SARH seeker, but overall high performing system)
9. India (expensive high-tech solutions on ASAT missile, but lacking LRSAM system radars)
10. Japan (lack of range and robustness plus expensive solutions)
11. South Korea (no ready product, only projects)

lets give Iran just one more decade....
@PeeD in this image it says the S-band radar is for "kashf va shenasayi". This implies it is *not* an engagement radar. Does this mean it cannot guide missiles towards the target as we hoped?

View attachment 575302

well Iran just said that this radar will guide the missile until it hits the target

Me and PeeD have been discussing how Bavar had two radars in addition to the separate Meraj-4 radar. PeeD assessed that these were an X-band engagement radar and an S-band radar for both tracking and engagement. The S-band radar would aid Bavar in engaging stealth targets. However in the image I posted the text underneath the S-band radar implies that it is only an acquisition radar with no engagement capabilities.

Illumination is only possible via the X-band radar. If the X-band radar is dead, the SARH seeker can't be used anymore. You then can only use a ARH seeker SAM or... or a special kind of guidance... the 15th Khordad also has just a S-band radar without illumination capability.
one battalion can manage 24 missile......correct me if i'm wrong

no every battery of Bavar 373 can fire 24 missiles, one battalion has a lot more batteries of Bavar 373 in it and every battalion has one Meraj-4 radar too but one battery of Bavar 373 dose not have Meraj-4 radar.

this is one battery of Bavar 373, not battalion

Its possible as we havent yet seen a close up of the nozzle of the production missile,only the mock ups shown in the parades.Based on these mock ups and the lack of any apparent rear mounted tvc system such as in the chinese hq9 interceptor,if the sayyad 4 is fitted with tvc then its pretty likely that it would use a similar system to the s300s 48n6e interceptor which has its tvc paddles mounted within the nozzle and linked to the planar control surfaces,tho a less likely option could be gas injection using something like freon or exhaust gasses tapped from the motor itself such as used in the s300vm.I think in all likelihood that if the sayyad 4 does have tvc then it will be of the paddle/vane type as iran has considerable experience with this type of system via its ballistic missile programs.

If the sayyad 4 is tvc equipped,then it will probably look something like this.
If possible upload pic of fire control room.
Did the ministry nammed those radars? Where's the miraj-4 radar..?

there is no pics of control room no one was allowed to go there, no they did not say what are the names of those two radars, this is one battery of Bavar 373 batteries dose not have Meraj-4 radar, every battalion of Bavar 373 will have one Meraj-4 radar

this is one battery of Bavar 373 and batteries do not have Meraj-4 radar only battalion have them.


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