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Iranian Air Defense Systems











Sayyad-2 (Talesh) missiles used also on Raad air defence system?
Raad AD System is using normally Taer-2 missiles
what is going on here?
casual mind fucking games from IRGC air defence division
but I believe these missiles can be mounted on any vehicle as long as that vehicle supports the tonnage and weight of missile
AmirPatriot & PeeD,

My apologies for being late to the party, hadn't been around for a couple days and apparently I missed out.

As to the question of my employment, while I won't say what I actually do for a living, I can say that working for the CIA ain't it, for a lot of reasons (for one, the CIA not wanting their employees poking around places like this and "talking shop").

My "expertise" is mostly based on the simple fact that I am a HUGE military tech nerd. This ranges from my ever-growing collection of military books (just bought several new editions today, including a Jane's Weapon Systems 1982-1983) and hands-on experience with military hardware (ranging from museum pieces to functional stuff).

Specifically concerning air defenses, my knowledge is purely amateur and I yield to PeeD in this department as his knowledge on the topic is far beyond mine.
You are welcome to take part in the technical discussion of the Bavar eagle2007, its just open source stuff I talk about and the CIA part was a joke.

Anyway Amirpatriot, yes the Najm802 is good visible here and now its clear that its a IRGC system. I'm 90% sure not due to the array depth, that its a AESA.
Observed from Iran media imagery, IRGC-ASF 'Defenders of the Velayat Skies' exercise 2017:

- IRGC-ASF Sayyad-2 ("Hunter-2") transporter erector launcher.
- Sayyad type mid-range, high altitude solid-fuel missiles, apparently mounted on erector triple-launcher setup.
- IRGC-ASF 3rd Khordad transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) with 3x Taer-2B ("Bird-2") surface to air missiles, part of the Raad ("Thunder") air defense system.
- IRGC Tabas transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) with 3x Taer-2A ("Bird-2") surface to air missiles, part of the Raad ("Thunder") air defense system.
- Transporter erector launcher vehicle, part of the Raad ("Thunder") air defense system
- Najm-802 ("Star-802") active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.
- IRGC-ASF Sukhoi Su-22M type Fitter K fighter bombers, appearing recently refurbished. (Perhaps these operated as aggressor aircraft for air defense target acquisition purposes.)
- Mil Mi-171 "Hip" transport helicopter (unusual white paintwork for IRGC-ASF).
- Matla-ul-Fajr ("Breaking Dawn") type 3D VHF early-warning radar.
- Kasta 2E2 type surveillance radar.
- Ghadir ("Almighty") type OTH 360° 3D radar, part of the Sepehr ("Sky") radar system.

(Corrections, additions encouraged)
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here we go as u guys hearing on the news , zionist tryin to drag america into another war with iran Allah forbid , but if that happen Allah forbid , destroy the zionist first , cz they been lobbying to USA to drag America into war with iran , but truely wish nothing happens , but problem is now we got crazy president sitting down on world most powerful country , MAy God help the innocent humans on earth
which radar is that?


And that one in another video, looks quit similar one to Nazim-802 (following pic)

The first one have dual antenna while the second has only single as far as i can observe and its quit similar to nazim 802..
may be the antenna in the second pic is the unfold state of the first one..
kinda confused.
@PeeD can u explain...?
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