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Iranian Air Defense Systems

uhhm, price and performance? :rofl:

Target 12 and engage 6 simultaneously vs target 76 & engage 36 targets simultaneously!!!

That's a massive difference even more important than the additional 50km range of the PMU-2 150km vs 200km

What is the big and small difference between PMU-1 and PMU-2?
Target 12 and engage 6 simultaneously vs target 76 & engage 36 targets simultaneously!!!

That's a massive difference even more important than the additional 50km range of the PMU-2 150km vs 200km
Not the S-350!

S-300 PMU-2 & S-400 have it

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idk According to wikipidia both the S-300 & the S-300V were sold to Iran so maybe we are getting the S-350 as well!

If test were successful, Iran should offer to invest in the S-500 & T-50!!!! and invest 5 Billion in each!

The 50K6E is specific to the S-350, its presence in Iran as well as the 6x6 BAZ is more or less a proof that Iran got the S-350.

The command center container used by the S-350 is also used by the S-400 and advanced S-300PMU variants:

So one should expect at least the S-300PMU-2 standard.
The rest of the equipment still also hints to the S-350.

The command center container used by the S-350 is also used by the S-400 and advanced S-300PMU variants:

So one should expect at least the S-300PMU-2 standard.
The rest of the equipment still also hints to the S-350.
Is it also used in the PMU1?
Iran bought the latest variants of the system, S-300PMU-2 Favorite, TASS reported during the 2015 Dubai Airshow.

Russia may supply radiolocation, electronic warfare systems to Iran

MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Russia may supply additional types of armaments not subject to existing bans to Iran, the chief of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Alexander Fomin, said Tuesday.

"We have contracts with Iran, other contracts are also possible, but the talk is only about the permitted objects of supply, which are not on the UN’s ban list," Fomin said when asked whether the delivery of other weapons besides S-300 missile systems was discussed.

The service chief said that the permitted armaments include small arms and other products, including non-lethal, radiolocation and electronic warfare systems etc.

Russia’s S-300 missile system delivery to Iran going partly ahead of schedule
According to the official, the supply of Russia’s S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran is meeting the schedule, even going partly ahead of schedule.

He said that he hoped that everything would be ok.

On April 11, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station Russia had started sales of S-300 systems to Iran, with the deal to be completed by the end of the year. "We are acting in strict compliance with the contract. They pay, we sell. We have already started. It is a supply in full sets," he said.

On April 21, the Islamic Republic’s parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, said in an exclusive interview with TASS First Deputy Director-General Mikhail Gusman that the delivery of Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems (NATO reporting name SA-10 Grumble) to Iran boosted security in the region. "As regards the contract for supplies of S-300s, the issue is the cornerstone of defense sphere talks between Iran and Russia," Larijani said. "The situation in the region obliges us to have stable security. That’s why we had to decide by which means and measures that stable security could be achieved." "We believed that if Iran and Russia are able to reach long-term agreements, this may contribute to achievement of stable security," he said.

Russia and Iran signed a contract in 2007 for the supply of five S-300PMU-1 battalions but in the autumn of 2010 then-President Dmitry Medvedev banned the supply of these systems to Tehran. The contract worth more than $800 million was annulled and the paid advance was returned to Iran. Iran filed an almost $4 billion lawsuit against Russia at the Geneva Court of Arbitration over Russia’s nonfulfillment of the contract.

In the spring of 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted the ban on the supply of S-300 systems to Teheran.

TASS learned at the Dubai Airshow 2015 international aerospace exhibition that Iran would get the S-300PMU-2 version of the air defense system.

The S-300 is a series of Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems produced by NPO Almaz, all based on the initial S-300P version. The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defense Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles. The S-300 system was first deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979, designed for the air defense of large industrial and administrative facilities, military bases, and control of airspace against enemy strike aircraft.


Anyway,now you guys should speed up the reverse engineering process....Imagine one these systems some how pops-up in South Lebanon....:devil:
Russia Supplying S-300 to Iran Ahead of Schedule, May Ink New Arms Deals

Russia is supplying S-300 air defense systems to Iran ahead of schedule and may conclude new contracts with Tehran on arms deliveries that are not banned under international law, Alexander Fomin, the head of Russia's Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation, said Tuesday.
S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The $900-million Moscow-Tehran contract to deliver five Russian S-300 systems to Iran was signed in 2007. It was suspended after the adoption of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran in mid-2010.

In April 2015, Russia resumed the talks on S-300 deliveries following a framework agreement on the landmark deal ensuring the peaceful nature of Tehran’s nuclear program. The first delivery under the contract took place earlier in April.

"The deliveries of S-300 to Iran are carried out according to schedule, even a bit ahead of it," Fomin told reporters in Moscow.

Fomin emphasized that the new possible arms contracts with Iran may involve weaponry that is not on the UN ban list, including air defense systems, small arms, and electronic warfare means.

"Everything that is allowed we can deliver," the official said...................Read more
Iran starts receiving second batch of S-300s

By Echelon-Defense

As we pointed out in our previous article, Iran has started to receive the second, and probably final batch of its S-300 order from Russia.

Witnesses on the ground in Tehran were able to locate the sophisticated anti-air system as it was being towed on a transport vehicle on the Azadegan highway.

The contract for what is thought to be the PMU-2 variant of the S-300s was inked between Iran and Russia in 2007, but delivery was postponed due to external pressure.
In Iran's defense Industry Day, President visited an exhibition in which, some components of much awaited long range Bavar-373 air defense system was revealed for the first time. I will update this thread if more pics come out.

Sayyad 4 long range missile launchers (with range of 200-300 km)


Meraj 4 long range Engagement and Fire Control Radar


Front view of Meraj 4 engagement and fire control phased array radar

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In Iran's defense Industry Day, President visited an exhibition in which, some components of long range Bavar-373 air defense system was revealed for the first time. I will update this thread if more pics come out.





It looks like hard launch system.
@Serpentine how do you know these are Sayyad 4 launchers? They look too small to me.

Why can't Iran simply get S-400? Even for S-300, Russia played cat and mouse game for 6 years until US and Israel gave Russians thumbs up after Nuclear deal. Iran suppose to be Russia buddy, isn't it??
That defeats the whole point of self sufficiency.
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