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Iranian Air Defense Systems


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^ '358' loitering SAM and 9th Dey SR-SAM
^ *Taer-3
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I will not be surprised if Russians buy the "358" loitering SAM ..to my knowledge they have no equivalent their inventory and this baby has proven its worth in Afghanistan and Yemen.!.:undecided:
Yes, Iran must develop that capability. ASAT missions are extremely persuasive. In a total war, in a hipothetical israhelli leaded coalition a convincent ASAT capability will retain americans and europeans to intervene in any preemptive attack.
Would it though?

The investment for a serious ASAT capability would be quite high, but the constellation of satellites they have is well into the thousands, I am not sure having the ability to deploy a few dozen Anti-Sat missiles would be enough.

Would it be possible to target sats in GEO? since they are stationary, if you had a massive missile with sufficient thrust, could it be done?

Seems like a big and expensive missile to target GEO is easier than trying to hit a very fast moving target in LEO. Please elaborate if I am missing something.

3rd Khordad’s evolution:
Original 3rd Khordad w/ 50-km-range Taer-2A (Buk-M2 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 70-km-range Taer-2B + upgraded radar (Buk-M3 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 105-km-range Taer-2C (exceeding Buk-M3 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 200-km-range Taer-3
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 6x 200-km-range Taer-3 or longer-range SAM? (Taer-4/Sadid-630?)

And there is of course its anti-cruise-missile spin-off 9th Dey.
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I said you, and some people here was saying i was a troll. Iran is thinking well in very long range air defence systems, we are talking in target warplanes in a radius of about 500 km, and this is a reality because power full radars of Iran and because Iran is hypersonic country.

You ll see, imagine destroying warplanes flying in Jordan or east Syria from Iran, not to say Persian Gulf air space cover, or in the depths of Turkey to protect iranian interests.

3rd Khordad’s evolution:
Original 3rd Khordad w/ 50-km-range Taer-2A (Buk-M2 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 70-km-range Taer-2B + upgraded radar (Buk-M3 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 105-km-range Taer-2C (exceeding Buk-M3 level)
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 200-km-range Taer-3
-> 3rd Khordad w/ 6x 200-km-range Taer-3 or longer-range SAM? (Taer-4/Sadid-630?)

And there is of course its anti-cruise-missile spin-off 9th Dey.
Given the depth of the above, the Q that begs to be asked is whether there is any future for the Sayyad - 4 -4 B and possibly Arman?

I just hope that this is not a parallel effort such as the Taer & Sayyad missiles were. Or could be, at least up to a Taer-4/Sadid-630 vs a possible Arman.

The two upper range Taer's were developed without much fanfare in contrast to Sayyad-4. So again, is there any pressing reason to carry on with the Sayyad's and Arman.

Of course there are probably dynamics at work here that is not in the public domain.

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