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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Interview With gen. Esmaili:

Some Highlights:

I will give an example of whether the Islamic Republic is capable of detecting stealth fighters and aircraft. It was once said that the American U2 plane flies over Iran at an altitude of 80,000 feet and that Iran could not deal with it, but we made published the sound of a conversation and a warning to this plane and was broadcasted on radio and TV.

The plane was traveling from the coast of Pakistan to Afghanistan, which was warned by two radars of our country, while in the international tradition, only one radar warns the plane, but with two radars, we warned this plane - which Itself processes the defense systems of other countries - to let it know that it's being processed through two radars with two different frequencies. In addition, a radar lock was performed on it at 67,000 feet, and the aircraft itself realized this through its Doppler system and side looking radars.

Today we have the technology to detect and intercept even a ballistic missile that dives toward the ground at an altitude of 150,000 feet.

Fate of any intruding bird is the same as befell the American Archive 170, and Obama was willing to pay more than the cost of it's production to get it's wreckage back.

When we still had not received the S300 from Russia, General Bondarev, the commander of the Russian Air Force, once came to Iran. He asked me two questions: one, did you really hit the American Archive 170, and the second, did you build the Iranian S300 or not? After our meeting and his return to Russia almost two months later, the S300 systems were delivered to Iran.

In fact, they came to the conclusion that we could do it, but maybe a little later. It is very good that we can go and buy a system from a country and use it. For example, we bought the S300 system from Russia, but it's good to go to one of our war games to see if the S300 which we use is it the same one used in the Russian army.

The day we tested and evaluated this system in the Semnan desert during the Damavand wargame, was outside the instructions which Russians expected from us.

Our trained friends defined something for the S300 that was not defined in Russia itself. We received the upgraded PMU2 S300 but changed it according to our needs. Of course, we also changed the S200 system with a very high percentage, and even fired medium-range missiles with it.

The Russians themselves said that they fired dozens of missiles for the test of S300 against ballistic missiles. But we did it with a very limited number of missiles. This also shows the capabilities of our air defense. Of course, after that, there was a ballistic missile that we could not hit with the S300 and we hit it with the Bavar 373 system.

The S300 is very successful against semi-ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, but better than the S300 are systems like the Talash, B373 and other systems we have. Achieving such systems is very costly, and to say that a system has high reliability, we have to do a lot of shots that cost a lot, but we have been able to design systems in the shortest time and with the lowest cost, the least shots and depreciation, and made them operational in several war games.

What did he mean by semi-ballistic missile? Was he pointing to quasi ballistic missiles?
most likely he meant quasi ballistic
Russians having Iskander family among their missile, are one of the bests if not the best in the area of quasi ballistic missiles. Hence there is no doubt that they know how to defend against such low altitude BMs.

That's Great news to me, a great asset for the know how. Specially knowing the fact that the S-300 that Russians gave Iran was the one that served Russia itself which means no downgradation was done on the system.

We can claim that Iran can intercept low altitude warheads plus detecting the high altitude BMs. Given specifics of BMs, it would not be hard to Track and target BMs given that Iran is already able to hit manuverable warheads using S-300 and B-373. If the issue of range is solved, then Iran has a formidable ABM force.
Russians having Iskander family among their missile, are one of the bests if not the best in the area of quasi ballistic missiles. Hence there is no doubt that they know how to defend against such low altitude BMs.

That's Great news to me, a great asset for the know how. Specially knowing the fact that the S-300 that Russians gave Iran was the one that served Russia itself which means no downgradation was done on the system.

We can claim that Iran can intercept low altitude warheads plus detecting the high altitude BMs. Given specifics of BMs, it would not be hard to Track and target BMs given that Iran is already able to hit manuverable warheads using S-300 and B-373. If the issue of range is solved, then Iran has a formidable ABM force.
I red the whole essay in farsi,regarding to brigadier farzad esmaeli's speech the mission of S-300 is not defending agaist ballistic missile(at least it is not S-300's main goal) and as a matter of fact, Russians have had to use lots of S-300 missile to confront against ballistic threats.but in Iran we used less missiles at the first test of s-300 and in a more intricate scenarios of missile launchig we used Bavar-373 against ballistic missile.
they really need to miniaturize the system, something of that performance and only use 4 missile , I expect it be installed on the back of a hilux
It will certainly have more than just 4 missiles once operational.
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