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Iranian Air Defense Systems

I think there is one on the coast to serve as early warning for cruise missiles and objects flying low over the water, with the understanding that such a system would be destroyed in a barrage but provide the needed early warning and time for counter actions.

That would make sense. I suppose a clever adversary would attempt to disable it before launching a barrage but I believe that in itself would be the early warning.
Incredible news!

Salehi confirmed Iran is working on quantum radars!

That is a typical example of how "new technologies" can make multi billion dollars stealth aircraft investments useless.....and here is a historical story

in the late 70's IBM was the top builder of type writers..They spent huge amounts of $$$ and built the ultimate type writer called "Selectric", close to a thousand dollars and heavy as hell . I have one under my desk .It is a marvel of mechanics and to this day I have not figured how it works..That type write came out to the market for few months...then some joe invented the $5 dollar plastic "daisy wheel" and a $10 dollar solenoid hammer...vala...you could buy that supper light, supper cheap and supper accurate type writer for $50...IBM sweared a lot and went out of type writer business for good..lol

Sounds familiar F-35 !!!!!

PS: for those of you who do not know what a "type writer" is ..It is a keyboard and printer in one..all mechanical..lol
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That is a typical example of how "new technologies" can make multi billion dollars stealth aircraft investments useless.....and here is a historical story

in the late 70's IBM was the top builder of type writers..They spent huge amounts of $$$ and built the ultimate type writer called "Selectric". I have one under my desk .It is a marvel of mechanics and to this day I have not figured how it works..That type write came out to the market for few months...then some joe invented the $5 dollar plastic "daisy wheel" and a $10 dollar solenoid hammer...vala...you could buy that supper light, supper cheap and supper accurate type writer for $50...IBM sweared a lot and went out of type writer business for good..lol

Sounds familiar F-35 !!!!!

It is absolutely essential that Iran prioritises these new quantum technologies. From what I am seeing from Salehi, it is clear they are thinking big in this quantum sector. Iran needs to think very big and try to become a top player in this quantum arena. Given the crucial nature of this technology, I would go as far as saying the requirements for its development needs to put into law by making sure it is getting the necessary budget and attention. Another key importance is making sure Iranian school children from young age are exposed to this quantum reality. This should not be be something that is only taught at higher academic level i.e university.

If these quantum technologies mature more quickly than anticipated, that means not just stealth will become much less useful but it means the arrival of UCAVs that can be controlled by pilots on the ground without the worry that they will be hacked. There are many key technologies that this area will give in terms of military value.
Assuming quantum radars reach the level that makes current RCS lowering techniques nigh useless, this raises the question if nations will continue to pursue such low RCS designs. One would think the priorities would then shift to other parameters like speed and manoeuvrability. Presumably the future UCAV designs will focus on hypersonic drive systems such as scramjet UAVs and high g force systems. It will certainly be interesting to see how the dynamic changes.
Albert Einstein called the Quantum entanglement "spooky action at far distance"....

He did not buy into this quantum mechanics. Not that one could blame him, there is absolutely nothing intuitive about it. No physicist would be insane to claim to understand it; they only know how to use it. It is like someone who knows how to use a computer but does not have a clue how it works.
Quantum mechanics accurately predicts how particles work at sub atomic level. The issue where physicists don’t understand comes in why there hasn’t been a unified level of physics that can explain Quantum mechanics and general relativity. And to be quite Frank, I think the human mind is too dumb to understand this without the help of intelligent A.I. So it will likely be with the aid of A.I. That the secrets of the universe get unlocked.

Quantum mechanics makes a lot of sense if you believe in many worlds theory or simulation theory or parallel worlds theory. For it is no different than Schrödinger’s cat. The cat is both alive and dead in the box until acted upon by an observer.

Quantum mechanics also works the same way, a particle is both a wave and a particle until acted upon by an observer.

Same principle applies to entanglement, when a two particles that are experiencing entanglement are manipulated by an observer the other reacts in real time. Some say this violates the speed limit of the universe (speed of light), but the truth is the particle knows that the other one is going to be observed and reacts to that.

While this may seem “spooky”. It makes sense if the universe is a simulation (power saving mechanism at sub atomic level, it is how modern open world video games operate) or one of many worlds (Parallel universes for every “observable” probability).

It is great to see Iran investing in This field. It to me is the future of the world quantum computers, quantum communication, etc will be a key for next generation world powers to survive. Iran needs to pour ALOT of resources into this field because to me it is more an existential threat than nuclear weapons for a country that hasn’t matured qua
Incredible news!
Salehi confirmed Iran is working on quantum radars!
I am not surprised at all if you remember a few months ago in this canal I asked you the question if among you someone was aware of. I had other echoes that suggested to me, Iran was on the verge to build its own radio photonic radar, but I was not sure. I suspect Iran had already built a new radar prototype.
An Iranian F-4 equipped with radio photonic radar can nullify all F-35 assets. A battery of air defense gun like the old AZP S-60 with a radio photonic 's networked radar can easily down an F-22, or B-2.
But from Iran, nothing surprises me,
Here are examples of why I think Iran in next future will overcome the problem of its jet engine and will be able to build a jet engine more powerful than AL-31
Mathematics Olympiads, Iran is among the top 20 countries in the world

The number of patents/country, Iran is among the top 20 countries too -nearly equal to France, in spite of embargo-
Should this unfair blockade lifted, Iran would rank equal to South Korea. It leads me to think that the school level in Iran is among the best -in spite of embargo- thus, nothing is astonishing.

I think for Iran the next step will be its own railgun.
At last some high definition pics of the shot down global hawk and its recovered systems on display





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