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Iranian Air Defense Systems

there is no confusing I'm talking about using the vehicle for Herz-9 which can carry only 2 missile

and the video will be taken by the missile itself or the aircraft which fired the missile at the time there wont be any time to remove the remain of the system.
Well seems you're confused. ..Herz9 use same luncher as Fm80/Croatle/Ya-Zahra and it carry 4 missiles not 2...just you see 2 containers it doesn't mean it is full capacity. .

Here is image from Herz9 unveiling ceremony,as you can see it carry 4 missile tubes but you can attach 1,2,3 or 4
And that is not so important, most important fact is how many targets it can engage simultaneously.., how many lunchers can be controlled with one fire unit...everything else is built based on these facts...There is reason why one Buk battery has 4 Tels...one with radar and 3 without(just like you saw Iranian raad..some with radar and rest without).This is due fact that one FCS unit control.4 TELs.. .and you need only one TEL with FCS radar to control 4 TELs...but for redundancy mostly 2 or even all carry radars in combat...also one Kasta 2M or Protivnik radar are placed on battalion level as search and acquisition radar.So one tel is not really that important as long you have system capable to engage simultaneously many targets...you can always add more TELs
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Well seems you're confused. ..Herz9 use same luncher as Fm80/Croatle/Ya-Zahra and it carry 4 missiles not 2...just you see 2 containers it doesn't mean it is full capacity. .

Here is image from Herz9 unveiling ceremony,as you can see it carry 4 missile tubes but you can attach 1,2,3 or 4
And that is not so important, most important fact is how many targets it can engage simultaneously.., how many lunchers can be controlled with one fire unit...everything else is built based on these facts...There is reason why one Buk battery has 4 Tels...one with radar and 3 without(just like you saw Iranian raad..some with radar and rest without).This is due fact that one FCS unit control.4 TELs.. .and you need only one TEL with FCS radar to control 4 TELs...but for redundancy mostly 2 or even all carry radars in combat...also one Kasta 2M or Protivnik radar are placed on battalion level as search and acquisition radar.So one tel is not really that important as long you have system capable to engage simultaneously many targets...you can always add more TELs
Please don't confuse Ya-Zahra with Herz-9
Ya-Zahra is a towed system with 4 missile while Herz-9 is a self propelled system with only 2 missile .
That is simply the angle of the picture makes it appear as two, pretty sure most BUKs can carry 4 missiles. And they are meant to operate with other BUKs just like any other air defense system. So if you have 4 or 5 BUKs in a formation, they can target 16-20 targets before reloading.

You are also confusing the purpose of anBUK with a short range system like TOR-M1/Pantsir.

Furthermore, if Israel did target a BUK Iranian variant or Bavar prototype then there would not be pictures. Iran would quickly remove any evidence of the damaged system and since Israel is generally pretty secretive about air strikes they probably wouldn’t release any footage (if they had any).
Israelis proudly release the footage of hitting a pantsir , they will do the same in case of IR air defence systems .
The Herz-9 can obviously carry more missiles. That's just a given. The one shown is obviously a prototype or something

there is no confusing I'm talking about using the vehicle for Herz-9 which can carry only 2 missile
The Herz-9 can obviously carry more missiles. That's just a given. The one shown is obviously a prototype or something
maybe the system can support more , but here the limit is truck itself .
Lol almost 2 years, they said B-373 will put in service in next persian new year and we already pass 2 persian new year but IRI just said it's still being tested,so when it will put in service?2020?2035???
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