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Iranian Air Defense Systems

:yahoo::toast_sign:very well articulated... Well said about the hubris of IRI and the prevailing ignorance amongst those who falsely assume, wish really, that IRI will be the David that brought down the US Goliath.
i see your mother want those camel more than one time maybe million she have good time yes no problem your boss and home soudi arabia has more camel and you can work with pigs di ck
@PeeD IEI have updated their site, you may be interested in this.


Thanks, some observations:

- As expected Meraj-4 is a linear AESA. It is the Bavar-373's Bigbird equivalent, lower update rate but similarly advanced in all features.
Chinese just copied the Bigbird as most powerful mobile radar for LRSAM. Iran developed something new and made the step from PESA to AESA that could bring it to the brute force power of the Bigbird or even more (aperture size is the same).

- Fath-14 is described as 2D radar while the Matla ol Fajr 2 or even 1 have high finding capability. The step to a 3D beamforming AESA from the original Vostock radar seems to have not yet been mastered, hence the Fath-14 is as of now just a very large aperture Vostock (which itself seems to be just mechanical scanned array).

- Other important radars like the IRGC-ASF Bashir and Najm-802 are not offered for export.

- As expected Iran has a surface wave OTH radar, basically the asset to spot ships out to 400km to be targeted by Khalij Fars AshBMs.

- Practically all offered radars, down to the low cost ones have solid state transmitters, no tube hardware.

and more...
Thanks, some observations:

- As expected Meraj-4 is a linear AESA. It is the Bavar-373's Bigbird equivalent, lower update rate but similarly advanced in all features.
Chinese just copied the Bigbird as most powerful mobile radar for LRSAM. Iran developed something new and made the step from PESA to AESA that could bring it to the brute force power of the Bigbird or even more (aperture size is the same).

- Fath-14 is described as 2D radar while the Matla ol Fajr 2 or even 1 have high finding capability. The step to a 3D beamforming AESA from the original Vostock radar seems to have not yet been mastered, hence the Fath-14 is as of now just a very large aperture Vostock (which itself seems to be just mechanical scanned array).

- Other important radars like the IRGC-ASF Bashir and Najm-802 are not offered for export.

- As expected Iran has a surface wave OTH radar, basically the asset to spot ships out to 400km to be targeted by Khalij Fars AshBMs.

- Practically all offered radars, down to the low cost ones have solid state transmitters, no tube hardware.

and more...
LOL... then where are these weapons? Why not field them in Syria to protect your troops there?
LOL... then where are these weapons? Why not field them in Syria to protect your troops there?
Because that would be violation of JCPOA and embargo on weapons import/export...whic Iran want to avoid....at least they wanted before US withdraw from it..now who knows..any way there are lot of Iranian weapons in Syria...from M600,Noor AsCM,also Syria got some.radars from.Iran but this is provided directly to SAA. Iran troops.in Syria are there to support SAA,their nature is completly different than Hezbolah in Liban..ther is no tactical and strategic assests for deterance...Iran is achieved everything it desired...it got Iraq in it hands...PMU are there now part of Iraq armed forces...they have ground corridor from P.Gulf to Mediterranean sea...they are in Yemen on KSA border..Why would they respond to provocations when last 20 years everything goes as they want...Israel is seen that Asad is winning...they hoped fail of Syria will make them peace deal where occupation of Golan height would be legalized(now no one recognize it)...they also hoped they will kill 3 enemies with one shot..Syria as only remain Arab enemy...cut of Iran from Liban and Hezbollah supply line...but Instead now they are in 5 time worst postinion..not only Hezbollah and SAA are now much capable to fight...but also now they have 80000 Iranian troops on north...So...that is why Israel is provoking war...this is their last train to provoke war they can't win but they can force US to jump in...But Iran is not stupid....they will not jeopardize everything they fight for in last 40 year just because some idiots is asking this and that...any way if I'm Israel.I would.worry...no strategic deep...for them.even conventional misseles are existencional threat...no where to escape...thus now there is open corridor from Iran to their borders...
And let me tell you something ,even Arab governments are on same line with Israel when it comes to.Iran...if Israel attack.Iran...you can be sure they would have problems with their people...So let me put this in this way....Let say war start...Israel will have to fight in Israel vs Palestinians...they will fight on two borders ..Syrial and Liban...they could only swim..because Iran is not Egypt or Jordan....if war start you can be sure. there will.be war in hart of Israel...
Israel without USA has no any chance even in theory. ...they have around 100 aircrafts that can reach Iran and they would have to refuel whole fleet...let's say they put 60:40 ratio for escort vs bombers....Iran can cover this whole.fleet with 20 F14 and shot on them from 200km....even if they never hit anything only lunching on them would force whole fleet to throw fuel tanks and most weapons...It is simple mission impossible... I didn't even mention that one attack would not even scratch Iran...that is why they are trying so badly to force US to go to.war...it is because thay can only cry when it comes to Iran.
Iranian conventional misseles are for Israel more threat than Israel nukes for Iran....there is nothing on this planet that can compensate strategic deep and Israel size.
Arabs generals were idiots...now when you look how they fight against Israel...it is unbelievable. ..and truth is Israel beat them mostly because of their weakness not because of it strength even I give them credits for excellent strategy and acting in right time...
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No need to laugh.

Iran does war in a way that makes sense for it. The highest cost-effect ratio is required to make a intervention sustainable.
A sustainable war effort is the key to success. We are not Saudi Arabia.

High tech weapons and gear has most of the times requirements for other supporting systems and is often less cost-effective.
LOL... then where are these weapons? Why not field them in Syria to protect your troops there?
Rule#1: When ever you move your troops near to enemies always take your upgraded air defenced sytems with you.

Because that would be violation of JCPOA and embargo on weapons import/export...whic Iran want to avoid....at least they wanted before US withdraw from it..now who knows..any way there are lot of Iranian weapons in Syria...from M600,Noor AsCM,also Syria got some.radars from.Iran but this is provided directly to SAA. Iran troops.in Syria are there to support SAA,their nature is completly different than Hezbolah in Liban..ther is no tactical and strategic assests for deterance...Iran is achieved everything it desired...it got Iraq in it hands...PMU are there now part of Iraq armed forces...they have ground corridor from P.Gulf to Mediterranean sea...they are in Yemen on KSA border..Why would they respond to provocations when last 20 years everything goes as they want...Israel is seen that Asad is winning...they hoped fail of Syria will make them peace deal where occupation of Golan height would be legalized(now no one recognize it)...they also hoped they will kill 3 enemies with one shot..Syria as only remain Arab enemy...cut of Iran from Liban and Hezbollah supply line...but Instead now they are in 5 time worst postinion..not only Hezbollah and SAA are now much capable to fight...but also now they have 80000 Iranian troops on north...So...that is why Israel is provoking war...this is their last train to provoke war they can't win but they can force US to jump in...But Iran is not stupid....they will not jeopardize everything they fight for in last 40 year just because some idiots is asking this and that...any way if I'm Israel.I would.worry...no strategic deep...for them.even conventional misseles are existencional threat...no where to escape...thus now there is open corridor from Iran to their borders...
And let me tell you something ,even Arab governments are on same line with Israel when it comes to.Iran...if Israel attack.Iran...you can be sure they would have problems with their people...So let me put this in this way....Let say war start...Israel will have to fight in Israel vs Palestinians...they will fight on two borders ..Syrial and Liban...they could only swim..because Iran is not Egypt or Jordan....if war start you can be sure. there will.be war in hart of Israel...
Israel without USA has no any chance even in theory. ...they have around 100 aircrafts that can reach Iran and they would have to refuel whole fleet...let's say they put 60:40 ratio for escort vs bombers....Iran can cover this whole.fleet with 20 F14 and shot on them from 200km....even if they never hit anything only lunching on them would force whole fleet to throw fuel tanks and most weapons...It is simple mission impossible... I didn't even mention that one attack would not even scratch Iran...that is why they are trying so badly to force US to go to.war...it is because thay can only cry when it comes to Iran.
Iranian conventional misseles are for Israel more threat than Israel nukes for Iran....there is nothing on this planet that can compensate strategic deep and Israel size.
Arabs generals were idiots...now when you look how they fight against Israel...it is unbelievable. ..and truth is Israel beat them mostly because of their weakness not because of it strength even I give them credits for excellent strategy and acting in right time...
You know people keep saying that Israel does not have any chance without the US, then thank god for the US that has always fully supported her allies, whether in war or peace. I also believe that Israel is fully capable of defeating Syria, and IRI. We are witnessing that already in Syria. There's no safe heaven for SAA or IRGC. On a daily basis this "axis" is getting her a** handed to her. Yes IRI is all talk and more talk. I take that back: IRI is talk, flag-burning in the parliament or streets (don't see the benefit of that TBH), state sponsored street demos. But when it comes to Israel she is nothing but impotent.
This assertion that IRI can't send weapons to Syria is just untrue. IRI sends plenty of arms to Hizbullah and Syria, and she hasn't been that worried about violating the terms of JCPOA. You know it's one thing to claim "we have defeated ISIS", a rag-tag army of zealots and ideologues, with the help of Russian air force, but it's entirely a whole different ballgame when faced with one of the best armies in the world, aka Israel. People don't like to acknowledge that because they can'y stand the fact that a tiny country could achieve so much in so little time. Whether Israel uses American arms is irrelevant. Israel makes maximum use of these weapon.
People keep referring to Arabs as "idiots" on this thread. I am certain they are not.
As for Israel being more afraid of IRI's long range missiles, vs IRI being afraid of Israel's nukes, I am not sure that's true either. Are you suggesting that conventional missiles can do more harm than nuclear ones?

No need to laugh.

Iran does war in a way that makes sense for it. The highest cost-effect ratio is required to make a intervention sustainable.
A sustainable war effort is the key to success. We are not Saudi Arabia.

High tech weapons and gear has most of the times requirements for other supporting systems and is often less cost-effective.
Wait what?! At the end of the day you make war to win, achieve an objective, whether political or military. What is IRI's objective in Syria? To save Assad? At what price (blood and treasure)? IRI isn't the US to be able to spend $2T on a war (to save an ally). Syria is not Lebanon for IRI to walk in a vacuum and build another Hizbullah.
How did the last "sustainable war effort" work out for IRI? I am referring to Iran-Iraq war. What was the damage at the end of 8 years of "sustainable" war effort? Essentially IRI was forced to a negotiating table without achieving a single objective. Remember that war? Was that a winning strategy?
IRI has had one victory in her entire existence, Hizbullah. And even that will be challenged very shortly. If you think IRI can stay in Syria you are mistaken. Assad will ask IRI "politely" to leave after he's done with her. And he will "thank you for your service" publicly, but that's all IRI will get.
I am sure you will disagree with me, but had IRI invested JCPOA's windfall on Iranians and Iran, reformed her political system, had fought corruption at home, she would be in far better shape than she is today. Instead, she got smug and decided to throw her weight around. That's hubris.
You know people keep saying that Israel does not have any chance without the US, then thank god for the US that has always fully supported her allies, whether in war or peace. I also believe that Israel is fully capable of defeating Syria, and IRI. We are witnessing that already in Syria. There's no safe heaven for SAA or IRGC. On a daily basis this "axis" is getting her a** handed to her. Yes IRI is all talk and more talk. I take that back: IRI is talk, flag-burning in the parliament or streets (don't see the benefit of that TBH), state sponsored street demos. But when it comes to Israel she is nothing but impotent.
This assertion that IRI can't send weapons to Syria is just untrue. IRI sends plenty of arms to Hizbullah and Syria, and she hasn't been that worried about violating the terms of JCPOA. You know it's one thing to claim "we have defeated ISIS", a rag-tag army of zealots and ideologues, with the help of Russian air force, but it's entirely a whole different ballgame when faced with one of the best armies in the world, aka Israel. People don't like to acknowledge that because they can'y stand the fact that a tiny country could achieve so much in so little time. Whether Israel uses American arms is irrelevant. Israel makes maximum use of these weapon.
People keep referring to Arabs as "idiots" on this thread. I am certain they are not.
As for Israel being more afraid of IRI's long range missiles, vs IRI being afraid of Israel's nukes, I am not sure that's true either. Are you suggesting that conventional missiles can do more harm than nuclear ones?

Wait what?! At the end of the day you make war to win, achieve an objective, whether political or military. What is IRI's objective in Syria? To save Assad? At what price (blood and treasure)? IRI isn't the US to be able to spend $2T on a war (to save an ally). Syria is not Lebanon for IRI to walk in a vacuum and build another Hizbullah.
How did the last "sustainable war effort" work out for IRI? I am referring to Iran-Iraq war. What was the damage at the end of 8 years of "sustainable" war effort? Essentially IRI was forced to a negotiating table without achieving a single objective. Remember that war? Was that a winning strategy?
IRI has had one victory in her entire existence, Hizbullah. And even that will be challenged very shortly. If you think IRI can stay in Syria you are mistaken. Assad will ask IRI "politely" to leave after he's done with her. And he will "thank you for your service" publicly, but that's all IRI will get.
I am sure you will disagree with me, but had IRI invested JCPOA's windfall on Iranians and Iran, reformed her political system, had fought corruption at home, she would be in far better shape than she is today. Instead, she got smug and decided to throw her weight around. That's hubris.

stop writing walls of text.
they are not in syria bic they are in your home to serve your mather and sister to have big di ck
There is no need for insults....we are all here to express our opinions...it include also other people views which is oposite to our owns...I don't have anything against hot discussion but we should keep this on civilised level and avoid insults on personal level ... expecually taking on someones parents,sister or family...again this is just discussion....no need for going that hard
You know people keep saying that Israel does not have any chance without the US, then thank god for the US that has always fully supported her allies, whether in war or peace. I also believe that Israel is fully capable of defeating Syria, and IRI. We are witnessing that already in Syria. There's no safe heaven for SAA or IRGC. On a daily basis this "axis" is getting her a** handed to her. Yes IRI is all talk and more talk. I take that back: IRI is talk, flag-burning in the parliament or streets (don't see the benefit of that TBH), state sponsored street demos. But when it comes to Israel she is nothing but impotent.
This assertion that IRI can't send weapons to Syria is just untrue. IRI sends plenty of arms to Hizbullah and Syria, and she hasn't been that worried about violating the terms of JCPOA. You know it's one thing to claim "we have defeated ISIS", a rag-tag army of zealots and ideologues, with the help of Russian air force, but it's entirely a whole different ballgame when faced with one of the best armies in the world, aka Israel. People don't like to acknowledge that because they can'y stand the fact that a tiny country could achieve so much in so little time. Whether Israel uses American arms is irrelevant. Israel makes maximum use of these weapon.
People keep referring to Arabs as "idiots" on this thread. I am certain they are not.
As for Israel being more afraid of IRI's long range missiles, vs IRI being afraid of Israel's nukes, I am not sure that's true either. Are you suggesting that conventional missiles can do more harm than nuclear ones?

Wait what?! At the end of the day you make war to win, achieve an objective, whether political or military. What is IRI's objective in Syria? To save Assad? At what price (blood and treasure)? IRI isn't the US to be able to spend $2T on a war (to save an ally). Syria is not Lebanon for IRI to walk in a vacuum and build another Hizbullah.
How did the last "sustainable war effort" work out for IRI? I am referring to Iran-Iraq war. What was the damage at the end of 8 years of "sustainable" war effort? Essentially IRI was forced to a negotiating table without achieving a single objective. Remember that war? Was that a winning strategy?
IRI has had one victory in her entire existence, Hizbullah. And even that will be challenged very shortly. If you think IRI can stay in Syria you are mistaken. Assad will ask IRI "politely" to leave after he's done with her. And he will "thank you for your service" publicly, but that's all IRI will get.
I am sure you will disagree with me, but had IRI invested JCPOA's windfall on Iranians and Iran, reformed her political system, had fought corruption at home, she would be in far better shape than she is today. Instead, she got smug and decided to throw her weight around. That's hubris.

Israel Now Faces New Rules Of Engagement In Syria

Damascus has now signaled to Israel that its acts of aggression will be costly as Syrian leadership has shown a willingness to escalate.
But how did this new and increasingly dangerous situation come about, and which side actually has the upper hand

Below is a dispatch
authored and submitted by Elijah Magnier, Middle East based chief international war correspondent for Al Rai Media, who is currently on the ground in the region and has interviewed multiple officials involved in the conflict.
Even as CNN is out with a new report condemning Iran for denying any responsibility or role in the latest massive exchange of fire between Israel and Syria, The New York Times has admitted (albeit buried deep in the story) that Israel was the actual aggressor and initiator of hostilities which threatened to spiral out of control overnight Wednesday and into Thursday morning.

While CNN and most Israeli and mainstream media sources blame Iran for initiating an attack on Israel, on the very day of the early morning strikes (Thursday), the Times acknowledged, "The barrage [of Syria/Iran missiles] came after an apparent Israeli missile strike against a village in the Syrian Golan Heights late Wednesday."

This is significant as Israel is seeking to cast Iran as an aggressor on its border which must be dealt with preemptively; however Syria's response—which involved between 20 and 50 missiles launched in return fire—imposed new rules of engagement on a situation in which Israel previously acted with impunity.


Israeli F-15 fighter jet takes off in Negev desert. Image source: AFP via Middle East Eye

And though multiple international reports have pointed to strikes landing on the Israeli side, Israel has apparently been extremely careful in preventing photographs or video of any potential damage to see the light of day. According to professor of Middle East history Asad AbuKhalil, "Israel censor still hasn’t allowed any reports about casualties or damage."

Up until recently, Assad had not taken the bait of Israeli provocation for years now in what we previously described as a kind of "waiting game" of survival now, retaliation later. But with the Syrian Army now victorious around the Damascus suburbs and countryside, and with much of Syria's most populous regions back under government control, it appears that Assad's belated yet firm response to the Israeli large scale attack has changed the calculus.

Israel hits Syrian and Iranian objectives and weapons warehouses again (evacuated weeks before) for the fourth time in a month. 28 Israeli jets participated in the biggest attack since 1974. Tel Aviv informed the Russian leadership of its intentions without succeeding in stopping the Syrian leadership from responding. Actually, what is new is the location where Damascus decided to hit back: the occupied Golan Heights (20 rockets were fired at Israeli military positions).

Syria, in coordination with its Iranian allies (without taking into consideration Russian wishes) took a very audacious decision to fire back against Israeli targets in the Golan. This indicates that Damascus and its allies are ready to widen the battle, in response to continual Israeli provocations.

But what is the reason why new Rules of Engagement (ROE) were imposed in Syria recently?

For decades there was a non-declared ROE between Hezbollah and Israel, where both sides were aware of the consequences. Usually, Israel prepares a bank of target objectives with Hezbollah offices, military objectives and warehouses and also specific commanders with key positions within the organization. Israel hits these targets, updated in every war. However, the Israelis react immediately against Hezbollah commanders, who have the task of supporting, instructing and financing Palestinians in Palestine, and above all the Palestinians of 1948 living in Israel. This has happened on many occasions where Hezbollah commanders related to the Palestinian dossier were assassinated in Lebanon.

Last month, Israel discovered that Iran was sending advanced low observable drones dropping electronic and special warfare equipment to Palestinians. The Israeli radars didn’t see these drones going backward and forward with their traditional radars, but were finally able to identify one drone using thermal detection and acoustic deterrence, to down it on its last journey.

In response to this, Israel targeted the Syrian military airport T-4 used by Iran as a base for these drones. But Israel was not satisfied and wanted to take further revenge, hitting several Iranian and Syrian targets during the following weeks.

Tel Aviv believed it could get away with repetitively hitting Iranian objectives without triggering a military response. Perhaps Israel really believed that Iran was afraid of becoming engaged in a war with Israel, with the US ready to take part in any war against the Islamic Republic from its military bases spread around Syria, in close vicinity to the Iranian forces deployed in Syria. Obviously, Iran has a different view from the Israelis, the Americans and even the Russians, who like to avoid any contact at all cost.

Regardless of how many Israeli jets took part in the latest attack against Iranian and Syrian objectives and how many missiles were launched or intercepted, a serious development has occurred: the Syrian high command broke all pre-existing rules and found no obstacle to bombing Israel in the occupied Golan Heights.

Again, the type of missiles or rockets fired by Syria against Israeli military objectives it is not important or whether these fell into an open space or hit their targets. What is important is the fact that a new ROE is now in place in Syria, similar to the one established by Hezbollah over Kiryat Shmona near the Lebanese border, when militants fired anti-aircraft cannons every time Israel violated Lebanese airspace in the 2000.

Basically Israel wanted to hit objectives in Syria but claims not to be looking for confrontation. Israel would have liked to continue provoking Syria and Iran in the Levant, but claims to be unwilling to head towards war or a battle. Israel would like to continue hitting any target it chooses in Syria without suffering retaliation.

But with its latest attack, Israel’s “unintended consequences” or provocation has forced the Syrian government to consider the occupied Golan Heights as the next battlefield. If Israel continues and hits beyond the border area, Syria will think of sending its missiles or rockets way beyond the Golan Heights to reach Israeli territory.

Actually, Hezbollah’s secretary general Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said a few years back: “Leave Lebanon outside the conflict. Come to Syria where we can settle our differences.” Syria, logically, has become the battlefield for all countries and parties to settle their differences, the platform where the silent war between Israel and Iran and its allies is finding its voice.

In Damascus, sources close to the leadership believe Israel will continue attacking targets. However, Israel knows now where Syria’s response will be.This is what Israel has triggered but didn’t expect. Now it has become a rule.

The Israeli Iron Dome is inefficient and unable to protect Israel from rockets and missiles launched simultaneously. Now the battle has moved into Syrian territory occupied by Israel to the reluctance of Tel Aviv, and Russia. Iran and Syria are not taking into consideration Russia’s concern to keep the level of tension low if Israel is not controlling itself. Syria recognizes the importance of Russia and its efficient role in stopping the war in Syria and all the military and political support Moscow is offering.

However, Damascus and Tehran have other considerations, especially the goal of containing Israel. They have trained over 16 local Syrian groups ready to liberate the Golan Heights or to clash with any possible Israeli advance into Syrian territory.

Israel triggered what it has always feared and has managed to get a new battlefield, the Golan heights. It is true that Israel limited itself to bombing weapons warehouses never hit before. It has bombed bases where Iranian advisors are based along with Syrian officers (Russia cleared most positions to avoid the embarrassment of being hit by Israel). It is also true that Israel didn’t regularly bomb Iranian military and transport aircraft carrying weapons to Syria, or the main Iranian center of control and command at Damascus airport. This means that not all parties are pushing for a wider escalation, so far.

Can the situation get out of control? Of course it can, the question is when?!?
There is no need for insults....we are all here to express our opinions...it include also other people views which is oposite to our owns...I don't have anything against hot discussion but we should keep this on civilised level and avoid insults on personal level ... expecually taking on someones parents,sister or family...again this is just discussion....no need for going that hard
do you now him go and read every comment it writes he is only only insults iranian people leadership and produces its not insults this wahabi fail flag did you think its not soudi wahabi who hate iranian people so this animal deserve it to be insult in that level
do you now him go and read every comment it writes he is only only insults iranian people leadership and produces its not insults this wahabi fail flag did you think its not soudi wahabi who hate iranian people so this animal deserve it to be insult in that level
I understand and such behive is reckognized..trust me..but any way...insults will not gain anything for you or them...it just throw wrong picture .Of course this is only frendly advice for all parties....you are free to do what ever you think it is best

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