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Iran warns: will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

I dont why once for all we are not killing those terrorists. Clean the area and resolve the issue. Its Pakistan mistake that it keeps holding those terror idiots. By the way Iran is also harboring terrorists to weaken Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan. But it does not mean that we criticize them and do nothing.
The greatest threat will come from the Iranian and Afghan borders. Pakistan must do what it can to secure the southwestern border. After the whole situation with Kalboshan I simply do not trust the Iranians. What ground do these people have to lecture Pakistan when the Iranian recolutionary guard is actively murdering Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and Lenonese people? Iran is partially responsible for the chaos in the Middle East and they want to pick a fight once again with Pakistan? Clearly there is a new alliance of Iran India and the sick man Afganistan. When will Mr Nawaz Shareef end his obsession with his sleeping pills? Pakistan has built a reputation of being a soft country with hardly ever any major retaliation against any hostile nation.
Pakistan should join hand with Israel and ksa and finish this retard extremist iranian gov.
haha what nonsense , for god's sake do you really think Israel is ever going to fully cooperate with Pakistan , when they know majority of your countrymen hate them and their existence to the core .
Dear persians! Pakistan is not KSA, Syria, Iraq or Yemen . Cannot even fight militants and dreaming of cross border raids in Pakistan. Kabhi aona khushboo laga k Pakistan .
Talk about missing the point.

It is not relevent whether Pakistan is a super power or Somalia, the fact that every one of Pakistan's neighbours is now echoing a similar sentiment (Pakistan is harbouring terrorists that present a destablising factor to the region) is the point.

Keep thumping your chest and using the possesion of nuclear weapons to ease yourself to sleep at night whilst the ground around you erodes.
Talk about missing the point.

It is not relevent whether Pakistan is a super power or Somalia, the fact that every one of Pakistan's neighbours is now echoing a similar sentiment (Pakistan is harbouring terrorists that present a destablising factor to the region) is the point.

Keep thumping your chest and using the possesion of nuclear weapons to ease yourself to sleep at night whilst the ground around you erodes.

Have you forgotten how China treats you?

Your last line suits to India not Pakistan...

Make no mistake, Pakistanis are not at all impress with Iranians or Indians...Afghans don't even count...I always think how India gets happy in league of Bangladesh/Iran/Afghanistan...lol...Just to get happiness regarding Pakistan...
Irresponsible comments from an idiot.

The Iranians and Pakistanis are aware these border areas are full of scumbags. The meeting of officials from Iran and Pakistan has given the solution in terms of better patrols and border management.

The people in between i.e Pakistani / Iranian armchair generals and Indian/Afghan cheerleaders are just that, wasting internet.
Now this is becoming serious. Pakistani are becoming harbour for terror. It will be very difficult for their regime to propagate otherwise.
They need to do some serious change, or else be ready for consequences. Let's see interesting times ahead.
Now this is becoming serious. Pakistani are becoming harbour for terror. It will be very difficult for their regime to propagate otherwise.
They need to do some serious change, or else be ready for consequences. Let's see interesting times ahead.

1 megaton nuke for Ghani...

2 megaton nuke for Khameini..

3 megaton nuke for Modi...

Free Free !!!

Pakistan will end the interesting times before it even starts...Long Live Pakistan, land of Indus valley...:pakistan:
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