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Iran warns Pakistan to control its borders

Everyone wants to be Pakistan friends, but it cant, because Pakistan terrorist are causing a mess, in its neighbouring countrys and western world.

What, And who exactly are these pakistan terrorist, Pakistan is the victim of terrorism from its neighbouring countries ever since its creation not the other way round
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terroritsts r those who killed millions of ppl all over the world.

Those ppl involved in iran r iranian nationals not pakistanies get ur facts straight.

Everyone wants to be Pakistan friends, but it cant, because Pakistan terrorist are causing a mess, in its neighbouring countrys and western world.

oh off with you and your garbage

by the way, the 2 bombers in the recent atrocity in Iran were Iranian citizens.....as is the case with all Jundollah terrorists.

and they are enemies of both countries
due to the sectarian realities, Iran has a harder time in Baluchistan than Pakistan does.

therefore, I dont see how or why Iran would support Baluch rebels. Neither side would gain from exploiting social issues for nefarious purposes as we both have security and well being at stake here.

it is elements in Afghanistan which are posing the problem......and time and time again I have said we should take military action against any element that wants to carry out or allow anti-Pakistan operations.
Everyone wants to be Pakistan friends, but it cant, because Pakistan terrorist are causing a mess, in its neighbouring countrys and western world.

Pakistan is sorting out the Terrorist mess. THE PEOPLE ARE FED UP WITH IT, they don't want that **** in their country, yet many of the world's nation makes us look like the Terrorists best buddy, why is that?

I saw a programme today, a young Pakistani women who knows her stuff about cars and motorcycle n can repair them to such a degree, if the Taliban were to have their way, she wouldn't even be alive. But here was this women on TV representing the Pakistan motor sector, why don't we see that side of Pakistan more often? Are we really cruel? or are we fair? Pakistan is not like most muslim countries, we are all about equality, if the western world wish us to be terrorists? then they are unleashing the beast of the undergorund, Pakistan is the top dog of the Islamic world, USA cant even handle the weaklings of the islamic world, why to they try to start on the big boys? USA claims to be a ally, well then wheres the support? we don't need money cos our stupid goverment eats it up the fat bastards, give the PEOPLE the money n we will change the countries face 180 degrees around.
I love a woman who appreciates motors....

what are her contact details? And what does she get on a scale from 1 to 10???

I love a woman who appreciates motors....

what are her contact details? And what does she get on a scale from 1 to 10???


I give her a 7 with makeup on, but i think when she would remove it it will be a 6. Her skin was to light, i don't really lyk that sort, but thats just me. :P
Also if this helps she is from Karachi, appreantly Karachi women are the best in Pakistan :D

I will find out wat show shes on.
Right i can't find the show but believe me she does exist. Somewhere in Karachi is a young sexy gal who knows her motor stuff.
You guys can look for her however im heading East Asia for my gals :P
Everyone wants to be Pakistan friends, but it cant, because Pakistan terrorist are causing a mess, in its neighbouring countrys and western world.

Iran was a Sunni majority country for first 1000 years after advent of Islam. Then came Ismail Safavi who massacred muslims (Sunnis) in Iran. Over years the damography changed completely. Still most of the border areas of Iran are sunni majority or dominant areas e.g. Sistan-Balochistan, Border ares with afghanistan, turkmenistan and turkey.

I think u forgot to mention the role played by the Mongolian invasion which give or take opened the doors for Safavis to do what they did. And another reason for their success was the killings of local population at an unprecedented level by the Mongolians.

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