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Iran warns of leaving NPT if nuclear case goes to UN


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
News / Nuclear Energy
Iran warns of leaving NPT if nuclear case goes to UN
Monday, 20 January 2020 9:19 AM [ Last Update: Monday, 20 January 2020 11:50 AM ]


This undated picture shows the interior of the Fordow enrichment facility near the central Iranian city of Qom. (Photo by Tasnim news agency)
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that if Britain, France, and Germany continue their unjustifiable conduct and move to send Iran’s nuclear case to the United Nations Security Council, Tehran would have the option of leaving the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Last week, the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, formally triggered the dispute mechanism within the agreement, accusing Iran of having violated the accord. Iran would now be asked to resolve the so-called dispute with the European trio, and the process could ultimately lead to the re-imposition of the Security Council’s sanctions that were lifted by the accord.

“The Europeans’ remarks lack legal justification,” Zarif said on Monday.

The European accusations concern a set of countermeasures that Iran has been applying in reaction to the United States’ withdrawal from the deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in 2018.

The measures also came in response to Washington’s re-imposition of draconian sanctions, and the EU3’s refusal to guarantee Iran’s business interests under the nuclear deal.

As part of the retaliatory steps, Iran stopped recognizing the limits set by the deal on the level of its enrichment activities and the volume of its heavy water reservoir.

On January 5, the country said it would no longer observe any operational limitations on its nuclear industry, whether concerning the capacity and level of uranium enrichment, the volume of stockpiled uranium or research and development.

The abrupt decision came two days after a set of US drone strikes assassinated senior Iranian commander and the most revered anti-terror military figure in the Middle East, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.

Tehran has unequivocally specified that its retaliatory steps fit within the nuclear accord’s Paragraph 36, and are reversible if the other parties begin minding their contractual obligations.

Zarif explained that Iran was the party to initially trigger the dispute mechanism in 2018 by sending three letters to the European Union to notify them of Tehran’s dissatisfaction with Europe’s non-commitment to the agreement. The Islamic Republic, he added, was then forced to resort to the nuclear countermeasures as the Europeans remained in violation of the accord.

He, however, said Tehran’s measures were reversible provided Europe would begin minding its JCPOA obligations.

“But if Europeans keep up their actions based on political games, we have various options because their actions lack legal standing,” he said.

Zarif noted however that before taking the final step of withdrawing from the NPT, Iran has other steps to ponder.

EU3 triggers dispute mechanism with Iran in blow to nuclear deal
Britain, France, and Germany have formally triggered a dispute settlement mechanism featured in a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

‘Ball in Europe’s court’

Also speaking on Monday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi cautioned that Iran could take a “final and more effective” step concerning the nuclear deal if the other partners remained in default of their contractual obligations.

“If this trend continues, Iran will take this effective step,” Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi told his weekly press briefing.

The countermeasures that have been taken by the Islamic Republic so far have been meant “to strike a balance” between the quality of Iran’s commitment to the JCPOA and the way others honor the accord, the spokesman noted.

Mousavi said Zarif has reminded European officials, especially the European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrel, of Europe’s role in preserving the JCPOA.

He regretted that Europe’s “lack of determination and independence [from the US]” have so far frustrated the initiatives, which have been offered to save the deal.

“If there is one party, who needs to be decisive, it is them, who should take a decision to either be independent or listen to a bully like the US,” the spokesperson noted.

Mousavi also addressed remarks by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who had said he would be willing to work on a “Trump deal” to replace the JCPOA.

“Johnson’s remarks, which thrilled US President Donald Trump, are beneath our notice,” the spokesman noted.

Mousavi said, though, that despite the “betrayal” perpetrated by the European states, “the door to negotiation with them has not been closed yet,” adding, “The ball is in their court.”

If this time president Rouhani and foreign minister Javad Zarif don't go through with this threat, We will have both of their heads on spikes.
They`re not going to be in power for that much longer anyway,it will likely be up to their successors to decide what to do,after all the jcpoa was rouhanis deal,it was not a treaty so there is literally nothing to prevent the next government from doing exactly what trump did and simply withdrawing from the deal.
If this time president Rouhani and foreign minister Javad Zarif don't go through with this threat, We will have both of their heads on spikes.

What a naive comment. As if Zarif the cheerleader and Rouhani the paper president have the authority to make such a decision.

This decision lies with SNSC and Rahbar not politicians with limited power.
What a naive comment. As if Zarif the cheerleader and Rouhani the paper president have the authority to make such a decision.

This decision lies with SNSC and Rahbar not politicians with limited power.
1-If Hassan in no way have any say in this matter, He should shoot his mouth and stop making empty threats that he can't deliver.
2-Hassan have some saying in this matter, He, Shamkhani, and Khamenei are the ones who decided that research on NB be stopped in 2003 in SNSC, Now they should answer for their decisions.
3-If Rahbar is the one who is perpetuating this state of weakness, Then we should have his head on a spike too.
Essentially NPT is a treaty meant to allow certain nations to have access to nuclear capability. Additionally it is also meant to curb access to nuclear tech for mostly other nations.

Those who haven't signed this treaty are better off.
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Thats why u dont sign such discriminatory treaties.
Sadly this was done during the pahlavi vassalage era.Thankfully tho at least iran never ratified the additional protocol and only implements it on a purely voluntary basis.

Here comes the nuclear black mail :(
If the west is so stupid as to engage in blackmail against iran,then it really should be prepared to be blackmailed in return,dont you think?.:smart:
After all,all`s fair in love and war......and that includes blackmail.:p:
Sadly this was done during the pahlavi vassalage era.Thankfully tho at least iran never ratified the additional protocol and only implements it on a purely voluntary basis.

If the west is so stupid as to engage in blackmail against iran,then it really should be prepared to be blackmailed in return,dont you think?.:smart:
After all,all`s fair in love and war......and that includes blackmail.:p:
Thats why India didnt sign it in the first place.
This treaty defacto declared P5 as caretakers of the world and other states as their slaves.
We were sanctioned when we became a nuclear power but gradually they had no choice but to accept our new status and the result is 123 civilian nuclear deal with the US and waiver from NSG. Even Japan that had sanctioned us in 97 is one of our most important ally now.
What a naive comment. As if Zarif the cheerleader and Rouhani the paper president have the authority to make such a decision.

This decision lies with SNSC and Rahbar not politicians with limited power.
You are a big clown and a total dumbarse.

Rouhani and Ahmadinejad had completely different nuclear policies during 8 years of ahmadi we had all out progress in missile, space and nuclear techs but during Rouhani time it is 7 years of stupidity and loss. If it wasn't the superme leader reformists had sold everything to west like Libya and Iraq.
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Why Iran, Turkey, Saudis singed this deal in the first place? what benefits you got?
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