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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

Armenia agreed to allow a corridor between Azerbaijan and its exclave nakhchivan. Now armenia is going back on its promise.
Azerbaijan now should take over the remaining armenian areas in nagorno karabakh.
Armenia agreed to allow a corridor between Azerbaijan and its exclave nakhchivan. Now armenia is going back on its promise.
Azerbaijan now should take over the remaining armenian areas in nagorno karabakh.
Iran will not allow
Has anyone ever thought of IRGC attacks against Azerbaijan in the Caspian? A sea war there would also be interesting. If Iran destroys Azerbaijan's remaining oil and gas installations in the Caspian,that would be a big blow to Azerbaijan's economy.
Yeah and you think Iran will go to war for armenians 😀
Fallacy detected - JUMP IN LOGIC. How did you go from his post to concluding that Iran will "go to war for Armenia"? lmao..
Real question is how far is Turkey and Azerbaijan willing to take all of this?

Surely all parties can come to some sensible agreement that doesn't have to resort to bloodshed.
They arent willing to go far, because, THEY JUST CANT. Turkey will get shut up at the border and wont be able to enter militarily in any safe and sizeable way without losing alone, so that leaves Azerbaijan alone..oh sorry, AND ISRAEL. But since Gaza can beat ISrael now, its back to Azerbaijan alone, which means Iran can beat them up and for however long as Iran chooses. Iran can beat up ISrael and Azerbaijan together, as long as NATO and US stay out. EASY!!!
I will admit that Iran is much stronger. It is important to remember that Israel will always have Azerbaijans back. If you mess with Azerbaijan you mess with Israel😎
ha ha ....why should we believe u when ISrael couldnt even have its own back when Gaza was disabling the state of Israel with crude rockets?:D I mean,even PDF was in shock for at least a week over this surprising turn of military fortunes.
You know how the Turks helped the Azeris in the NKR war last year? They had joint exercises in Azerbaijan in the summer and left some F-16s there. They had been preparing the operation for months. During the war,the Georgians let their aircraft pass from Georgian airspace and deliver help and men in Azerbaijan. Now the Turkish airforce is moving stuff to Baku again.
You know how the Turks helped the Azeris in the NKR war last year? They had joint exercises in Azerbaijan in the summer and left some F-16s there. They had been preparing the operation for months. During the war,the Georgians let their aircraft pass from Georgian airspace and deliver help and men in Azerbaijan. Now the Turkish airforce is moving stuff to Baku again.
But Azerbaijan will still have to fight Iran/ Its war, alone. Just like US gave Israel tons of equipment and rockets every year, but when ISrael has to fight its regional enemies, it must do so, alone. Azerbaijan should be very careful, because they wont be able to return to normal once they've crossed certain "red lines". THat state is small and fragile, run by a dictator, once he goes, that might be the end of the state as we know it. in politics, its wise to predict and pre-empt the occurence of unpredictable things.
We must behead sufiyani

Supporter of terrorists in Syria & Iraq

Supporter of war in Azerbaijan
Armenia agreed to allow a corridor between Azerbaijan and its exclave nakhchivan. Now armenia is going back on its promise.
Azerbaijan now should take over the remaining armenian areas in nagorno karabakh.

The exact phrasing of the ceasefire agreement was, in article 9, that:

- All economic and transport connections in the region shall be unblocked.

- The Republic of Armenia shall guarantee the security of transport connections between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

- The Border Guard Service of the Russian Federal Security Service shall be responsible for overseeing the transport connections.

The notion of a corridor may be somewhat ambivalent, since it may imply that the state whose territorial portions are getting interlinked through said corridor, exerts sovereignty over it.

The ceasefire agreement does not stipulate that Armenia must cede sovereignty over a stretch of land to function as a corridor between Nakhjavan and the rest of the Republic of Azarbaijan, but that in order to connect the two territories, unimpeded transport links should be established on land which shall remain part of Armenia.

And in 2021, the two sides entered a dispute over this.

2021 "corridor" dispute

In January 2021 trilateral meeting of Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the issue of opening economic, commercial and transportation links and borders, announcing that a joint working group under the chairmanship of the deputy prime ministers of these countries is formed to work on it.[19] In February 2021, a dispute arose around a clause in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire agreement that provided for unblocking all economic and transport connections in the region, including that between the western regions of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev declared that the ceasefire agreement contained a special provision on the establishment of the “Nakhichevan corridor”.[20] Armenian government and opposition rejected this claim emphasizing that the ceasefire agreement did not contain any provisions for establishing such “corridor”.[14][20][21] In April 2021, Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani people would return to what he described as "West Zangazur" and Azerbaijan's "historic lands" within the borders of Armenia,[22] but that Azerbaijan does not have territorial claims to any foreign country.[23] However, a week later, he warned that Azerbaijan would establish the "Zangezur corridor" by force if Armenia would not accede to the creation of the corridor.[24] The Armenian foreign ministry responded that the country would "take all necessary measures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity." In May 2021, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that while Armenia is not willing to discuss 'corridor logic’, it is keen on opening transport links as it means direct railway communication with Iran and Russia.[25]


Iran for its part is essentially asking the parties to resolve their dispute peacefully. Iran is warning against attempts by Azarbaijan Republic to try and militarily conquer any portion of land in the Zangezur region that according to law is sovereign Armenian territory. Reason being than in such a scenario, Azarbaijan Republic would cut Iran off from its northwestern land access to Russia via Armenian. As a result, Iran would entirely depend on Baku's goodwill for the viability of its own North-South transport corridor.

And that in turn would not be acceptable to Iran, especially given that the Republic of Azarbaijan is allied with Iran's zionist arch-foe and that there's no ironclad guarantee that Baku will permanently allow Iran to use the territory it would thus occupy for transit of goods. Recent actions like the imposition of heavy taxes on Iranian trucks at some other portion of road which passes through Azarbaijani territory, have further contribued to Iran's concerns.
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Turkey holds military drill with Azerbaijan near Iranian border

Azerbaijani-Turkish “Indestructible Brotherhood-2021” military exercises in Nakhchivan continue


“Indestructible Brotherhood-2021” regular exercises of the third army command of the Turkish Armed Forces and the Separate Combined Arms Army of Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan are being held in Nakhchivan, Turkey’s National Defense Ministry said on Twitter on Oct.5.
The exercises which started in Nakhchivan on September 20 will continue until October 8.
Armenia agreed to allow a corridor between Azerbaijan and its exclave nakhchivan. Now armenia is going back on its promise.
Azerbaijan now should take over the remaining armenian areas in nagorno karabakh.

The corridor was part of the agreement if I recall it didn't say anything about Zangazur but I recall a corridor similar like the one that goes to Stepenkart.
The corridor was part of the agreement if I recall it didn't say anything about Zangazur but I recall a corridor similar like the one that goes to Stepenkart.

The term corridor itself is not mentioned in the ceasefire agreement though (I quoted the exact wording of the agreement above). The agreement stipulates that Armenia must establish on its own soil means of transportation linking Nakhjavan with mainland the Republic of Azarbaijan, and keep these routes unblocked. As well that Russian border guards will ensure their security.
The term corridor is not mentioned in the ceasefire agreement though. I quoted the exact words of the agreement above. It basically stipulates that Armenia must establish on its own soil means of transportation between Nakhjavan and mainland the Republic of Azarbaijan, and keep these routes unblocked. As well that Russian border guards will ensure their security.

That is a corridor tho you just put the wording different but it is a corridor. Which will be freely used by both enclaves of Azerbajian and Turkey
That is a corridor tho you just put the wording different but it is a corridor. Which will be freely used by both enclaves of Azerbajian and Turkey

My point is that the agreement does not attribute territorial sovereignty over these transport routes to the Republic of Azarbaijan. They will remain part of Armenian soil.

In the past, the term corridor has in some cases been used for territorial outgrowths belonging to a given state. For example the Danzig Corridor gained by Poland after WW1 was part of Polish territory.


The transport routes called for by the Azarbaijani-Armenian ceasefire agreement however are not meant to be part of Azarbaijani territory.
My point is that the agreement does not attribute territorial sovereignty over these transport routes to the Republic of Azarbaijan. They will remain part of Armenian soil.

This is because in the past, the term corridor has in some cases been used for territorial outgrowths belonging to a state. For example the Danzig Corridor gained by Poland after WW1 was part of Polish territory.


The transport routes which the Azarbaijani-Armenian ceasefire agreement is establishing however are not part of Azarbaijani territory.

I agree thecnically it will remain within Armenia similar to that corridor that links Stepenkart to proper Armenia but still uncontrolled by Armenia. In regards to International law it will be within Armenia
Be sure in a war with azarbijan Israel will use all azarbijan airfields. When f35I F16sufa and F15ES will enter the game with more israeli weaponry near iran border iran sky will be in Israel position in a matter of hours. For the mullah supporter her you should know "what come around goes around". You support hizballah and hamas we support the azari people that always were respectfull to us. Iran have only missiles but their conventional army suck big time. If a State naturaliz this guided missiles (most are short) iran will be in big trouble and Israel know were iran hiding this missiles (like when iran had mysterious fires in some factories). Israel just this week sell 2 billion weaponry to our azari friends and Thier is a talk for 6bilion more. As for iran- Israel kill Iranian almost every week in Syria with no response. Hizballah is in bad position because Lebanon look like Venezuela Syria don't have anything to challenge us and hamas in a cage what make the gaza population angry toward Hamas. We play better chase game then you.
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