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Iran unveils new stealth drone from hazem family in 18 april


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili said the UAV is stealth, enjoys high maneuvering capabilities, and can be used in reconnaissance missions.
it's from hazem family and he described it to be unique in the world.

also new long range drone will be unveiled late in May.
Hoping to see a real prototype and not a mock up like Qaher-313.
you still in shock ? :)
if you have any doubt about Iranian stealth technology you should remember Hezbollah's ayoob, which bypassed NATO,US, and Israel radars, flied in 150km above Israel's iron dome, and finally recognized visually and got hit by 2nth shoot from F16.it's while it's tech belongs to Iran's 10 years ago technology and wasn't classified as stealth.

also i forgot to mention Hazem can be equipped with missile and bombs.
It is so stealthy that I can't even see its any pic or video in your post :lol:

it's so funny to see people like you are so jealous to see others progress.
it was enough that you're country authorities say that they're working on a missile then you were trolling every where about you're super super high tech missile which has no other rival.
you better know that we are those who laugh at you now
you're such a looser.
No, the world didn't knew about F-117 or B-2 until it was already flying in numbers. F-22 and F-35 was irrelevant as it arrived much later than the former two.
do you know the story of B-2?they unveiled it because a cessna pilot illegaly published some photos about what he had seen during the flight right before...
again i believe theres nothing wrong with this unveiling style.
do you know the story of B-2?they unveiled it because a cessna pilot illegaly published some photos about what he had seen during the flight right before...
again i believe theres nothing wrong with this unveiling style.
you are right, it's much better style than being shot by a photographer or an observer, which no body knows if the picture is original, Photoshopped, is from some where else ...etc, and when officials announce it, it has lost the taste already.
Can you people not read?

The title says "Iran unveils new stealth drone from hazem family in 18 april"
which basically means Iran will unviel the drone on 18 april.

They're indian, they don't read. They open their mouths before they open their eyes.

You'll get use to it.
This is not an Iran/India show off,it's about a drone.Stay on topic.
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