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Iran unveiled it's new generation of centrifuges


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Simultaneously with the JCPOA meeting in Vienna, Iran unveiled its new nuclear step and began testing the IR9 centrifuge mechanically for the first time.

This advanced centrifuge with 50-degree enrichment capacity is about 50 times more powerful than IR1 machines and 4 times taller than IR1.

The First image of this Machine appeared on the web

Congrats. Long way to go
Great development. I wanted to open a thread about it but I forgot.

We need to test more IR-9 centrifuges. We need cascades of them, and we have to inject UF6 gas into them to check their actual performance. 50 SWU (UF6 Kg/year) is the theoretical limit. We need to measure its actual output. Even 40 SWU is a very good number for Iran.
Iran Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization Behrouz Kamalvandi: IR-9S and IR-1B (IR-13) Nuclear Uranium Enrichment centrifuge

What is the end goal? Shortening breakout time?
the goal is just to be used as bargaining chip in Vina negotiation and nothing more

Years ago netanyahu barked and said Iran is working on IR-17 and IR-23 centrifuge
now and then, they bring one out and trying to make big sound that this been new achievement and bla bla bla
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here more BS Zareian Assistant to the Cheif Atomic Energy Organization AEOI in 2019 : new Generation of Uranium enrichment centrifuge with power 72 Separative work units (SWU)

meaning IR-11 and now we have Atomic Energy Organization AEOI Cheif Salehi and President going to unveil IR-9 with 50 SWU tomarow
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here more BS Zareian Assistant to the Cheif Atomic Energy Organization AEOI in : new Generation of Uranium enrichment centrifuge with power 72 Separative work units (SWU)

meaning IR-11 and now we have tomic Energy Organization AEOI Cheif Salehi and President going to unveil IR-9 with 50 SWU tomarow
We don't inform western Powers of every achievement dear @yavar and unlike what this Pro West government planned to do, some IRGC related organisations never stopped behind the Scene R&D in nuclear fields.

We are monopoly breakers, if they used it as a bargaining chip then let them do it. Who cares really? Just like IRGC developing of new mobile launched satellite carrier, the true patriots of our country are moving in the right direction.
Simultaneously with the JCPOA meeting in Vienna, Iran unveiled its new nuclear step and began testing the IR9 centrifuge mechanically for the first time.

This advanced centrifuge with 50-degree enrichment capacity is about 50 times more powerful than IR1 machines and 4 times taller than IR1.

The First image of this Machine appeared on the web
View attachment 732404

Congrats. Long way to go
Iran also has a centrifuge based on Pakistan Gaseous centrifuge if I am not wrong..
Yes Iran copied them and made them Bigger and more advanced. The First centrifuges imported by Iran were Pakistani ones.
IRAN got the early version and Pakistan has also made em more powerful eg bigger and more advance and Iran did not copy Pakistani centrifuges 🤦‍♂️ Pakistan provided Iran with the centrifuges through TOT hence Iran knew everything about em and then both countries advanced those respectively..
Yes, you're right. Iran's first two generations of centrifuges (IR-1 and IR-2) were copies of P-1 and P-2. AQ Khan provided us with the blueprints.
So this IR-9 is a modern version of IR1 or is it like a new design ? 🤔
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